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Bannon to be co-#2 in WH policy making

Bannon is clearly the scariest part of the Trump presidency.

The guy is a self-proclaimed "Leninist". He said "Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that's my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today's establishment."

A quick Google search indicates this quote was off the record, Bannon claims to not remember meeting him, and the guy who wrote this per his bio is part of the communist American party, I get this right?

Sounds legit
This thread is golden hysteria. Great read. All these liberals with their panties in a wad scared to death of a mild mannered humanitarian like Trump.

Trump is a puppy dog just trying to get a long with all the loonies on the left.

Protesting election results will just make sure that people never listen to the left wing of the Dem party.
A quick Google search indicates this quote was off the record, Bannon claims to not remember meeting him, and the guy who wrote this per his bio is part of the communist American party, I get this right?

Sounds legit

So because it was "off the record" it doesn't matter? If that's what he truly believes then that's what he's going to tell Trump/try to influence.

I agree that the source is interesting given it's Ronald Radosh.
Bannon wants to rape our cities and pillage our women, and yet you make excuses?
I'm just curious what happens to Anthony Foxx. I'll chip in part of his salary if it means he ends up as the driver of his streetcar to nowhere.
So because it was "off the record" it doesn't matter? If that's what he truly believes then that's what he's going to tell Trump/try to influence.

I agree that the source is interesting given it's Ronald Radosh.

Well it makes it unverifiable for one
Unverifiable but there seem to be a lot of "red flags" with this guy.
Unverifiable but there seem to be a lot of "red flags" with this guy.

Usually where there's smoke there's fire, sure. But in this case it's just a dude running a news media site people are opposed to so there's also a high likelihood of exaggeration for political purposes. You'd think there'd be more evidence than anyone's been able to provide
You aren't even close on this one:


"During Bannon’s reign over Breitbart, the website ran articles referring to conservative commentator Bill Kristol as a “renegade Jew” and Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum as “a Polish, Jewish, American elitist scorned.” Former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro accused the site of embracing “a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism,” and Bannon’s ex-wife has testified in court that Bannon has “said he doesn’t like Jews” and didn’t want his children to go to school with Jews.

Jonathan Franks, the political director and executive producer for “The Montel Williams Show,” has said on Twitter that his sources at the pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee are “privately apoplectic” about Bannon’s appointment."



"Jonathan Greenblatt ✔ @JGreenblattADL
We at @ADL_National oppose the appt of Steve Bannon to sr role at @WhiteHouse bc he & his alt-right are so hostile to core American values
6:09 PM - 13 Nov 2016"

"Jonathan Franks ✔ @jonfranks
Sources: @AIPAC is privately apoplectic about Steve Bannon appointment
5:32 PM - 13 Nov 2016 · Los Angeles, CA"


But at least David Duke supports Bannon having this power.


That was an actual thing? Political director for the Montel Williams show?

Cool, then I'm the policy director and cultural affairs czar for the Jerry Springer show. When the media wants to slant something, they will cite a quote from a fucking tree.

Bannon is red meat to the right to shut them up because Trump has to keep some of Obamacare and can't follow through on a lot of his promises. He's going to be walking a very thin tightrope. Wake the fuck up you crying butthurt liberal ninnies, it's politics.
You don't think the liberals equating trump and his main advisors as clan leaders is dangerous and reckless?

As we have shown from multiple links, Trump's Co #2 has long-term and direct ties to the white supremacist alt right. It's not reckless. It's 100% accurate.
Anyone openly denying the "alt right" and Breitbart having a part of stoking that fire is naive. Do a fucking Twitter search and you can find a lot of awful shit posted by them every hour on the hour.

Here's a snippet of how they attacked one of trumps opponents who happens to be a conservative:

"I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a “niglet” and a “dindu.” The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with “black bucks.” People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching.

When we both publicized some of the racist attacks — I in National Review and Nancy in the Washington Post — things took a far more ominous turn. Late the next evening — while Nancy was, fortunately, offline attending a veterans’ charity event in D.C. — the darker quarters of the alt-right found her Patheos blog. Several different accounts began posting images and GIFs of extreme violence in her comments section."


That was an actual thing? Cool, then I'm the policy director and cultural affairs czar for the Jerry Springer show. When the media wants to slant something, they will cite a quote from a fucking tree.

Bannon is red meat to the right to shut them up because Trump has to keep some of Obamacare and can't follow through on a lot of his promises. He's going to be walking a very thin tightrope. Wake the fuck up you crying butthurt liberal ninnies, it's politics.

I was getting ready to type something similar to this. It would be more polite and less clear so thanks.

That was an actual thing? Political director for the Montel Williams show?

Cool, then I'm the policy director and cultural affairs czar for the Jerry Springer show. When the media wants to slant something, they will cite a quote from a fucking tree.

Bannon is red meat to the right to shut them up because Trump has to keep some of Obamacare and can't follow through on a lot of his promises. He's going to be walking a very thin tightrope. Wake the fuck up you crying butthurt liberal ninnies, it's politics.

This piece of scum should have never entered the conversation to start. Then he's not the red meat you need to throw to the far right.
As we have shown from multiple links, Trump's Co #2 has long-term and direct ties to the white supremacist alt right. It's not reckless. It's 100% accurate.

You mean the link you and all the media sites go with that somehow has a Jew bashing another Jew for not being Jewish enough is somehow anti-semitic? That's why you don't highlight and start off with the jackass argument, It makes any legit evidence seem retarded as well.
Anyone openly denying the "alt right" and Breitbart having a part of stoking that fire is naive. Do a fucking Twitter search and you can find a lot of awful shit posted by them every hour on the hour.

Here's a snippet of how they attacked one of trumps opponents who happens to be a conservative:

"I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a “niglet” and a “dindu.” The alt-right unleashed on my wife, Nancy, claiming that she had slept with black men while I was deployed to Iraq, and that I loved to watch while she had sex with “black bucks.” People sent her pornographic images of black men having sex with white women, with someone photoshopped to look like me, watching.

When we both publicized some of the racist attacks — I in National Review and Nancy in the Washington Post — things took a far more ominous turn. Late the next evening — while Nancy was, fortunately, offline attending a veterans’ charity event in D.C. — the darker quarters of the alt-right found her Patheos blog. Several different accounts began posting images and GIFs of extreme violence in her comments section."


The Twitter alt-right people are pretty awful. Most of them changed their named to "deplorable" something with pepe the frog emoji and a whitewashed profile pic.
so you're for the Senate confirming Garland, right? and all the other appointments they held up the past 8 years?

To follow up on my other post, I voted for the President twice and just voted for Clinton. I think what 'pubs did in terms of obstructionism was abhorrent, and find all the smug "HARRY REID AND JOE BIDEN DID IT" bullshit to be just that.

But the reality is that Trump won. Best I can tell, he didn't cheat, it wasn't rigged, and America, for better or worse, knew who it was voting for. If I had to bet, I would bet things will suck for the next 4 years. But a) we have to give him a chance to govern; and b) the left losing their shit about Trump doesn't help improve the discourse- it just makes the dipshits on the right have that much more ammunition to be fucksticks the next time a Democrat wins.
To follow up on my other post, I voted for the President twice and just voted for Clinton. I think what 'pubs did in terms of obstructionism was abhorrent, and find all the smug "HARRY REID AND JOE BIDEN DID IT" bullshit to be just that.

But the reality is that Trump won. Best I can tell, he didn't cheat, it wasn't rigged, and America, for better or worse, knew who it was voting for. If I had to bet, I would bet things will suck for the next 4 years. But a) we have to give him a chance to govern; and b) the left losing their shit about Trump doesn't help improve the discourse- it just makes the dipshits on the right have that much more ammunition to be fucksticks the next time a Democrat wins.

Exactly right. Once you introduce a tactic into the normal-course it typically doesn't go away. This is how things tend to escalate towards violence over time.