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Wikileaks CIA doc dump

Putin, fake universities, treason, racist, fraud, liar, dumb, fake hair, wifes a stripper, misogynist, sexual offender, pedophile, xenophobic, nazi, hitler, incest, anti-semite, orange orangutan, son attacked and diagnosed by celebs for autism, mentally insane or medically crazy that wants to destroy the planet and loves being pissed on by hookers.
He has hollywood railing against him, media at war with him and fought both parties. Obama and the Clinton war machine couldn't beat him.

I know you guys think Obama got some attacks but holy fuck the dems need to take a fucking breath. Honestly, it is a hysteria that is only pushing middle class and independents further away. its sickening.

First of all, a lot of the shit in that list is legit. Putin, fake universities, fraud, liar, and misyoginist...all true with evidence out there. Some of the others are up for debate...treason, racist, Xenophobe. Several are clearly hyperbolic attacks like Hitler. Then time will tell for the others like getting peed on by hookers.

But let's just say all of those are bullshit and you're right. Where are you seeing indies and middle class voters breaking for trump? Is that a hunch or do you have data to back it up?

Wikileaks has joined the Trump Administration (Foreign Policy Magazine)

It is significant, therefore, that one of the major storylines to emerge from the latest WikiLeaks release is that the CIA supposedly has a program to reuse computer codes from foreign hackers, thus disguising CIA fingerprints on a hacking operation. Never mind that there is no evidence that the codes used to break into the DNC were part of this CIA database. Right-wing outlets are nevertheless trumpeting these revelations with headlines such as this one on Breitbart: “WikiLeaks: CIA Uses ‘Stolen’ Malware to ‘Attribute’ Cyberattacks to Nations Like Russia.” Russian-controlled Internet “bots” are also said to be playing up these claims online.The implication is clear. Trump was a victim of a “false flag” operation wherein CIA hackers broke into the DNC and blamed the Russians. This may be nutty, but it’s eminently believable to an audience conditioned to believe that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged — favorite tropes of the radio talk-show host Alex Jones, whose work Trump has praised. Other WikiLeaks revelations — for instance, that the CIA can use Samsung smart TVs as listening devices — lend further credence to Trump’s charge that he was secretly wiretapped.

Approached by BuzzFeed News as he left to get into a car waiting round the corner, Farage said he couldn’t remember what he had been doing in the building.

Putin, fake universities, treason, racist, fraud, liar, dumb, fake hair, wifes a stripper, misogynist, sexual offender, pedophile, xenophobic, nazi, hitler, incest, anti-semite, orange orangutan, son attacked and diagnosed by celebs for autism, mentally insane or medically crazy that wants to destroy the planet and loves being pissed on by hookers.
He has hollywood railing against him, media at war with him and fought both parties. Obama and the Clinton war machine couldn't beat him.

I know you guys think Obama got some attacks but holy fuck the dems need to take a fucking breath. Honestly, it is a hysteria that is only pushing middle class and independents further away. its sickening.

So I pulled Trumps approval ratings from Gallup daily because I was actually curious to see where the trend is going. Here's what I found:

By party: mostly flat, overall indies are down slightly since inauguration but there is a slight tick up since early feb

By income (segmented by less than 2k monthly income, 2-5k, 5-7.5k, and 7.5+): flat for those making less than 2k/month, downward trends on middle groups, upward trend on highest group



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Who is in the last picture?
The Fuse Is Burning

"2. Around noon today, someone tipped off Buzzfeed (tip is my surmise but how else would they know to be there?) that Nigel Farage was meeting with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London where Assange been holed up since 2012 to avoid questioning and possible arrest on a sexual assault accusation in Sweden. Farage is a close ally and advisor to President Trump. He has been regularly visiting Washington and New York since Trump's election and meets with Trump regularly. We don't know what the two men were discussing. But Farage's whole world right now is Trump, Trump and breaking apart the EU.

3. Some time after noon in London, Farage emerged from the Embassy. Buzzfeed photographed him and asked what he was doing there. Farage refused to say. “I never discuss where I go or who I see.”

4. A short time later, a source with the UK Independence Party, the party Farage until recently led, confirmed to The Independent that Farage was meeting with Assange and had met with him for about 40 minutes.

5. This afternoon UK time, Assange holds a press conference discussing his new batch of CIA documents and promising more revelations.

6. During Sean Spicer's daily press briefing, an AP reporter asks Spicer about the Farage/Assange meeting and whether he carrying a message from President Trump. Spicer basically ducked the question. But when asked specifically whether Farage was "delivering a message" from Trump, Spicer replied: "I have no idea.""

Has Hannity renounced his citizenship yet? It sure looks like he's on the path.

Dude is off his rocker.

hannity cracks me up; cabbie in HI was listening to his radio show while we were on our way from Pearl Harbor and he's going off on republican traitors or some shit and then slides right into a commercial for some weight loss/bloating wonder drug. what a putz
Unfortunately, Hannity has 12.5 million people that listen to him. It blows my mind when I look at radio ratings and there are 2 NPR shows in the top 4, but the other 2 are Limbaugh and Hannity. How anyone could listen to "Morning Addition", and say "this is fake news, give me more Limbaugh" is staggering to me. NPR did a segment during the election on how dedicated Hannity's listeners are, and how they take his word as gospel. He's been on the Trump train the entire time, and it has paid off bigly for him.

As for attacking the "deep state", that seems to be dangerously close to an attack on checks and balances.

Also, wouldn't a "deep state saboteur" be against said deep state? Is Hannity saying he wants a larger deep state?
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