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Paranormal Activities

Yeah, he was a Justice of the Peace and also a County Commissioner. It really makes it annoying looking through the old property cards, because his name is on 1/3 of them that were done over a 40 year period. I've got all of his property singled out and found out that the house went up for auction after he died in 1889. I'm working on the connection between that sale and how it eventually got into Milt Livengoods family.
I have a personal request for the Triangle Deacs. It would be a huge help if someone could find a picture of the delegates from the 1868 NC State Convention. It was a pretty huge event, its where NC ratified its new constitution after the Civil War and I'd assume somewhere there would be pictures of the delegates. I need to see if there is a picture somewhere of Delegate Hobbs. I've got a description of the ghost seen in the house from the renters, and I need to see if it resembles Dr Hobbs. My searching from here has come up empty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've gone through the NC State Archives online photo gallery and found nothing there. I already have a commitment this Saturday, but I think I could go down to the archives next Saturday morning and do some research there & see if sketches were done or photos taken of the delegates.
I've gone through the NC State Archives online photo gallery and found nothing there. I already have a commitment this Saturday, but I think I could go down to the archives next Saturday morning and do some research there & see if sketches were done or photos taken of the delegates.

Thanks! I'll owe you a growler at the ND game. All my online searches have come up with nothing.

What's the description of the ghost?

The youngest daughter saw a large, gruff, mean looking man with a large forehead and a large nose. He was wearing a button up shirt, with long sleeves and suspenders.
What's the description of the ghost?

Whatever it is, you can goddamn guarantee that as soon as they dig up the pic of Old Milt from 1868, it will be the SPITTING IMAGE of the ghost. The Wiccan kid seent it! He seent it!
The Wicca part of this story is what needs to be focused on. Thats where your ghost/demon/spirit is coming from
The Wicca part of this story is what needs to be focused on. Thats where your ghost/demon/spirit is coming from

Seriously! It's a boy witch for chrissakes! Of course he is channeling the spirit of a demon and being possessed. No doubt about it. It's really the only explanation for any of this. I mean, just look at these Wiccans, up to no good, conjuring evil spirits:

As promised albeit a little late, here are the notes from the interview with the parents last week. Sorry for the format and how it jumps around, this is the responses they gave as we were asking them questions.

Lived in the house for 3 years (2008-2011)
Shortly after moving in, previously family stopped by to talk to current renters.
Told them of incident where their youngest child was pushed down stairs in old part of house.
Mostly nothing happened.
Feel certain there are at least two different entities.
After moving in, they mostly heard hard knocking at the front door in the old part of the house, kitchen cabinets slamming.
Lights would turn off and on, they heard footsteps, always in old part.
Feel like it was benevolent at first, but changed to malicious over time.
The more attention they would give it, the worse things got.
In new part, they had a video that picked up male voices.
Didn’t feel safe keeping video, so it was destroyed quite a while ago.
Has been prayed over and blessed by pastor and members from Hillsdale UMC
Things got better for a while, but came back worse.
The family refused to sleep upstairs in the old part.
Most of the activity was in the upstairs front corner bedroom.
A guest was pushed down in the upstairs hallway.
Around 3am one night, 17 yo son couldn’t sleep one night, was sitting at dining table and heard a rushing of wind and what he described as a “loud whisper” in a woman’s voice
Unable to distinguish all but the last word which was either “you or U”
Happened in early summer
Was followed by a loud rattling of the china cabinet
Late one March night/early one morning, wife/mother heard something upstairs and went to check it out.
Saw a male figure looking around bedroom door in front corner room, looking into hallway.
Doesn’t think it was human.
Was dark in color, but couldn’t see distinguishable features.
Described figure like the “demons in the movie Ghost”
One day, 17yo son walked upstairs and ceiling fan was running full blast.
Upon reaching top of stairwell, the blades suddenly stopped, without slowing down, just stopped cold.
At night, parents heard 6-7 loud footsteps in upstairs corner bedroom.
On night, youngest daughter was in middle upstairs bedroom getting ready for bed.
Saw something in the mirror.
Dog saw/felt it as well, and was growling and was very defensive.
Dog is generally well mannered and doesn’t bark or growl at anything
The dog snapped at the daughter (never done before or since)
The next night, as daughter was sitting on the side of bed combing hair, something violently pulled her hair.
Occurred in a colder month, not sure if fall or winter.
Daughter saw figure walking in hallway upstairs.
Was large, mean looking man with a lg forehead and lg nose
Wore button up, long sleeved shirt and suspenders.
The youngest daughter was the first to notice the happenings, and started when she was 7 or 8 years old.
While in the house, the family members couldn’t talk or express feelings with regard to the events in the house.
Would get lump in throat when trying to talk about it.
Would feel heavy pressure on chest and couldn’t talk
While alone in bed one night, mother felt something grab her ankles.
Whatever it was slowly started working its way up her legs.
Didn’t violate her, but stopped in between hips and knees.
Two youngest children had the worst/most interactions with the entities.
17 yo son has had faith issues.
Started dating a girl who was goth and began doing Wiccan ceremonies.
Once he started dating her, things got worse and kept getting progressively worse.
Preformed at least once séance, but unsure if in the house or not.
Family had made decision to move their stuff out of the house, and were trying to make arrangements for another place to live.
Things got better at that time.
Last night in the house, 17 yo son was talking to mother saying he didn’t want to leave the house, and was naming renovations and things he’d like them to do to the house.
He suddenly became violently ill and went into a seizure.
Called 911, and EMS personnel said house felt heavy and burdensome.
Removed him from the house and things slowly got better.
Taken to WFBH and after multiple days of testing, no definitive cause given. Was diagnosed as Grand Mal seizure.
Since being removed from the house, he has had no recurrences or any other health issues.
17 yo son has had faith issues.
Started dating a girl who was goth and began doing Wiccan ceremonies.
Once he started dating her, things got worse and kept getting progressively wor

He started dating a goth girl. Why is it always the goth girls?
17 yo son has had faith issues.
Started dating a girl who was goth and began doing Wiccan ceremonies.
Once he started dating her, things got worse and kept getting progressively worse.

There's only one person capable of remedying this situation:

Any chance you would be able to speak to the tenants prior to the last family? Why is Milt still believed to be one of the spirits?
Any chance you would be able to speak to the tenants prior to the last family? Why is Milt still believed to be one of the spirits?

I'm working with the rental agency to get in touch with the previous tenants. No solid leads yet.
How could people stick around long enough to produce a list that long? My list would be 2 lines:

1. Freaky shit happened
2. I moved out of the house