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Sandusky Gets 30 Years

Al Golden would be arguing stepping into a worse situation than he'd be leaving at da U. It's one thing to deal with boosters who pay a lot of money to hang out with 18-22 year old football players. It's even worse to deal with a culture that covered up molestation of 10-14 year old boys.
yeah joe paterno really fucked up. He should've watched CIS Miami and then solved the mystery of what happened himself
When asked in 1999 why Sandusky wouldn't be named his heir apparent, JoePa replied "We had a long list of names, but Jerry always seemed to be coming in a little behind."
This story really bothers me. It probably is the most disturbing sports scandal I've ever heard.

I can't get over the fact that the guy had a charity for underprivileged youth and used said charity to have easier access to children. Horrific.
yeah joe paterno really fucked up. He should've watched CIS Miami and then solved the mystery of what happened himself

My guess is that he heard the story from the graduate assistant, wasn't sure whether to believe it, but passed it along to his superior to let him investigate. Until I hear some testimony of exactly what JoePa was told, exactly what he told his boss, and exactly what else happened / didn't happen after that I can't say he didn't act accordingly.

Honestly if I was a head coach, and somebody told me one of my assistant coaches I'd known for 20+ years was banging some kid in the showers I'd be skeptical. I do wonder whether Joe believed the story at all, or just thought it wasn't true. We'll find out in a few weeks/months I'm sure.
My guess is that he heard the story from the graduate assistant, wasn't sure whether to believe it, but passed it along to his superior to let him investigate. Until I hear some testimony of exactly what JoePa was told, exactly what he told his boss, and exactly what else happened / didn't happen after that I can't say he didn't act accordingly.

Honestly if I was a head coach, and somebody told me one of my assistant coaches I'd known for 20+ years was banging some kid in the showers I'd be skeptical. I do wonder whether Joe believed the story at all, or just thought it wasn't true. We'll find out in a few weeks/months I'm sure.

You'd be skeptical even though that same assistant was accused of the same shit a few years earlier?
You'd be skeptical even though that same assistant was accused of the same shit a few years earlier?

No, I'd only be skeptical if it was the first time I'd heard anything like that and the allegations came completely as a surprise.

This is per the ESPN article:

But Paterno said in his statement that McQueary had not been specific with him.

"As my grand jury testimony stated," Joe Paterno said in the statement, "I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report.

I'm sure it will come out exactly what McQueary said to JoePa. Was he specific? Did he tell JoePa it looked like the guy was having sex with a minor. Because if some guy came to me and said he was SURE he saw a 60 year old guy raping a kid I'd do more than go to my supervisor. I'd make sure he never came back to campus ever again and I'd probably follow up with my boss to make sure police got involved.
No, I'd only be skeptical if it was the first time I'd heard anything like that and the allegations came completely as a surprise.

This is per the ESPN article:

But Paterno said in his statement that McQueary had not been specific with him.

"As my grand jury testimony stated," Joe Paterno said in the statement, "I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report.

I'm sure it will come out exactly what McQueary said to JoePa. Was he specific? Did he tell JoePa it looked like the guy was having sex with a minor. Because if some guy came to me and said he was SURE he saw a 60 year old guy raping a kid I'd do more than go to my supervisor. I'd make sure he never came back to campus ever again and I'd probably follow up with my boss to make sure police got involved.

Okay, but the GJ specifically states what the McQueary saw, so if you are believing Paterno's statement then the GA saw the event, was so distressed that he went with his father to tell Jopa about it, but only told him vaguely what he saw. He then later told Curley and Schultz more specifically what he saw without Paterno being present...
No, I'd only be skeptical if it was the first time I'd heard anything like that and the allegations came completely as a surprise.

And Sandusky "retired" in 1999 as a result of a similar allegation. This story reeks, and there is no way that Paterno just had no idea.....a fucking high school did what PSU couldn't do and stopped this guy from terrorizing kids...
This is a weird side note to this story. A lot of folks might be familiar with the story of Ray Gricar- he's a DA who disappeared and there have been a number of tv programs about him.
Gricar was reported missing to authorities after failing to return home from a road trip. His car was found in Lewisburg with his cell phone inside, and his laptop computer was found in the adjacent Susquehanna River; other than that, very little trace of Gricar has been found.
Anyway, he was the guy who decided not to prosecute Sandusky in 1998.
When the victim returned home with his hair wet, his mother called police, who investigated the case. They labeled it unfounded in June 1998 after then-District Attorney Ray Gricar decided there wasn’t enough evidence to bring charges.

Before that happened, Gricar had police hide out in the mother’s home while Sandusky came over to explain what happened. The boy’s mother tried to make Sandusky promise he would never again shower with a boy but he would not make that promise.

Sandusky said, “I understand I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won’t get it from you. I wish I were dead.”

Jerry Lauro, an investigator with the state Department of Welfare, which oversees CYS, testified that Sandusky admitted to showering naked and hugging the victim and admitted it was wrong.

Another boy, who was present in the shower and was touched in a similar way, could not be subpoenaed because he is serving in the military.
No, I'd only be skeptical if it was the first time I'd heard anything like that and the allegations came completely as a surprise.

This is per the ESPN article:

But Paterno said in his statement that McQueary had not been specific with him.

"As my grand jury testimony stated," Joe Paterno said in the statement, "I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report.

I'm sure it will come out exactly what McQueary said to JoePa. Was he specific? Did he tell JoePa it looked like the guy was having sex with a minor. Because if some guy came to me and said he was SURE he saw a 60 year old guy raping a kid I'd do more than go to my supervisor. I'd make sure he never came back to campus ever again and I'd probably follow up with my boss to make sure police got involved.

You'll find that in the court document (presentment I think it's called) it appears that Joe Paterno told the AD that Sandusky was fondling a child in the shower. He knew this wasn't horseplay or something that could be explained away as merely be inappropriate.
AP The Associated Press
BREAKING NEWS: Penn State board says Curley, Schultz stepping down after allegations of sex abuse scandal, cover-up.
Spanier gave them his unconditional support. Only a matter of time until he becomes the next casualty.
I think that it is plausible that the GA told Paterno exactly what he saw (i.e. anal rape) and Paterno ,due to the massive generational gap between he and the GA, had no idea what he was talking about and therefore just called it horseplay.
I see it as Paterno and this guy were friends for a long time. So when Paterno hears this, he probably doesn't believe it/doesn't know what to do. So he passes what he heard along to his superior who can make a better judgement, actually call for an investigation/call the cops, etc. Imagine calling the cops on a longtime friend on something this potentially damaging if not true just off word of mouth. I think it'd be very hard to do, especially because I'd imagine it'd be hard to imagine a friend being this incredibly depraved. So I think going to his superior with it wasn't the wrong thing to do, the AD is the one who tried to cover it up.
I see it as Paterno and this guy were friends for a long time. So when Paterno hears this, he probably doesn't believe it/doesn't know what to do. So he passes what he heard along to his superior who can make a better judgement, actually call for an investigation/call the cops, etc. Imagine calling the cops on a longtime friend on something this potentially damaging if not true just off word of mouth. I think it'd be very hard to do, especially because I'd imagine it'd be hard to imagine a friend being this incredibly depraved. So I think going to his superior with it wasn't the wrong thing to do, the AD is the one who tried to cover it up.

Consider two things:

1) McQueary played at Penn State. He was a star player for 2 years. In other words, Paterno knew McQueary on a first hand basis and thought enough of him to offer him the graduate assistant-ship.

2) After this incident, Paterno then promoted McQueary to full time assistant after the graduate assistant-ship had ended. This means he trusted McQueary. Are you going to promote someone who you think lied to you? Or someone who witnessed a crime of this nature and didn't have the guts to go to the authorities?