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Search results

  1. S

    Men who have cheated

    Maybe she was just looking for a place to smoke her rock while her daughter was taking care of business.
  2. S

    Men who have cheated

    Is that really so unusual? And DSD, I don't think she was looking for a glass of water. You probably didn't see her, but a crack ho opening closed doors and entering dark rooms in a strange house at 3am is looking for shit to steal, not something to quench her thirst. She probably had a...
  3. S

    Men who have cheated

    Jesus Christ.
  4. S

    Cool things your friends have done that you're jealous of

    Thats awesome, he's a good guy, glad to hear he's doing well. The second one sounds like a pretty sweet setup as well.
  5. S

    Anyone have an X5?

    I'm open to Cayenne if you are looking to get rid of another one DSD. On a side note, I just got back from the dealership and they refused to give me a loaner car. Because my license is expired. Does GA not send you a notification that your license is expiring?
  6. S

    Anyone have an X5?

    Thanks, that is good info. I have a BMW now that just came off the CPO, and that is a big issue for me. Right now I'm waiting for a callback from the service advisor for an oil leak, and I fear a clutch replacement is not too far down the line. I love the car, but prefer to have a warranty as...
  7. S

    Anyone have an X5?

    Thoughts on this vehicle or comparable other SUVs? Will probably be looking for something in the 2007-2010 range.
  8. S

    What's the most chicks you ever fooled around with in one day?

    For me it is 1, and I should clarify that is 1 on a good day. Interesting to see how many on an internet message board are players (by their claims at least).
  9. S

    Ideal age for taking kids to Disney?

    Thanks for the responses. Seems pretty unanimous. As for the tags/name, I had to google it to see what the alternate meaning was. I was ready for a change from the username on the old boards and not very creative, so went with the name of the restaurant I was having lunch from when I signed...
  10. S

    Ideal age for taking kids to Disney?

    I've never been there but the wife and I are considering taking our 2 1/2 year old. For those who have been, will a 2 1/2 year old get much out of it or would it be better to save the money and go somewhere else and go to Disney in a year or two instead? I'm also a little concerned about the...
  11. S

    Dumb/Awesome Stuff You Did as a Kid

    A friend and I used to make amateur versions of pipe bombs. We would use pvc pipe with end caps sealed and pack it full of match heads and other flammables. They made a pretty big explosion. One day we are in his basement finishing one up and realize we forgot to drill a hole in the pipe for...
  12. S

    Billionaire builds sex cave under mansion

    "Mr Nicholas’s consumption of marijuana was so prodigious that during a 2001 flight on a private jet between Orange County and Las Vegas the pilot had to put on an oxygen mask"
  13. S

    Now her story has changed. Alleged sexual assault thread.

    We obviously don't know all of the details, and her story certainly does raise some questions, but on some level (probably the parent in me) I am sympathetic to what she has experienced/is experiencing. Hopefully Wake, Clark, and this girl can all move forward without letting this black cloud...
  14. S

    IMF leader charged in NYC with secual assault

    He may have bigger problems. Its being reported that she lives in an apartment for HIV patients... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/05/18/maid-allegedly-assaulted-imf-chief-reportedly-lives-apartment-hiv-patients/
  15. S

    Dual monitor setup

    I have that setup now, but it seems kind of awkward to go from a 22" widescreen to a laptop monitor and seems like it would be smoother and easier on the eyes to have two identical monitors side by side.
  16. S

    Dual monitor setup

    I'm finally getting around to setting up dual monitors in my office. Not being very technologically inclined, I'd appreciate any suggestions. In looking around, I found this one that looks pretty good and is fairly inexpensive...
  17. S

    New Tony Woods Article

    The important question that seems to have gone unanswered is whether or not she deserved a beating.
  18. S

    Back injuries

    Interesting that so many have had surgery. The doctor told me something like only 4% of herniated disks require surgery. I'm viewing that as last resort, but man is it debilitating when the pain is at its worst.
  19. S

    Back injuries

    After suffering for 2 weeks I went to the doctor yesterday and it turns out I have a herniated disk. Anyone experience this or have any suggestions? Obviously I'm going to do what the doctor says (medicine & physical therapy) but wondered what experience others have had. And for you younger...
  20. S

    Women who date/marry obviously gay guys

    What is the guy in the center of the picture grabbing? He looks blissful.