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Star Wars thread (The Acolyte)

I'm just sad. Something I love deeply has been so watered down and poorly-handled by its big-budgeted stewards.

Still fun and entertaining. And I saw a little girl in the theater dressed up as a rebel fighter pilot which was never really a thing when I was growing up. So that's pretty cool.

If I had any interest at all in this I could make bank as a behind-the-scenes screenplay fixer.
I get that certain people aren't huggers (I have friends such as that) and their wishes should be respected. Even among that group of people, there is only a small subset that wouldn't hug in that situation.

These are two people that had an apparent physical relationship in the past and obviously care for each other. They just saved the universe, but aren't going to hug?

Nobody is being forced to do anything. It just came off as not very realistic.

I didn’t get the sense they had a physical relationship in the past.
i thought it was totally not a big deal. Which is how same-sex relationships should be addressed, in most contexts, in 2019. there is nothing wrong with subtly affirming a portion of the fan base. The fact that folks like ELC are butt hurt about it says much more about them than it does about the movie.".

Never said it was a big deal. Said it was stupid and pandering. A no win situation of Disney’s own creation that could’ve been avoided. There are plenty of people who aren’t alt right homophobic neo fascist assholes who share this sentiment.
People are posting on message boards and Twitter and whatnot about how awful it was that two unnamed extras kissed each other in the background of a crowd scene. If it's not a big deal, why bother to comment on it at all? Or maybe there are other minor things in the background of the movie that you are also annoyed by and just haven't posted about yet?
I didn’t get the sense they had a physical relationship in the past.
So she went from wanting to kill him to giving him her most valued posession in 5 minutes of screen time and that didn't give you an indication that they had been pretty close in the past?
So she went from wanting to kill him to giving him her most valued posession in 5 minutes of screen time and that didn't give you an indication that they had been pretty close in the past?

I got the impression they had been through some shit fighting together but not a physical relationship. Keep in mind that she thought her most valued possession could help Poe defeat the First Order.

Hard to argue against your interpretation though. I only had one viewing and she was an underdeveloped character introduced during some awful pacing.
More like she thought the medallion would help them rescue Chewbacca
I got the impression they had been through some shit fighting together but not a physical relationship. Keep in mind that she thought her most valued possession could help Poe defeat the First Order.

Hard to argue against your interpretation though. I only had one viewing and she was an underdeveloped character introduced during some awful pacing.

Even if there wasn't a physical relationship, she confided in him and asked him to join her, and then gave him her most valuable possession when he talked about having to stay in the resistance. She obviously believed in him and was comfortable going off with him to do their thing.

Then she risks her life to help him beat the Empire and when they do and meet up she doesn't take off her helmet and is like "check you on the flip side"

To me, that didn't ring true at all.
Isn't another explanation, though, that Poe isn't as desirable as he finds himself?
Disappointing, but not surprising. A study published in November 2018 found that many anti-TLJ tweets were from Russian trolls.


Specifically, this study examines a collection of tweets relating to a much-publicized fan dispute over the Star Wars franchise film Episode VII: The Last Jedi. This study finds evidence of deliberate, organized political influence measures disguised as fan arguments. The likely objective of these measures is increasing media coverage of the fandom conflict, thereby adding to and further propagating a narrative of widespread discord and dysfunction in American society. Persuading voters of this narrative remains a strategic goal for the U.S. alt-right movement, as well as the Russian Federation. The results of this study show that among those who address The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson directly on Twitter to express their dissatisfaction, more than half are bots, trolls/sock puppets or political activists using the debate to propagate political messages supporting extreme right-wing causes and the discrimination of gender, race or sexuality. A number of these users appear to be Russian trolls. The paper concludes that while it is only a minority of Twitter accounts that tweet negatively about The Last Jedi, organized attempts at politicizing the pop culture discourse on social media for strategic purposes are significant enough that users should be made aware of these measures, so they can act accordingly.

Good NYT piece about how division over Star Wars reflects division in our country.
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I'm not surprised that Russian and alt-right trolls were pushing a lot of that stuff. The amount of hate directed at the actress that plays Rose in particular was just ridiculous.

The Rise of Skywalker was entertaining enough, but no arguing that it had a lot of problems. The whole trilogy felt like they didn't have any idea of where they were intending to go and included a lot of characters who were not developed and whose storylines went no where. I think you could skip the The Last Jedi altogether and wouldn't miss much from the overall plot of the trilogy.

Making every star destroyer as powerful as a Death Star and making Force users too overpowered is something Disney needs to be careful with going into furture projects.
You can skip The Last Jedi because JJ Abrams basically retconned it out of the trilogy. The safe path was to loosely mirror the plot arc of the original trilogy (and the second trilogy, for that matter) and that's precisely what JJ Abrams did with his two entries. For all of the whining about TLJ, it was at least trying to do something new.
Something new? The Last Jedi was just a bad knock off of Empire Strikes Back.
This hug / same sex kiss debate is one of the dumbest things discussed on these RJKarl boards.
the movie was not very good. messy, lazy, confused plot and retread ending. as if we needed more proof to put the it as squarely 2nd Place sci-fi IP
too much of the movie was reversing themes of the 2nd movie.
So I assume there will be less debate about the Mandalorian Season 1 finale.

Excited for season 2. It’s like a mini-movie every week.