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Star Wars thread (The Acolyte)

I don't thi k it was the whim of the director's as the only problem. Sounds like they did one movie at a time with limited long term planning. Also, sounds like there was lots of re shoots (half? Most? Of solo for instance). They brought in some talented people and then appear to have gotten cold feet at times and forced changes. May never know if those changes helped or hurt but seem to show a lack of planning.
yeah, it seems like the MCU approach laid out what needed to happen in each movie to move the narrative forward, and the directors were allowed artistic freedom as long as they hit those marks. Vs. Star Wars, where it appears they didn't know in advance how they wanted it to turn out, and then had to constantly tinker with it in mid-production to make it work.
The end of The Mandalorian suggest they’re planning to bring the Clone Wars and Rebels storylines into live action. If that’s the case with the movies, Filoni is an excellent choice.

I think they need brand new storylines in a brand new era, either way back in the past or way in the future. The latter wouldn’t have to compete with all the “legacy” stories from the last 40+ years.
Agree completely. Marvel began with good stand alone stories. They continued by weaving characters in and out until the delivered an avengers team up. Got bigger from there. I can watch season 2 of Mando, live action sabine-ahsoka team up, Rey doing something, knights of the old republic story etc. They don't all have to integrate to one story but a fun call back from a timeline 500 years ago would be fun.
And new stories should lower the stakes in line with what I posted from Eric Deggans. "OMG, they're going to blow up planets" only has so much usefulness. That's why arguing the best new film is "OMG, they may possibly have learned how to blow up planets! We gotta get those plans!"

Marvel learned one thing Star Wars hasn't. If the bad guys are capable of doing very bad things, we need to know the stakes. It doesn't matter that much when the Death Star blows up planets that are only a name. In the four Avengers films, the bad guys messed up New York and there were long term consequences. The bad robots basically ended Sokovia and there were kinda long term consequences. The bad guy wiped away half of life on earth and there were consequences and even bringing them back generated new consequences. In Star Wars, a planet gets wiped out and it's just not there and they just go to a different planet.
A hobbit got into Rise of Skywalker due to a soccer bet. https://comicbook.com/starwars/2019/12/30/star-wars-jj-abrams-dominic-monaghan-fans-furious-gave-role-soccer-bet/ This is angering the Rose Tico fans.

The Monaghan character was distracting, mainly because every time he popped up on screen my daughter whispered "was he Pippin or Merry?"
Dumb... "I may have a part for you in Star Wars..." It was just a guy, and anybody could have played it, and he just gave it to his friend.
My thoughts:

I'm like others here in that I don’t know how Disney didn’t plan the final trilogy out to the final detail, and instead turned sections of the story over to different directors.

John Boyega is an overactor. I also find this to be true for Rose and Jannah. Less is more. Do less.

Similarly, some scenes need to breathe. We're all looking at Princess Leia covered by a sheet, and Maz Kanata has to say something like, "Goodbye, dear princess." No. Sheesh, the moment is more powerful if it exists in silence.

I couldn’t tell if Rey & Kylo had a sibling vibe or a romantic vibe, until they kissed. Then it became clear. Then I remembered Luke and Leia, and it went back to being unclear ;)

Liked the Domhnall Gleeson twist.

I enjoyed the comic relief. So sue me. C3PO was funny. This movie would have been much worse without Oscar Isaac. The spiritual inheritor of Han Solo, as both characters provided some much needed sardonic wit.

Also I liked the little Babu Frik thing. Again, so sue me.

Ultimately for me the most significant characters in Star Wars – R2, C3P0, and Chewie. They are the ones whom we all 'met' when we were kids, these beloved, behind-the-scenes, steady presences who were witnesses to everything alongside us. They have the ability to inhabit this special place in your heart, almost like a treasured pet who goes with you through the ups and downs of life. The way Rey screamed Chewie’s name when she saw the ship explode, and Chewie looking down in a reflective pose near the end, I found to be very authentic moments. I wish the final scene had not even been Rey & BB-8, but them, since they were there from the beginning. For me personally those characters will always be the heart of the Star Wars universe.
It's just so god damned dumb she said her name was Skywalker
remember balance? wasnt the whole point of the prequels that Jedi had crushed the sith into hiding and grown too powerful and complacent
They never really described what balance would be.
I'm almost 45 years old, saw the original SW in re-release in 1979, and have been hooked ever since. That said, this will be the only one I won't see in a theater. Between the duelllng directors, wrecked storylines, and the fact that my home theater is better than any theater in town, I'll wait for the UHD disc. I've seen the spoilers, and don't really care. George Lucas and Disney have ruined my childhood.
IMDB trivia notes that Kylo Ren said he would "finish what his grandfather wasn't able to do" or whatever. And he used the force to heal, which Anakin couldn't do with Padme, so he ultimately did what his grandfather wasn't able to do. If you're reaching and grasping for some deeper meaning and threadlines within the story, I guess. I'll take anything that helps me to find those kinds of links, even if they're sort of dubious.
I'm almost 45 years old, saw the original SW in re-release in 1979, and have been hooked ever since. That said, this will be the only one I won't see in a theater. Between the duelllng directors, wrecked storylines, and the fact that my home theater is better than any theater in town, I'll wait for the UHD disc. I've seen the spoilers, and don't really care. George Lucas and Disney have ruined my childhood.

Meh. A little dramatic. It's a fine movie. Better than all the prequels and probably Return of the Jedi. Calm down and see it in the theater.
Sure. Help me out then.