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HB2 Strikes Again

Since BKF has been MIA on the football topics lately, Id like to ask him how the hell we kicked the shit out of Duke, and end this fucking thread.

Amen. Or ask him to discuss the arrangement of his sock drawer. Anything.
Sure there is. Almost every liberal (and everyone else for that matter) on this thread says that nobody should care who they are pissing next to, that they need to get over it and grow up. Then why did transgenders feel the need to push an ordinance formally allowing them to use a different bathroom? Why do they legally want out of the men's room so bad? What about men do they hate so much that they can't even piss in a stall next to one? Why are they so bigoted and hateful? Why can't they get over and grow up and not care who they piss next to, like mack says we all should? But instead, they proposed an ordinance trying to legally keep them away from men.

You can't be serious. No one could be and post this. You get crazier by the day.

Let me TRY to say this in a way that you can understand. Trans men. who identify as women, don't HATE men. They BELIEVE they are women. As a WOMAN, they should use the women's bathroom.

It has LESS THAN NOTHING to do with "hating men".

It is unfathomable that any sane person can think that being trans is "hating" the other sex.
Sure there is. Almost every liberal (and everyone else for that matter) on this thread says that nobody should care who they are pissing next to, that they need to get over it and grow up. Then why did transgenders feel the need to push an ordinance formally allowing them to use a different bathroom? Why do they legally want out of the men's room so bad? What about men do they hate so much that they can't even piss in a stall next to one? Why are they so bigoted and hateful? Why can't they get over and grow up and not care who they piss next to, like mack says we all should? But instead, they proposed an ordinance trying to legally keep them away from men.

Why do you keep talking about the trans community as if it is solely comprised of trans women? While there are more trans women than trans men out there, trans men still make up a decent percentage of the community. The ordinance is not to "legally keep them away from men."

I don't know why I even bother responding anymore, but I'll just point out, yet again, that based on your comments on here you know essentially nothing whatsoever about the trans community. From your continued depiction of the community as "men dressing up" and "men in wigs," to your insistence that this is rooted in bigotry against men, to your commentary about "how will anyone know if it's really a woman or a man in a wig?".

You are talking a whole lot about an underlying issue that you appear to know nothing about at all. And you have very strong opinions about it. That seems to be the way it goes though.
Oh no doubt there is hate and bigotry on both sides of the trans community. Trans men apparently hate women just as much, hence why they want to get away from them in the bathroom just as much as trans women want to get away from men.
Oh no doubt there is hate and bigotry on both sides of the trans community. Trans men apparently hate women just as much, hence why they want to get away from them in the bathroom just as much as trans women want to get away from men.

2&2's theory on gender identification: you identify with whichever group you don't hate.

This is groundbreaking stuff here. I mean stellar reasoning.
2&2's theory on gender identification: you identify with whichever group you don't hate.

This is groundbreaking stuff here. I mean stellar reasoning.

It is the only logical conclusion. All of the liberals on here have told us over and over and over that nobody should care about who is in the bathroom with them, to grow up and act mature. Yet transgenders desire so badly to get away from a certain bathroom and into a different one that they propose formal litigation to do so. So they are either hate-filled or completely immature, there is no other answer. I just state the obvious.
Oh no doubt there is hate and bigotry on both sides of the trans community. Trans men apparently hate women just as much, hence why they want to get away from them in the bathroom just as much as trans women want to get away from men.

Apparently #facts
I know you're just trolling, but from my experiences with the trans community (#anecdotes) they want to use a certain bathroom as a societal affirmation that they are as they identify. For the most part trans women don't want to use the women's bathroom because they hate men and don't want to pee next to them, they want to use the women's bathroom because they believe they are women and society has divided bathrooms into an either/or category (men or women). By using the men's bathroom, they are not using the "correct" bathroom by their own beliefs.

I realize this doesn't fall into your dichotomy of "hate-filled or completely immature" but from my pretty extensive interactions with actual trans people, this is the rationale on the bathroom "issue."
I don't know very much about the topic and issue.

Just playing devil's advocate... and because I'm genuinely curious.. why don't they instead push for bathrooms to rid themselves the label of the either/or?

How much harder would that be versus pushing for what's currently being done? The same arguments against that from the other side would likely be what's being currently argued - no?

Most groups do push for bathrooms to get rid of the label and push for unisex bathrooms instead (where possible).

There's much more push back against getting rid of the label all together for reasons provided here by BKF and others: "my granddaughter is going to get molested by a perv if she pees with the men."

Eliminating the well-entrenched "male" v. "female" bathrooms seems a far taller task than keeping these "traditional" distinctions and pushing for protection for people to use the bathroom with which they identify. The former changes everyone's experience while the latter permits individuals to change their own experience while predominantly preserving the status quo. I know it's hard to believe sometimes, but apparently a lot of people are very uncomfortable with change ("the new ACC is garbage, I remember the good ole days;" "nowadays it's all about the money, back in 1972 when I loved college football it was about the passion!;" etc.)

I'd be interested in hearing if people think elimination of the sex distinction for bathrooms is a more viable option than what the Charlotte ordinance did.
We're now to the point of the thread where one poster starts to pretend he has a lot of transgender friends. Electric stuff
I know you're just trolling, but from my experiences with the trans community (#anecdotes) they want to use a certain bathroom as a societal affirmation that they are as they identify. For the most part trans women don't want to use the women's bathroom because they hate men and don't want to pee next to them, they want to use the women's bathroom because they believe they are women and society has divided bathrooms into an either/or category (men or women). By using the men's bathroom, they are not using the "correct" bathroom by their own beliefs.

I realize this doesn't fall into your dichotomy of "hate-filled or completely immature" but from my pretty extensive interactions with actual trans people, this is the rationale on the bathroom "issue."

A couple of serious, non-trolling points on the bolded:

1. It isn't society's job, especially through its legal ordinances, to affirm their self-identity. That is their issue, nobody else's.

2. Letting them in whatever bathroom isn't society affirming anything, it is society saying we don't know what to do with you and don't really care where you piss, so go wherever you want. That's not affirmation, it is apathy.

3. You've confirmed, as I've said from the jump, this is nothing but a "look at us" political grandstanding move. Which is fucking bullshit given the resulting fallout. If that truly is their primary motivation, then they deserve 100% of the blame for this. I've said all along that HB2 is idiotic and senseless, but fuck this shit if their own "self-affirmation" is the true motivation. Go work out your own issues on your own time, Nancy. Keep HB2 in place and put a 700% tax on wigs and dick tape to help compensate for these douchebags ruining the state's image and wasting everyone's time.
A couple of serious, non-trolling points on the bolded:

1. It isn't society's job, especially through its legal ordinances, to affirm their self-identity. That is their issue, nobody else's.

2. Letting them in whatever bathroom isn't society affirming anything, it is society saying we don't know what to do with you and don't really care where you piss, so go wherever you want. That's not affirmation, it is apathy.

3. You've confirmed, as I've said from the jump, this is nothing but a "look at us" political grandstanding move. Which is fucking bullshit given the resulting fallout. If that truly is their primary motivation, then they deserve 100% of the blame for this. I've said all along that HB2 is idiotic and senseless, but fuck this shit if their own "self-affirmation" is the true motivation. Go work out your own issues on your own time, Nancy. Keep HB2 in place and put a 700% tax on wigs and dick tape to help compensate for these douchebags ruining the state's image and wasting everyone's time.

I ran through plenty of different thoughts while reading this and how I wanted to respond, but for the sake of civility I'll chose not to engage further. Have a good day.
We're now to the point of the thread where one poster starts to pretend he has a lot of transgender friends. Electric stuff

I don't pretend to have lots of transgender friends, I've just worked for the last three years with a political coalition that furthers trans rights and focuses on the trans community's interactions with police, government agencies, the RMV, etc in the greater Boston area.
I don't know very much about the topic and issue.

Just playing devil's advocate... and because I'm genuinely curious.. why don't they instead push for bathrooms to rid themselves the label of the either/or?

How much harder would that be versus pushing for what's currently being done? The same arguments against that from the other side would likely be what's being currently argued - no?

Please stop clouding the issue with facts. This has never been about solving a problem--it's all about creating one for your opponents. Like most political disputes these days.
Please stop clouding the issue with facts. This has never been about solving a problem--it's all about creating one for your opponents. Like most political disputes these days.

It's a legitimate question, but the answer is that trans groups do push for bathrooms to get rid of the label, it just doesn't get very far.
Oh no doubt there is hate and bigotry on both sides of the trans community. Trans men apparently hate women just as much, hence why they want to get away from them in the bathroom just as much as trans women want to get away from men.

This is nuts. You have no evidence.

Stop digging. You've already made yourself look crazy enough.
Also this thread shows a large reason why this push has issues. It's pretty difficult to convince people that the sex distinction for bathrooms is unnecessary when the reasons offered for needing something like HB2 are:

1. We've done it for 200 years
2. My granddaughter will be molested by pervs
3. Men in wigs dress up to play grabass in the bathroom with little girls

There's a clear dearth of information about the trans community in large swaths of the country. That's a major area of focus within trans communities: interacting with the surrounding areas to increase understanding of the issues.
I don't know very much about the topic and issue.

Just playing devil's advocate... and because I'm genuinely curious.. why don't they instead push for bathrooms to rid themselves the label of the either/or?

How much harder would that be versus pushing for what's currently being done? The same arguments against that from the other side would likely be what's being currently argued - no?

The same people who oppose transgenders using the bathroom of the gender they identify with would oppose gender neutral bathrooms.
Also this thread shows a large reason why this push has issues. It's pretty difficult to convince people that the sex distinction for bathrooms is unnecessary when the reasons offered for needing something like HB2 are:

1. We've done it for 200 years
2. My granddaughter will be molested by pervs
3. Men in wigs dress up to play grabass in the bathroom with little girls

There's a clear dearth of information about the trans community in large swaths of the country. That's a major area of focus within trans communities: interacting with the surrounding areas to increase understanding of the issues.

There's no reason to put money into creating gender neutral bathrooms when the current system has been just fine for those 200 years, including for transgenders. It's preposterous even. There's just no need
There may be good reason for keeping the bathrooms the way they are. The economics of it is a good one. I'm not generally a fan of keeping things the way they are just because that's the way it's always been.