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Adam Carolla on OWS (NSFW Language)

Where do you keep your 2nd place ribbons from Intramural hoops?


Dizzammmm...that hurts. I will go cry myself to sleep at 1pm. It pains me that I cannot continually neg rep the same post :)
I definitely have a bunch of participation trophies.

At one point my parents told me I needed to clean up my room, and that I was allowed to keep the trophies that I actually earned.
Scumbag Baby Boomers:

Give all their kids participation trophies. Complain when they have a sense of entitlement.
There's no question the Baby Boomer generation has ruined America.
Carolla's book is a must read. Frankly, the guy would make a better president than any current candidates or incumbent. Easily.
Damn Generation Y and their participation ribbons, even Plato predicted they would be worthless:

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"
Carolla's book is a must read. Frankly, the guy would make a better president than any current candidates or incumbent. Easily.

Sounds funny as shit. From the description on Amazon:

A couple years back, I was at the Phoenix airport bar. It was empty except for one heavy-set, gray bearded, grizzled guy who looked like he just rode his donkey into town after a long day of panning for silver in them thar hills. He ordered a Jack Daniels straight up, and that's when I overheard the young guy with the earring behind the bar asking him if he had ID. At first the old sea captain just laughed. But the guy with the twinkle in his ear asked again. At this point it became apparent that he was serious. Dan Haggerty's dad fired back, "You've got to be kidding me, son." The bartender replied, "New policy. Everyone has to show their ID." Then I watched Burl Ives reluctantly reach into his dungarees and pull out his military identification card from World War II.

It's a sad and eerie harbinger of our times that the Oprah-watching, crystal-rubbing, Whole Foods-shopping moms and their whipped attorney husbands have taken the ability to reason away from the poor schlub who makes the Bloody Marys. What we used to settle with common sense or a fist, we now settle with hand sanitizer and lawyers. Adam Carolla has had enough of this insanity and he's here to help us get our collective balls back.

In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks is Adam's comedic gospel of modern America. He rips into the absurdity of the culture that demonized the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turned the nation's bathrooms into a lawless free-for-all of urine and fecal matter, and put its citizens at the mercy of a bunch of minimum wagers with axes to grind. Peppered between complaints Carolla shares candid anecdotes from his day to day life as well as his past—Sunday football at Jimmy Kimmel's house, his attempts to raise his kids in a society that he mostly disagrees with, his big showbiz break, and much, much more. Brilliantly showcasing Adam's spot-on sense of humor, this book cements his status as a cultural.
I was standing in the cab line in front of the Hard Rock in Lost Wages at my friend's batchelor party en route to visit some indoor athletes when we realized we were in line behind Adam. This was 2-3 years after The Man Show's high water mark. He could not have been nicer/more gracious/more patient with our tomfoolery. Still have the pics he took with our buddy at our request/slurred insistence.

Big fan prior to...and this video does little to dissuade.
Can't take this seriously he says envy is new to this country. Also, while I somewhat agree with some of his characterizations of the "participation trophy" generation, why are be angry with the kids instead of the people who created them. I mean, if you see an untrained dog at the dog park you normally blame the owner not the dog.....
But funny.
I was standing in the cab line in front of the Hard Rock in Lost Wages at my friend's batchelor party en route to visit some indoor athletes when we realized we were in line behind Adam. This was 2-3 years after The Man Show's high water mark. He could not have been nicer/more gracious/more patient with our tomfoolery. Still have the pics he took with our buddy at our request/slurred insistence.

Big fan prior to...and this video does little to dissuade.

Just this week on his podcast, he was saying how much he hates when people call Las Vegas, "Lost Wages".
I am part of the participation trophy generation. Thankfully my parents always thought it was bullshit and let me know from an early age how the world actually works.
There's no question the Baby Boomer generation has ruined America.

They've given future generations: Less civil rights. Less economic mobility. 90 cents to the dollar of what their parents made for the same job. Bankrupting social programs after they get through. Rewarding institutional corruption and incompetence through inane corporate hierarchy. Giving newborns $5000 worth of debt they accrued the second they're born. Imprisoning .5% of the population at any given time for non-violent crimes rather than investing in poor communities to lessen dangerous crime for the future.
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