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anonymous NYT op-ed


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
pretty bonkers

From the White House to executive branch departments and agencies, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the commander in chief’s comments and actions. Most are working to insulate their operations from his whims.

Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.

“There is literally no telling whether he might change his mind from one minute to the next,” a top official complained to me recently, exasperated by an Oval Office meeting at which the president flip-flopped on a major policy decision he’d made only a week earlier.


Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.
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The Committee to Save America has resorted to NYT op-eds. That's..... weird.
This was my impression of the Woodward phone call. The people around him purposefully keep things from him.
Lol. So what happens next? Trump rage eats during “executive time” about the insider that dared to call into question his toddler like understanding of the presidency?
It is apparent that those who would try and destroy the President have gone full on scorched earth. Your President is a sharp elbowed guy from Queens who doesnt lay down and take shit nor apologize to the falsely lionized morality of the corrupt-assed class of DC. No worries

So take care and pay attention..Red is gonna go Nuclear on that Donkey Ass...“Release the UN-Redacted!”
Sounds like the future spin for anyone that worked for this shit administration is going to go with, we were just there to protect the country everything bad was trump and it could have been a lot worse if it wasn’t for are behind the scenes work, we are the true patriots now give us a job.

I mean I guess it’s a start but holy fuck... if they’ve actually considered 25th amendment, they all have a duty to scream this feeling from the mountaintops.

Wonder who it is. It reads like someone who’s more political but who the hell really knows.

I know they won’t but his supporters (voters and those in Congress) also have a duty to stand up and demand to know what the hell is going on.

The guy clearly isn’t well, he’s torn apart the country and is clearly a very real national security risk. I and many others have said everything we can say at this point. If things really go to hell in a hand basket...that shit is on you.
It is apparent that those who would try and destroy the President have gone full on scorched earth. Your President is a sharp elbowed guy from Queens who doesnt lay down and take shit nor apologize to the falsely lionized morality of the corrupt-assed class of DC. No worries

So take care and pay attention..Red is gonna go Nuclear on that Donkey Ass...“Release the UN-Redacted!”
If only there had been someone like this on the bench with Bz.

That op-ed is pretty similar to the defense of Jeff Battle and Childress.
All this lather and foam suggests is that the Sulzbergers have been fucking little boys for decades and they no longer have security coverage.Where is our chap on the scene? Where is Ronan Farrow?

Yep.This paroxysmal flailing with its ever increasing intensity and absurdity means the international pedo ring’s North American Chapter is finally coming undone.Sunlight looms for those loathsome dregs who’ve partaken..
That op-ed is pretty similar to the defense of Jeff Battle and Childress.

It all makes sense now.

Nice to see the cooler heads at the OG&B prevail.

Well done, lads...and here is to another year of Coach [Redacted]!


This team has certainly played to expectations -- 7 frosh bodes well for future!:cool:

I honestly believe 2013.

You guys have an absolutely stallar class coming in -- not only are the guys talented but they wear their socks right! I'm serious, the mentality-character of your guys coming in is top shelf and they are each very competitive guys.

Aron McMillan is up to 6'9 and 200...the Washington kid is 7'0 and growing...both of these kids are far from peaking and all you have to do is look at the steady climb up the charts all of these guys have made over the last year. CMM, Moto, Devin... the "Super 6" will put [Redacted] on the map.

as always, the message is simply stated so even ol' Lectro doesn't fk it up...

"They will both recover from this lowest of points (for many) and enjoy tremendous success as [Redacted] builds what will become 'His Program'.A dramatic and emotional turn around is at hand...the gods have smiled upon them in their adversity...for as low as they have fallen they will surpass in the coming ascension "

Succinct...straightforward and, most importantly, the only comment made by the True ORACLE of Deacon athletics.

"This Will come to pass, and You Will Live through it"... so it was spoken. As an onlooker I wonder how this "Vision" will translate to those fans who have entrenched positions. I suppose they will 'suffer' as the seas change.


Maybe you are right...but with what was swirling around the program in [Redacted]'s first year... I give him a pass and take him at his word of having to "hold hands"...there was considerable fracturing in the program when he arrived. I scratch that first season and view him thru the lens of his first large recruiting class which I think is going to be a helluva group of winners on and off the court.

...and into the breach he goes.

In keeping...Ol' Lec, of course, is BUZZ - FuGGin -IN!. -- TM

Coach [Redacted]'s 8 player class will one day be seen in the same light as Kryzooski's class of Henderson, Dawkins, Alarie, Bilas and Jackman.

Dawkins was spectacular and stands above the other players from both classes...Miller-Mac is the only potential challenger to be a college elite -- although Devin may become a board menace the likes of Buck Williams as far as number crunching. I definitely see a baseline average of 13 pts and 11 boards for the big man. It will certainly help out when Green returns to join him in a bigger front court. Green is progressing nicely. He has been too aggressive in his rehab --as David Glenn has reported. He is hard working guy who just needs to hang with McClinton and get both guys completely healed before trying to do too much too fast.

Miller-Mac is the leader of the team -- along with the Jimmy Blackesque, Madison Jones. Jones is a cerebral kid out of Ravenscroft (why scouts discounted him) who has the knack for running a team,playing spot on D and finding his shooters in the right position. His athleticism, smarts and long arms are the makings for yet another excellent full court defender in Buzz's scheme.

Miller-Mac has worked really hard and has a league body. He can take the ball to the rack... has had an excellent S&C offseason... He has traded out some fat for lean and looks like he's becoming that physical go-to Guard . An excellent combo G who can slide when Jones enters to full court press and push the ball.

Rountree is the flag waver...the defenseman, stopper, all around enthused and energizing player who infuses a team. The poor man's Stacy Augmon is on par with flag wavers like M.L. Carr. He may never average more than 7 pts a game but he will nearly always have 3 steals , 2 blocks, 4 assists and 7 rebounds --- or some such stat line -- to go with it.

Moto is your Robert Brickey...Moto is built more like Rodney Rogers but does not have anything close to the scoring upside. Instead he posseses the same qualities as the Fayetteville sleeper, Brickey. Arnaud is an up tempo player who will excel in the press/trap scheme [Redacted] will employ. Moto can finish on the break, has an incredible 7'1" wingspan with hops...so, he is going to cause problems when breaking on an errant pass -- such as when 2 of your point men of the full court press have a guy behind the time-line -- more specifically I am saying " when Rountree and either of the 3 - Coron (over 100 steals at Bob Morris), Mad, or Mac get a man cornered.

Thomas is your back line...certainly Green has the attributes as well. For the beginning of the year Devin will be your backstop. He has all the qualities you like in a true Garbage player...nothing demeaning, he just has that useful awkward intensity that players from Anthony Mason to Charles Oakley possesed. Devin can make a basket out of a hot mess...he has that ability to come out of the scrum, scoop the ball and aggressively head for the rim. Outstanding young "hustle-player".

More BuZzIn Education coming soon!!