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Are you allergic to tree pollen?

I'm allergic to oak, maple, and pine. I took shots for years, which really helped. Until this Spring I could make it the past few years with maybe a total of 5-6 Allegra D pills the whole season. All that pollen dropping at once this year has left me with a consistently irritated, itchy throat (but not crazy sore). I've been taking Allegra D around the clock for the past couple of weeks.

That being said, before I started shots (2001) I would get these nasty sore throats that felt like Strep multiple times during Spring. That hasn't happened since, even with the bad pollen so far this year.

I have also been eating a tbsp of local honey daily for that past year and a half. That has seemed to help me as well.
My wife just took an allergy test and found out she's allergic to pollen from olive trees (Olea europaea), among a few other things. I always thought pollen allergies were more general than that, but I'm not allergic to anything, so I'm way out of my element.

If you are allergic to pollen, just curious if you happen to know which specific species of tree produce the pollen you're allergic to. Is that common knowledge for serious allergy sufferers?

Not tree pollen thank goodness. Grass pollen, yes and only certain types of grass. I went through testing in college when diagnosed with asthma and was extremely sick thanks to the mold in the old dorm buildings. They are very specific in their testing.
I'm allergic to oak, maple, and pine. I took shots for years, which really helped. Until this Spring I could make it the past few years with maybe a total of 5-6 Allegra D pills the whole season. All that pollen dropping at once this year has left me with a consistently irritated, itchy throat (but not crazy sore). I've been taking Allegra D around the clock for the past couple of weeks.

That being said, before I started shots (2001) I would get these nasty sore throats that felt like Strep multiple times during Spring. That hasn't happened since, even with the bad pollen so far this year.

I have also been eating a tbsp of local honey daily for that past year and a half. That has seemed to help me as well.

I used to get those as well. Once I got my allergies under control, I haven't had it since. It is hard to get them under control but once you have them under control its just maintenance. I think it took me about 2-3 years to finally get mine controlled.
For me it's some early spring grass pollen. Usually the last week of February in NC. It sucks for 7-10 days.
The last 2 years, spring hit me hard. This year? Nada. Don't know why.
I'm allergic to so many trees, grasses, and pollens that my allergist didn't even bother to tell me which reaction was to what when I had my allergy testing. I think all I got was "Woah! You win the award for most allergies of the day!" She also generalized it to me being allergic to "mother nature."

I had a similar allergist experience. I did the arm prick test back in like 2004, and after my wait, the nurse came back in and was like, "WHOA!" I'm sure at the time they went through all the allergens with me, but I don't recall all of them now. I just remember a bunch of big red welts on my arms.

IIRC, one of my major allergens was oak, and the majority of my allergens are spring. Unfortunately my oak allergy also manifests itself into an allergy to raw apples. Boo.

The weirdest thing is that I showed a huge allergy to ragweed, which is a fall allergen, yet I never have fall allergies. Very glad I don't have pet dander allergens.

Back when I did my test I got prescribed Singulair pill, Nasonex spray, and Optivar eye drops. This trifecta has pretty much sustained me through springs for the last few years. But then when I was preggers I was advised not to use those, so had to try to get back last spring on Claritin alone. Kind of miserable.

I think I last saw an allergist close to 10 years ago, so maybe I should check in again...
I'm allergic to Johnson grass. When my allergist first told me, I though he was shitting me. Apparently it is a thing though. I haven't had a bad spring at all until a few days ago. My lymph node just below my right ear is golfball sized and has no indication of ever going down. I've not had the first sniffle or congestion as of yet though.
numbers, do you know the kind of tree pollen, though? or did you never find out/are allergic to so much of it that it doesn't matter?

I'm allergic to so much that it doesn't really matter. The doctor said it wouldn't matter one way or the other.