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Chat Thread Asterisk

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Does it make me a bad mom if I hope E's team loses so I can go to homecoming (he got called up to the bigs - or really just asked to fill in in the next league up for a tournament this weekend) or does it make me a bad fan if I don't mind missing it if he is playing well? Or am I a little bit of both?

no on all counts.
Re-visiting this definitive planet ranking in light of Cassini's suicide today:

Ranking the planets:

1. Uranus
2. Neptune
3. Venus
4. Saturn
5. Earth
6. Venus
7. Jupiter
8. Mars
9. Pluto
10. Mercury
Again with this shit. I think this says it all:

Does it make me a bad mom if I hope E's team loses so I can go to homecoming (he got called up to the bigs - or really just asked to fill in in the next league up for a tournament this weekend) or does it make me a bad fan if I don't mind missing it if he is playing well? Or am I a little bit of both?

Nope, just a bad mom if sabotage him like you slip x-lax in his cola so he has diahrrhea right before the game so he can't focus on the ball or the field, or "accidentally" crush his glasses immediately before. Maybe loosen up his glove strings
It can be fun although he is definitely more of a hassle than Girl. He's a lot different than Girl, more destructive and aggressive and pain-in-the-ass. I always thought that was a nurture thing, but it seems to be more nature. That's just the way he is. I dunno.

The thing that kills me is how mean he is to Girl. I was always mean to my sister growing up, so I feel it is karma, but it is awful. I text my sister all the time now like, "I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAY I TREATED YOU PLEASE MAKE IT STOP."

I still think it's mostly nurture unless boy is not exposed to any peers or TV. Even though we're a pretty neutral household (play with trucks or a dollhouse who GAF) you can still see influences from the donks our boy plays with at school. Boys often get more free range to play rough ("boys will be boys" or my favorite "oh he's got skinned knees, he's all boy!") while girls are expected to sit down and be ladies. Not saying there isn't a nature element, but it's hard to avoid society's impressions on gender.

I think having a boy is fun but have no comparison point for a girl. Don't know what we're having next so maybe I'll have one next year!

Yeah, I'm enjoying this time where they are 4 and 1 and actually get along and play together without antagonizing (at least on purpose).

That's about the age difference ours will have and I'm excited about it- my brother and I are 4.5 years apart and I think it's an awkward gap.
Heading up to Winston for the weekend. Who all is coming to Homecoming?

We are just found out yesterday. It's actually my 10-year but I signed up for nothing. We're meeting up with wife's friend and husband who is getting us free tix and will do so for a few other home games this year.
Re-visiting this definitive planet ranking in light of Cassini's suicide today:

Ranking the planets:

1. Uranus
2. Neptune
3. Venus
4. Saturn
5. Earth
6. Venus
7. Jupiter
8. Mars
9. Pluto
10. Mercury

Venus but twice...a venus too far?
That was a test to see if you're paying attention. Venus's real ranking is 3.
Happy with Gwen Ifill - I remember her commencement thesis because it's a charge I try to live by anyway

"if you see something, do something"
Question. I like people but everyone fucking talks too much now. Is this a thing? Are they trying to impress? Is everyone noobs or do I need to move away? Perhaps go sail.
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