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Crooked hillary

The crooked one in her own words:

1) "Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise". Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244
(2) "Fuck off! It's enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I'm not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut." Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning." From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90
(3) "If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!" Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book "The First Partner" p. 25
(4) "Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?" Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book "Unlimited Access" by Clinton 's FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139
(5) "Where's the miserable cock sucker?" (otherwise known as "Bill Clinton") Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5
(6) "You fucking idiot" Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event. From the book "Crossfire" ~pg. 84
(7) "Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!" Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book " Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72
(8) "Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can't fuck her here!!" Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

sounds surprisingly bad-ass to me. not sure if this was supposed to be a knock or what but I think it backfired. No that you care because you're incapable of human emotions, but it's sexist, because no one cares what a dude says stuff like that

How is she not being told by 100 staffers that she has to stop with the disturbing fake shock. I'm perpetually unsettled both by its bizzare-ness and its falseness. It is as though she is desperate to look normal and is coming across precisely the opposite. Anyway, guess I'd better get used to such gifs for the next 4-8 hrs.
I don't think that's fake. It's just weird.
I don't think that's fake. It's just weird.

I think she has been told she needs to show personality, lighthearted softness, a human side, etc., and this is what she generates.
Like my acquaintance, who had her as a prof at U of Arkansas law school, said a couple of decades ago, Hillary Clinton is "a complete phony."

Ok. At least her positions have been consistent as a phony. Is Trump really this Trump, or the one who praised Democrats just a few short years ago? Just wondering what your acquaintance would say about that. That's okay, I think I know.
Don't know if he knew Trump. I doubt it though.

By all means though,when it comes to Hillary, feel free to ignore your eyes, ears, and reason. She'll make a great president.
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Don't know if he knew Trump. I doubt it though.

By all means though,when it comes to Hillary, feel free to ignore your eyes, ears, and reason. She'll make a great president.

Maybe. Maybe not.

But I'm sure as fuck more comfortable with her as my President than that lunatic Donald J Trump.

We have pretty bad top 2 choices this year. But one of them is much worse than the other by any objective standard. I can at least respect what Hillary did when she was a young professional. Nothing in Trump's past leads me to respecting him as a person.
Maybe. Maybe not.

But I'm sure as fuck more comfortable with her as my President than that lunatic Donald J Trump.

We have pretty bad top 2 choices this year. But one of them is much worse than the other by any objective standard. I can at least respect what Hillary did when she was a young professional. Nothing in Trump's past leads me to respecting him as a person.

Good call. The argumentum ad hominem has always been the most persuasive argument of the left. All educated people agree on that.
Aren't you on record as saying you won't vote for either one?

Yes, I can't find sufficient positive reasons to vote for either. So, as things stand, I would be forced to vote simply against someone, and I don't find that to be very persuasive either. Right now, I don't know what I will do. I don't want to neglect my responsibility to vote but I do not yet have sufficient reason to vote for anyone. Maybe I'll just write myself in. :D