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Fallout 4 Mafia: CIVS WIN!


a vicar in a tutu
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score

Welcome to the Commonwealth, a post-nuclear apocalyptic wasteland that is now all we have left of what was once known as Massachusetts. It is 2277. Two centuries after the Great War, the Commonwealth is now home to three factions fighting for control of civilization's future. They are the Brotherhood of Steel, the Railroad, and the Institute. Each of their competing interests will become clear as the game goes on, but what is important to know is that each faction is made up of exactly 4 members, each with distinct powers, and that they may communicate among themselves privately (outside of this thread). Each of these factions has been given a list of "safe claims": characters that are not actually in the game, but that they may choose to impersonate as necessary.

Additionally, the Commonwealth is home to many civilians. The civilians have distinct powers of their own; there are a handful of civilians without any powers (vanilla civilians), for balance reasons.

At the start of the game, the player distribution will be 15/4/4/4.


As standard, during each day period, everyone may cast a vote to kill a single player. At the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be killed. There are no powers in this game that may be used during the day.

During each night period, in addition to all individual player powers taking place, a faction may make a night hit to kill a single player. At the start of the game, this night hit will rotate between the factions. As determined pre-game by RNG, the order will go as indicated in the game's first paragraph: Brotherhood of Steel (Night 1), the Railroad (Night 2), the Institute (Night 3), and then back to the Brotherhood of Steel for Night 4 (and so on).

When the first non-civilian faction falls entirely, the Sole Survivor will be asked to choose between the two remaining factions. After that point, civilians may win alongside the chosen faction. The chosen faction will retain all powers except for their night hits, and will for all intents and purposes act as a set of civilian masons.

The non-chosen, non-civilian faction may only win by themselves; to win, they must make it so that civs may not.

In the case of a 1-1 tie, a non-civ faction will win over civs. If two non-civ factions are left to a 1-1 tie for some reason (or, god help us, a 1-1-1 tie), the game will (unfortunately!) be left to RNG.


-All players, including vanilla civilians, are named. Using a character's name to assume powers is likely a fool's errand.
-The only time you will be notified about being visited at night is for roleblocks; even vanilla civilians will be notified of roleblocks.
-One player, and only one player, the Sole Survivor, has the potential to manipulate vote counts in specific, limited ways. The Sole Survivor is a civilian, and will not have any of those abilities at the start of the game. The Sole Survivor is the only guaranteed character in this game. The Sole Survivor is also the only character in the game whose role will potentially include elements of RNG.
-If the Sole Survivor is not alive to choose between remaining factions, that decision will fall to a second character. (If that character is also not alive, the decision will be RNG'd)
-I have done my best to make this game balanced, but as this is my first game mod gig, and as we're dealing with 3 non-civilian factions in a 27 person game, please understand that this could all go sideways pretty easily.
-Also! There are 27 people in this game, and many have active night powers. Nights will take a little while. Please be patient with me.


A more detailed set of rules, as well as a player list, will follow this post.

Good luck, and have fun!
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Reactions: tic
-Don't cheat or angleshoot. If you have a question about a rule, feel free to PM me, but don't quote or discuss PMs from me.
-Don't dead talk or night talk. Any night talk over 1 minute late will get you AA'd. This includes gifs... In a game this big, I'm wanting to keep end-of-day stuff as organized as possible for easy reference. So, yeah, pls just be cool on this.
-Don't communicate with other players in this game outside of the game, unless otherwise specified/allowed. This includes but is not limited to PMs and rep.
-Don't edit or delete posts.
-Vote by bolding or ***starring*** your selection.
-Missing one vote is okay; missing two will get you AA'd.
-End of days will come at 10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 4:30 PM.
-There are NO OVERTIMES, and NO MAJORITIES. Any players tied in votes at the end of the day will be decided via RNG.
-This board's timestamp will act as the game's official clock. Votes made at 10:30 AM will count. Votes made at 10:31 AM will not.


Simultaneous conflicts will be resolved via RNG
1.) Faction Roleblocks
2.) Civilian Roleblocks
3.) Protection
4.) Recruit
5.) Kills (all kills simultaneous)
6.) Investigations
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Player List (to be updated with game):

1.) lokisapocalypse (lokis): Supervisor Brown (Civ, Vanilla Civ), AA'd (night talking) N2
2.) deacvision7 (DV7): Sturges (Civ, Vanilla Civ), AA'd (angleshooting) N2
3.) Screamindemon3 (SD3)
4.) bym051d (bym)
5.) AnonymousDeac (Nonny)
6.) Knight: Nick Valentine (Civ, Investigation Assignments), Killed N3
7.) Eagles_Legendz (Eagles)
8.) AsesinoDeTortugas (Gooner): Sole Survivor (Civ), Killed N2
9.) DaDeacs (Da): Glory (The Railroad, Vig Hitter), Lynched D6
10.) TenaciousKory (Kory)
11.) timdunkandthefunk (tim / timdunk)
12.) Gouda
13.) PhDeac (Ph): Jun Long (Civ, Vanilla Civ), Killed N3
14.) ChaosDeac (Island / Northern): Trashcan Carla (Civ, Merchant), Lynched D1
15.) deacondamo (Damo): Desdemona (The Railroad, Leader / Goon), Lynched D5
16.) jtpterp (jtp)
17.) DeacdeTejas (Tejas): Tinker Tom (The Railroad, Quartermaster), Lynched D3
18.) tsywake (TSY): Generic Gen-3 Synth (The Institute, Goon), Killed N5
19.) BostonDeac (Boston): Cait (Civ, Vanilla Civ), Killed N5
20.) romanovKU (Rommy)
21.) Deac6 (Decay): Preston Garvey (Civ, Mason Recruitment), Killed N6
22.) Smidge: Knight Captain Cade (The Brotherhood of Steel, Doctor), Lynched D2
23.) redwing42 (Redwing)
24.) Deacsfan27 (Doofus): Justin Ayo (The Institute, Railroad Hunter), Killed N1
25.) ryalaman (ryala): Curie (Civ, Synth Searcher / Anti-Roleblocker), Killed N4
26.) Toogs: Mama Murphy (Civ, Vanilla Civ), Killed N3
27.) ChicdeaC (Chic): Father (The Institute, Godfather)

Links to End of Days:
End of Day 1
End of Day 2
End of Day 3
End of Day 4
End of Day 5
End of Day 6

End of Day Vote Counts:
Chaos	8	Damo, Nonny, Doofus, Redwing, Chic, DV7, Ph, SD3
Ph	5	Gouda, Decay, BYM, Eagles, Knight
Damo	3	Boston, Gooner, Smidge
Kory	2	Timdunk, Tejas
DV7	1	Rommy
Eagles	1	Ryala
Gooner	1	Toogs
Gouda	1	Tsy
Rommy	1	Da
SD3	1	Chaos
Smidge	1	Loki
Timdunk	1	Kory
Toogs	1	JTP

YTV: none

Smidge	6	Loki, Ph, Kory, DV7, Rommy, Ryala
Ph	4	Nonny, BYM, Smidge, Gouda
Damo	5	Timdunk, Gooner, Redwing, SD3, JTP
Da	2	Eagles, Tejas
SD3	2	Da, Chic
Boston	1	Damo
Loki	1	Decay
Eagles	1	Knight
Gooner	1	Toogs
JTP	1	Tsy
Tsy	1	Boston

YTV: none

Tejas	10	Kory, SD3, Gouda, Rommy, JTP, Redwing, Eagles, Decay, DV7, BYM
Tsy	3	Da, Boston
Boston	2	Ryala, Damo
Knight	2	Tejas, Timdunk
SD3	2	Ph, Tsy
JTP	1	Toogs
Ph	1	Nonny
Rommy	1	Chic
Eagles	1	Knight

YTV: none

Chic	7	Damo, Gouda, Eagles, Tsy, BYM, Kory, Rommy
Tsy	4	Da, Timdunk, Decay, Ryala
Nonny	3	DV7, SD3, JTP
Ryala	2	Redwing
Boston	1	Nonny
Damo	1	Boston

YTV: Chic

Damo	8	Eagles, Decay, JTP, Boston, Kory, SD3, BYM, Timdunk
Eagles	7	Damo, Gouda, Da, Nonny, Redwing, Tsy, DV7
Tsy	1	Rommy

YTV: none

Da	9	Rommy, Redwing, Nonny, Eagles, BYM, SD3, Gouda, Decay, Kory
Eagles	1	Da
JTP	1	Gouda

YTV: Timdunk

Most Recent Vote Count (Through Post 2119):
Rommy	3	Nonny, JTP, Eagles
Eagles	2	Redwing, Rommy
Gouda	1	Timdunk
Timdunk	1	Gouda

YTV: SD3, BYM, Kory
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Role List (to be updated with game):

Sturges (Civ, Vanilla Civ): DEACVISION7

You are Sturges, resident handyman of Sanctuary.

You are a vanilla civ, have no powers unless otherwise given one, and win with the town.

Cait (Civ, Vanilla Civ): BOSTONDEAC

You are Cait, an Irish pit fighter.

In this game, you are a vanilla civ, have no powers unless otherwise given one, and win with the town.

Generic Gen-3 Synth (The Institute, Goon): TSYWAKE

You are a generic Gen-3 Synth. You have no specific powers unless otherwise given one. Somebody is looking for you.

Desdemona (The Railroad, Leader / Goon): DEACONDAMO

You are Desdemona, leader of the Railroad. While you are alive, any vig hits made by Glory will be undetectable by watchers or trackers. You have no other specific powers unless otherwise given one.

Curie (Civ, Synth Searcher / Anti-Roleblocker): RYALAMAN

You are Curie (also known as CVRIE, short for "Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer"), a French-accented robot built to study science. As you perform research, you realize that you are limited by your lack of a human body. It may be possible to transfer your software to a vegetative SYNTH in order to assume its body. However, the synth must be NONESSENTIAL, perhaps the rarest type of character in Fallout 4. Each night, you may search via investigation for what may very well be the only nonessential synth in the wasteland.

After the synth in question has died, you will immediately assume its body, and shift focus to your research. You spend your time crafting cures for dangerous afflictions. Each night, you have the ability to send these cures to a single player, ensuring that their moves are processed that night.

Father (The Institute, Godfather): CHICDEAC

You are Father, the leader of the Institute. Any investigation by a civ onto you will be clouded by the Sole Survivor's complex feelings towards you, and will return "civ". Additionally, as leader of an organization as omniscent as the Institute, you will be notified any time one of the other three Institute members is investigated, though you will not be told who performed the investigation or what it returned. You will not be notified of investigations on yourself.

Jun Long (Civ, Vanilla Civ): PHDEAC

You are Jun Long, a resident of Sanctuary who spends his days mired in a deep depression after losing his son.

You are a vanilla civ, have no powers unless otherwise given one, and win with the town.

Mama Murphy (Civ, Vanilla Civ): TOOGS

You are Mama Murphy, a drug addicted old lady who claims to have visions of the future.

Alas, in this game, you are a vanilla civ, have no powers unless otherwise given one, and win with the town.

Nick Valentine (Civ, Investigation Assignments): KNIGHT

You are Nick Valentine, an early-gen Synth who has started his own detective agency in Diamond City. With all of the chaos surrounding disappearances in Diamond City, your agency has become a bit overworked. Each night, you may choose a single player, and request help from them. The chosen player will receive an investigation to be made the following night, which will return "Civ" or "Not Civ" to them. You are not made aware of the results of any investigation.

Tinker Tom (The Railroad, Quartermaster): DEACDETEJAS

You are Thomas Weatherby, also known as Tinker Tom. You are an engineer and weapons expert for the Railroad, and act as the faction's quartermaster. Each night, you may choose to give one of your crafted weapons to another non-Railroad player, for use by them the following night.

Sole Survivor (Civ): GOONER

You are the Sole Survivor, main character of this here game. When any one of the opposing factions is completely eliminated, you must make a choice to align yourself with one of the remaining two. If you are dead, that job will fall to Preston Garvey. If Preston Garvey is dead, that decision will be made via RNG. This choice may have unforeseen consequences.

Additionally, at certain points during the game (Nights 3/6/9/12/etc), you will be able to choose between various perks, which once chosen will affect you permanently.

Supervisor Brown (Civ, Vanilla Civ): LOKISAPOCALYPSE

You are Supervisor Brown, robotic resident of the town of Greygarden.

You are a vanilla civ, have no powers unless otherwise given one, and win with the town.

Knight Captain Cade (The Brotherhood of Steel, Doctor): SMIDGE

You are Knight Captain Cade, a medical officer in the Brotherhood of Steel. You are tasked with performing medical examinations for the rest of the Brotherhood. Each night, you may choose one fellow Brotherhood member and prevent them from being killed via any night hits. This power may only be successful once.

Justin Ayo (The Institute, Railroad Hunter)- DEACSFAN27

You are Justin Ayo, director of the Synth Retention Bureau. You oversee the capture of escaped synths, and are primarily tasked with taking down the Railroad. Each night, you may target one player to investigate whether or not they are an escaped synth. The investigation will return either "Railroad" or "Not Railroad".
Trashcan Carla (Civ, Merchant)- CHAOSDEAC

You are Trashcan Carla, a rather sarcastic roaming merchant who hoards junk. You are skilled at making a profit, and earn 50 caps for every player that visits you at night. You will be notified at the end of each night how many caps you have earned in total. You may spend caps at the start of any night period, as follows:

150 -- Targeted Roleblock -- roleblocked player will be notified
200 -- Targeted Bodyguard -- if targeted player is hit, you and the hitter will die
250 -- Targeted Track -- will return all players your target visits that night
250 -- Targeted Watch -- will return all players to visit your target that night
300 -- Targeted Angel -- if targeted player is hit, nothing will happen
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All roles should be out. All players, including vanilla civs, should have received a PM. If you did not receive a PM, please let me know.

It is now Day 1.

Day 1 will end tomorrow morning, at 10:30:59 AM EST.
***my ass***

That's gooner, from what I can tell
Thanks for putting nicknames in parentheses, RSF. I wouldn't have known who ass turtle is.
I think ass turtle is actually his real name
What happens if we lynch / the mafia hits / smidger smidges and kills the Sole Survivor before one mafia faction is eliminated?
lol 11 posts and already 2 things that should have been pm's to the mods.