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Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - (and beyond) Discussion (spoilers allowed)

it also look like they're leaving out the whole dornish prince trip/getting cooked by a dragon. i never understood the point of that story line in the book, and if its exclusion from the show is an indicator that it really was/is a deadend, then its inclusion in the books is even more of a WTH moment.

I get this general tone from people that they think everything written in the books has some meaning and purpose. Are you people really "shocked" that the books 4 and 5 were filled with tons of fluff? They're each over 1000 pages long and nothing happens in them. I simply don't get how anyone can have a "WTH moment" about something being a deadend. Having deadends is his trademark.
not sure i would agree that dead end is his trademark but meander certainly seems to be the butter on his bread <insert lengthy food description here>. not sure he leaves a ton of loose ends he just becomes enamored with a character that he creates and the follows their arc, creating more characters, and those arcs don't seem to be of much consequence to the main story which i see as stark v lannister, danerys rise, night's watch and white walkers.

i really think the final book will be epic along the lines of book three because i suspect he envisioned much of it from the very beginning and never imagined getting so lost/consumed by the tale of getting there.
Its interesting that the books gave a healthy amount of ink to the succession of the Salty Throne and having Asha come to Westeros but there's been no talk of that in the show.
Is anyone else confused by exactly what Stannis' motive for attacking Winterfell is now that the Lannisters have denounced the Boltons? At the very least, it seems like Stannis could now bypass Winterfell on his way to Kings Landing and avoid attacking one of the most difficult places to take in the 7 Kingdoms. It's also odd since technically the rightful heir is head of Winterfell, and we all know Stannis is all about that. It just seems odd to me that he is going to attack what is now an enemy of his enemy (given the denouncement) instead of perhaps just negotiating with the Boltons. They have to side with someone and apparently the Lannisters are off the table.
Is anyone else confused by exactly what Stannis' motive for attacking Winterfell is now that the Lannisters have denounced the Boltons? At the very least, it seems like Stannis could now bypass Winterfell on his way to Kings Landing and avoid attacking one of the most difficult places to take in the 7 Kingdoms. It's also odd since technically the rightful heir is head of Winterfell, and we all know Stannis is all about that. It just seems odd to me that he is going to attack what is now an enemy of his enemy (given the denouncement) instead of perhaps just negotiating with the Boltons. They have to side with someone and apparently the Lannisters are off the table.

It made more sense in the book when that was not the case about Sansa being in Winterfell. Stannis was doing it to ally with the north.
Is anyone else confused by exactly what Stannis' motive for attacking Winterfell is now that the Lannisters have denounced the Boltons? At the very least, it seems like Stannis could now bypass Winterfell on his way to Kings Landing and avoid attacking one of the most difficult places to take in the 7 Kingdoms. It's also odd since technically the rightful heir is head of Winterfell, and we all know Stannis is all about that. It just seems odd to me that he is going to attack what is now an enemy of his enemy (given the denouncement) instead of perhaps just negotiating with the Boltons. They have to side with someone and apparently the Lannisters are off the table.

stannis does not negotiate. he is all black and white. he is king and anyone in his way he will take out to get the crown he believes is rightfully his. also, if he beats the boltons he has the north, and more troops, behind him. he is banking on the rest of the north hating the boltons for the red wedding. most of the north loved the starks. he does not have nearly enough to fight the lannisters and tyrells who as far as he knows are not at odds.

also cersei gave permission for littlefinger to go north and take the warden of the north title but did we actually see it announced? maybe it was just on paper for him to pull out at the last minute, "excuse me while i whip this out..."

don't forget it takes weeks to travel from kings landing to winterfell. that's one thing they have not done that well. a character goes from point a to b (walking, on a horse, carriage etc) off screen. so it looks like little finger made it to kings landing overnight and sansa was marrried off in a matter of days rather than weeks or months.
stannis does not negotiate. he is all black and white. he is king and anyone in his way he will take out to get the crown he believes is rightfully his. also, if he beats the boltons he has the north, and more troops, behind him. he is banking on the rest of the north hating the boltons for the red wedding. most of the north loved the starks. he does not have nearly enough to fight the lannisters and tyrells who as far as he knows are not at odds.

also cersei gave permission for littlefinger to go north and take the warden of the north title but did we actually see it announced? maybe it was just on paper for him to pull out at the last minute, "excuse me while i whip this out..."

don't forget it takes weeks to travel from kings landing to winterfell. that's one thing they have not done that well. a character goes from point a to b (walking, on a horse, carriage etc) off screen. so it looks like little finger made it to kings landing overnight and sansa was marrried off in a matter of days rather than weeks or months.

But do we even know where the Bolton's allegiance lies at this point? Are they really "in his way?" (In the show) It made more sense in the book that Stannis is taking Winterfell back from a family, the Boltons, who fight for the Lannisters, and he is taking it from an impostor (I think he knew it was a fake Arya in the books, but I could be mistaken). Now that the show has done away with both of these, it just seems like war for war sake, and one that certainly isn't looking good for Stannis at the end of book 5 (Though I'm buying into a theory I read about where Stannis is just trying to play on Ramsay's aggression, and once he lures him out onto the frozen lake, Stannis will collapse the lake to cripple Ramsay's army).

I guess what I'm saying, is if the Boltons aren't with the Lannisters and a Stark is the head of Winterfell, then what is the problem? I get what you're saying about if Stannis beats the Boltons, then the North may be more likely to respect him and follow him, but I'm not sure I'm convinced it's even necessary. The North already has a million reasons to fight against Kings Landing, so fighting with Stannis seems to be the most sensible thing.
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Bolton stands with Bolton. They work with others but will always look out for themselves first.
I don't recall that stannis knew anything about the wedding in book. News travels slow and no way he would know she was fake. Don't recall him mentioning it in the show either actually.
The north is all about honor and strength. No one likes the Boltons and Stannis absolutely needs men and money to fight a war. He has to take the north or rule nothing from the wall.
Also Stannis respected Ned (Need sent the letter telling him to come to KL to take the throne bc kids weren't Roberts) and he did not like the red wedding so it would be a bonus to destroy the Boltons.
So this season ends with Jorah getting killed by Drogon in the fighting pits?
I'm still hoping we'll get a Stoneheart cliffhanger.

I would not hold your breath. It seems like the tv crew is shrinking the cast rather than grrm who seems to be expanding exponentially. Pretty sure they have committed to 7 seasons only. I'm thinking one more season to put all the main characters in place to fight the white walkers.
I would not hold your breath. It seems like the tv crew is shrinking the cast rather than grrm who seems to be expanding exponentially. Pretty sure they have committed to 7 seasons only. I'm thinking one more season to put all the main characters in place to fight the white walkers.

you think HBO is going to rush to wrap it up opposed to happily drag it out?
So this season ends with Jorah getting killed by Drogon in the fighting pits?

Pretty sure fighting pits is next episode.

They're def setting Olly up to kill Jon. I'm assuming Mel and Stannis have a fall out over Shireen next episode and she gets back to the wall in time to save Jon in ep10.
Frankly I'm looking forward to season 15 plot line of little rickon and shaggy dog feasting on roast auroch ( while grrm still hasn't written a book)
Pretty sure fighting pits is next episode.

They're def setting Olly up to kill Jon. I'm assuming Mel and Stannis have a fall out over Shireen next episode and she gets back to the wall in time to save Jon in ep10.
Agree. Press for the remaining episodes said that Mel still has one very important scene with Jon this season or something to that effect.
If the season cliffhanger is "dead" Jon Snow, there's going to be so much internet rage. SO MUCH.
Anyone think there is a chance Jon Snow gets resurrected and becomes the main bad guy? Maybe he goes and joins the Night King or something?
you think HBO is going to rush to wrap it up opposed to happily drag it out?

Its not a network show that nbc or cbs will ride well past its expiration date. They will finish the story however the show runners want with regards to time. Maybe they extend an extra season but they have consistently cut away all the fat.