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Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - (and beyond) Discussion (spoilers allowed)

He actually tells one of the NW to come back for him in a canoe. Whether you find it believable is a different question but that's why the boat was supposed to be there.

I think less zombies and more undead army clearly being controlled by intelligent beings.

That is exactly what I thought they should have included and looks like I just missed it.

I worry about the Jon Snow warging into Ghost theory because the show hasn't done anything at all to foreshadow it.
I just want to know why he's hanging out in the laundry room. Fucking white fur probably getting all over them clean black cloaks.
So the synopsis & pics leaked from tonight already (as well as the preview for Ep10 - way to go HBO)

I hope Ramsay cuts you to pieces Stannis - WTF. :rulz:
I read the spoiler and still don't get it

Stannis orders Shireen burned alive and basically just calmly watches as she screams for help. Even his psycho wife is trying to stop it.
My guess is Brienne kills Stannis and Jon dies. Mel goes to resurrect Stannis and it brings back Jon.

But this was a bridge too far. You could've gotten the same with him banishing Mel and her being at castle black to resurrect Jon.
Do they mention the Azor ahai stuff in the show at all ?

sort of? it's a pretty small plot point but originally they mention him being sent by the red god or something to become king and fight the evil coming. mostly she just talks about him being king with little or no mention of him being supernatural.

davos is going to be pissed when he comes back and realizes why he was really sent away. they must have most of the entire remaining show sketched out. they started building up to the shireen moment a while back by making stannis actually care about her. not sure if his stringent "honor code" fits that he would allow his daughter to burn just so he can be king. he did "pass the sentence" if you will so he made himself watch but why would he not just demand the leeches first?
My guess is Brienne kills Stannis and Jon dies. Mel goes to resurrect Stannis and it brings back Jon.

But this was a bridge too far. You could've gotten the same with him banishing Mel and her being at castle black to resurrect Jon.

i don't think brienne has been given any reason to kill stannis. she might help her escape and then get picked up by stannis. i suppose she is the stand in for mace and his crew of ladies in the books.
I predict Hizdar is still alive and was leading the Sons of the Harpy. Why else have him show up a little late to the fight and then draw attention to it? Also, I didn't see any blood on his shirt when they were "stabbing" him.
Because Stannis killed Renly. Brienne already said in episode 3 this year that she's going to kill Stannis.
I predict Hizdar is still alive and was leading the Sons of the Harpy. Why else have him show up a little late to the fight and then draw attention to it? Also, I didn't see any blood on his shirt when they were "stabbing" him.

In the books at least, it was never said that he was the leader but he tried to poison Dany.
sort of? it's a pretty small plot point but originally they mention him being sent by the red god or something to become king and fight the evil coming. mostly she just talks about him being king with little or no mention of him being supernatural.

davos is going to be pissed when he comes back and realizes why he was really sent away. they must have most of the entire remaining show sketched out. they started building up to the shireen moment a while back by making stannis actually care about her. not sure if his stringent "honor code" fits that he would allow his daughter to burn just so he can be king. he did "pass the sentence" if you will so he made himself watch but why would he not just demand the leeches first?

b/c that act goes straight to the heart of the lightbringer mythology in the books, but seems a bit slim based just on the "blood of a king" line of thinking and the way Stannis has defended his daughter, even against his wife.
b/c that act goes straight to the heart of the lightbringer mythology in the books, but seems a bit slim based just on the "blood of a king" line of thinking and the way Stannis has defended his daughter, even against his wife.

it does. i just mean it's been less front and center in the show than the books. is it really king's blood that has the magic or blood in general. the argument could be made that stannis is not the king since there is a targeryan still alive (dani). if that is the case then stannis' "normal" blood produced the killing of the other kings. except it didn't because stannis' shadow monster killed renly and melisandra asked davos to make a shadow baby with her to serve her king. or at least said it would work.

also with friends like stannis you don't need enemies!

Are we sure it was a guerilla party from the Boltons that started the fires in the Stannis camp? Or was it just Melisandre pushing Stannis over the edge? Because I sure as heck didn't see anyone lighting those fires.