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General Election Thread: Two Weeks Out

You are somewhat confused in your recollection. I did vote Republican in 1980, 1984, 1988 & 1992....but it wasn't country club people who caused me to leave the Republican Party in the 1990s. It was the Religious Right and, later, the NeoCons. If the influence from those two groups can be neutralized, I feel that my views align much more closely with the GOP than with today's Democratic Party.

I thought you had written that you were a member of a country club but ended up not liking the people there. Guess my recollection is wrong.
I thought you had written that you were a member of a country club but ended up not liking the people there. Guess my recollection is wrong.

Have nothing against country clubs. I lived at one for 5 1/2 years after I got out of the army. My father-in-law was one of the five original owner-developers. The course opened in the summer of 1971, shortly after I got out of the army. We built a house & moved there in January, 1972 and were the only people who lived there for five months.


(We still own the undeveloped lot on the lake behind the par-3 8th green, which can be easily seen in one of the slides of the course. The lot is directly across the lake from the flowers in the foreground of the picture.)
The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.

The 70-year-old Republican nominee took his time walking from the green room toward the stage. He stopped to chat with the waiters, service workers, police officers, and other convention staffers facilitating the event. There were no selfies, no glad-handing for votes, no trailing television cameras. Out of view of the press, Trump warmly greets everyone he sees, asks how they are, and, when he can, asks for their names and what they do.
“I am blown away!” said one worker, an African American man who asked for anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak to the press. “The man I just saw there talking to people is nothing like what I’ve seen, day in and day out, in the news.”
I'd rather be elitist than wrong. Don't give a flying fuck what an old crusty fart who lost his mind when he had medical issues thinks about my opinion. Especially one who's voting for Trump.
I think that's out of line Numbers. Please don't let an election turn you into a monster.
Jesus this new Hillary ad is uncomfortably hard hitting.

BKF/ BSF - what are your thoughts?
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Crooked biased Politifact

Have we talked about the Cincinnati Enquirer? First Democrat endorsement in over 100 years. Emphasis mine.


Clinton is a known commodity with a proven track record of governing. As senator of New York, she earned respect in Congress by working across the aisle and crafting bills with conservative lawmakers. She helped 9/11 first responders get the care they needed after suffering health effects from their time at Ground Zero, and helped expand health care and family leave for military families. Clinton has spent more than 40 years fighting for women's and children's rights. As first lady, she unsuccessfully fought for universal health care but helped to create the Children's Health Insurance Program that provides health care to more than 8 million kids today. She has been a proponent of closing the gender wage gap and has stood up for LGBT rights domestically and internationally, including advocating for marriage equality.

Trump is a clear and present danger to our country. He has no history of governance that should engender any confidence from voters. Trump has no foreign policy experience, and the fact that he doesn't recognize it – instead insisting that, "I know more about ISIS than the generals do" – is even more troubling. His wild threats to blow Iranian ships out of the water if they make rude gestures at U.S. ships is just the type of reckless, cowboy diplomacy Americans should fear from a Trump presidency. Clinton has been criticized as being hawkish but has shown a measured approach to the world's problems. Do we really want someone in charge of our military and nuclear codes who has an impulse control problem? The fact that so many top military and national security officials are not supporting Trump speaks volumes.

Clinton, meanwhile, was a competent secretary of state, with far stronger diplomatic skills than she gets credit for. Yes, mistakes were made in Benghazi, and it was tragic that four Americans lost their lives in the 2012 terror attacks on the U.S. consulate there. But the incident was never the diabolical conspiracy that Republicans wanted us to believe, and Clinton was absolved of blame after lengthy investigations. As the nation's top diplomat, Clinton was well-traveled, visiting numerous countries and restoring U.S. influence internationally. She was part of President Barack Obama's inner circle when the decision was made to go after and kill Osama bin Laden and negotiated U.N. sanctions that led to the Iran nuclear deal.
The choice should be obvious to anybody with a lick of sense.
Emails show NBC's Andrea Mitchell telling Colin Powell Trump's nomination is 'awful'
It may not be a shock to her viewers, but NBC journalist Andrea Mitchell is not a fan of Donald Trump -- and leaked emails from June apparently show her describing the prospect of Trump getting the Republican nomination as “awful.”

Emails between former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Mitchell from June, and leaked this month by DC Leaks, begin with a fairly standard journalist’s request for comment after former Bush deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage announced he was backing Hillary Clinton for president.

“Armitage now supporting her? Are you going to endorse? Wondering,” Mitchell asks Powell.

Powell brushes off the question and notes that Armitage has been saying this in public for a while. But then in an email chain dated June 17, Mitchell tells Powell that she thinks Republicans need to find a way to avoid nominating Trump.

“I know trump controls the convention rules committee but I keep thinking they have to find a way not to nominate him,” she tells Powell.

Powell responds by telling her he thinks Trump will get the nomination, and notes that Ryan has declared he is sticking with Trump.

“I don't see how. Even Paul Ryan in today's papers says he has problems, but is sticking with him. Trump is his own best critic right now. Be careful not to give him critics he can attack and divert attention. I assume he will get the nomination. Then the game is on,” Powell responded.

Powell’s outlook is not an optimistic one for Mitchel, who then responds: “It is awful,” apparently referring to Trump’s nomination.

Mitchell did not respond to a request for comment from FoxNews.com
Media members not allowed to have semi-private opinions now?

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