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HB2 Strikes Again

The whole thing explodes when adults use the term "expectation of privacy" in a public bathroom. If you have ever lived in a dorm, been in the military, visited an airport you know the expectation is there is no privacy. It's fucking ridiculous.
The whole thing explodes when adults use the term "expectation of privacy" in a public bathroom. If you have ever lived in a dorm, been in the military, visited an airport you know the expectation is there is no privacy. It's fucking ridiculous.

I think that is part of the issue. In our society, it seems we have public space, private space, and these quasi public/private spaces. The reality is that we are trending away from the latter, and I think that's a good thing. The old guys like bob1 think it's absurd that they have to powder their balls at the Y behind a closed door, but that's the way we are headed. There seems to be a group of folks unable or unwilling to imagine a world without middle school kids in gang showers.
re read bkf's posts and change transgender to black, gay or any other marginalized group.
The whole thing explodes when adults use the term "expectation of privacy" in a public bathroom. If you have ever lived in a dorm, been in the military, visited an airport you know the expectation is there is no privacy. It's fucking ridiculous.

Then why is it viewed as noble for the Charlotte ordinance to directly cater to that expectation of privacy in a public bathroom for transgenders by allowing them to opt out of the bathroom of their sex? Why should they get to have an expectation of privacy in a public bathroom but nobody else does?
Then why is it viewed as noble for the Charlotte ordinance to directly cater to that expectation of privacy in a public bathroom for transgenders by allowing them to opt out of the bathroom of their sex? Why should they get to have an expectation of privacy in a public bathroom but nobody else does?

They don't have an expectation of privacy. It's a public facility. They don't agree with your concept of "sex". And neither does the current body of knowledge surrounding the study of human sexuality. Life long learning. You should try it.
At what point do we just say that it's time for Charlotte to just repeal their law? Which is hilarious since it's already been disallowed. (If you're looking for political grandstanding, here you have it - forcing the repeal of a law that isn't a law)

At least then transgenders would be able to use the restroom of their choice again "legally" (assuming HB2 also comes of the books).

I think it's admirable that Charlotte is trying to stand it's ground but if more than half of the NC legislature (and NC in general for that matter) would side with the pro-HB2 people on this thread, then it's all fucked anyway and now is apparently not the time to continue this argument.

That said-

I wouldn't put it past mccrory and the gop to not live up to their end of the deal and leave it in place.

And also nothing is going to reverse the damage this bill has done to our economy or our reputation (and economy going forward), repeal or no repeal.

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Strawman argument. Doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you are changing a law that will make it easier for pedophiles to prey upon children.....and serves no other really important purpose when relative plusses & minuses of such a law are compared. You can't stop a pedophile from being a pedophile....but you can stop a law that will let him walk freely into a girls' bathroom. Again, 0.3% of the population is transgender. There are plenty of single occupant bathrooms and enclosed stalls in men's bathrooms. You are creating a law that results in far more potential problems than any existing problems that it solves.

I don't understand how it makes it easier for pedophiles to pray on children at all. You're going to need to flesh that out because it seems like there are a lot of false premises inherent in it
I don't understand how it makes it easier for pedophiles to pray on children at all. You're going to need to flesh that out because it seems like there are a lot of false premises inherent in it

The association of the LGBT community and pedophilia may be the longest running canard educated people have had to endure. Usually occurs when all the other lame arguments have failed.
I don't understand how it makes it easier for pedophiles to pray on children at all. You're going to need to flesh that out because it seems like there are a lot of false premises inherent in it

He's saying it's OK for the Sanduskys of the world to prey on children because it's penis preying on penis. He doesn't want penis preying on vagina which will happen if penises are allowed with vaginas. Of course, he hasn't explained who is checking for penises and vaginas at the door or in the stalls.
The association of the LGBT community and pedophilia may be the longest running canard educated people have had to endure. Usually occurs when all the other lame arguments have failed.

It would be easy to prove that, statistcally, Republican senators have more of a propensity for lewd behavior in public restrooms than the lgtbq community. But, you know, that's a wide stance to take.
They don't have an expectation of privacy. It's a public facility. They don't agree with your concept of "sex". And neither does the current body of knowledge surrounding the study of human sexuality. Life long learning. You should try it.

If they don't have an expectation of privacy then why do they care that they are in the men's room?
I personally don't. But the Charlotte City Council did, because an LGBT group told them to, which is what started this shitshow. So I want to know why that LGBT group cares, when you say they don't have an expectation of privacy.
That argument pisses me off because it's not true. HB2 does not make kids safe from predators. In the same way Amendment 1 was bad for families. There is not some magical sanctity of a women's restroom, and men are not uncontrollable predacious beings. It's a tired scare tactic that has been used by nearly every discriminatory era in modern American history. It comes down to trans men and women being an "other" that folks don't understand and fear combined with Victorian perceptions of women. Both are harmful.

It was late. Tired after watching all the shooting/protesting coverage. I didn't fully read either post. Mia Culpa!!

One of the initial points from HB2 supporters was they didn't care about which bathroom a transgender person used, but the Charlotte ordinance would allow dudes to go into women's rooms, and if asked to leave, could just say "I identify as a woman." I thought that's what bkf was getting at, and that was the reason/excuse that the Raleigh idiots used to rush HB2. Had to get it passed before rando guys just started hanging out in women's bathrooms in Charlotte starting April 1! Don't know why other than political grandstanding Raleigh couldn't wait until after the ordinance went into effect to see if there would be any unintended consequences.
If you think a guy, dressed like a guy could get away with that you aren't being realistic.
It's not "just in my mind" that it makes it easier for men to prey on girls. You are proposing a law that makes it legal for a man to just walk right into any girls' restroom by posing as a transgender. That makes it easier. That's a fact, not just something in my mind.

And I'm not saying that one crime is worse than another crime. I'm just saying that you are unnecessarily changing a law for no worthwhile reason to make it easier for a crime to be committed. Any such crime is despicable....but why change a law to make it easier to commit a crime when there is no need to change the law in the first place?

It can happen with or without the law. The law doesn't stop a person who wants to do this from doing this. The only thin the law does is discriminate against the transgender community. It's a useless law to stop something that wasn't happening and that has no teeth to stop it from actually happening.
According to a recent survey by the Center of Justice, over 90 percent of child abuse victims know their molester.