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Is Fat Acceptance A Good Thing?

It's not as easy to just lose weight as some of you think it is.

As far as I'm concerned, it's not about losing weight... it's about choosing to eat a salad or fruit instead of an open-faced bagel with three pieces of sliced cheese on each half for a snack (my officemate did this yesterday... I figure it was an 800 calorie snack; 500 in cheese, 300 in bagel). Just make healthy decisions. Walk an extra 100 feet instead of waiting for a closer parking spot, etc. Pounds will even out eventually, but if you make it all about weight and not about LIFESTYLE it most likely won't stick.
LOL yeah it is. Calories out>calories in.

Anorexia>>>obesity. i liked the heroine shiek.

WTF? No.
Because you like seeing skinny people more than you like seeing fat people? Anorexia is a disease, not a weight classification, and it comes with its own host of health problems.
and who is the heroine sheik? was that zelda character on heroine?
People are fat as fuck here due to the plethora of restaurants and Mexicans, but people are fat everywhere. They're thinner overall in the northeast, but the tradeoff is they're uglier too.

#yankeeface strikes again
so would you rather see a really muscular but super super hairy dude with his shirt off or a fat but tan and hairless dude?

asking for a friend
This is kind of like requiring seat belts for drivers. If the government can make you be safe, where does that line stop? For kids, I see it, but for adults, it is a slippery slope. If I want to put a needle in my arm or eat at McDs three times a day or drive 100 with no seat belt, I think that is my business. And dont play the cost of healthcare card, because that is paid for one way or another by the haves.

Shaming, on the other hand, is poor form. As poor a form as enabling IMHO.
Lifestyle changes. Lifestyle. It's not just food, you have to commit to healthy decisions all day every (most) days.
This is kind of like requiring seat belts for drivers. If the government can make you be safe, where does that line stop? For kids, I see it, but for adults, it is a slippery slope. If I want to put a needle in my arm or eat at McDs three times a day or drive 100 with no seat belt, I think that is my business. And dont play the cost of healthcare card, because that is paid for one way or another by the haves.

Shaming, on the other hand, is poor form. As poor a form as enabling IMHO.

What is this in reference to? Who is looking for government interference with adults?

I don't think shaming is the answer, and I know this couldn't scale to the US, but:

we should just make everybody do CROSSFIT
Lifestyle changes. Lifestyle. It's not just food, you have to commit to healthy decisions all day every (most) days.

exactly. it's simple, easy habits that one can sustain indefinitely.

cut out sodas. drink a lot of water. don't buy cookies/deserts to keep in the house. pay attention to what you get at the store (i.e. just read labels and avoid sugar). get out and do something a couple times a week (even if it's walking around the neighborhood).

BOOM. you're not gonna be Hardbody McDiamondnipple but, without even planning meals or having a regimented exercise program, you've changed your life quite a damn bit.
exactly. it's simple, easy habits that one can sustain indefinitely.

cut out sodas. drink a lot of water. don't buy cookies/deserts to keep in the house. pay attention to what you get at the store (i.e. just read labels and avoid sugar). get out and do something a couple times a week (even if it's walking around the neighborhood).

BOOM. you're not gonna be Hardbody McDiamondnipple but, without even planning meals or having a regimented exercise program, you've changed your life quite a damn bit.

I wouldn't ever recommend this anyway... :)

but really - this. hell, if you're starting from scratch just do one of these things; challenge yourself to do it every day for the first two weeks of a month. get it into your routine. see what happens.
it's pretty amazing how terrible elc's opinions on everything are.
also having been to dfw and "the northeast," lol at the women in the northeast being uglier. lol lol lol. a bunch of fatties with big hair is not hot.
But, but, but......beer. I cant quit beer. I eat healthy, fresh foods, and do manual yardwork outside for 3 hours or so every day, but I love good beer. My caloric intake from beer alone is astronomical.
People are fat as fuck here due to the plethora of restaurants and Mexicans, but people are fat everywhere. They're thinner overall in the northeast, but the tradeoff is they're uglier too.

republican code speak for JEWS!
But, but, but......beer. I cant quit beer. I eat healthy, fresh foods, and do manual yardwork outside for 3 hours or so every day, but I love good beer. My caloric intake from beer alone is astronomical.

Pick a cheat day

Although empty calories like alcohol are the worst

Also don't drink late at night just day drink on a cheat day
But, but, but......beer. I cant quit beer. I eat healthy, fresh foods, and do manual yardwork outside for 3 hours or so every day, but I love good beer. My caloric intake from beer alone is astronomical.

yeah, beer is my vice. this is true.