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Is it worth having kids?

Can you elaborate on this please? Is there some national governing body that ranks 2nd grade climbers and he's got all the #1 votes right now? Or is he one of these prodigies that has completed the 7 summits by their 7th birthday?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass. It's just that you went out of your way to say he's "indisputably #1 in the country" when you could've said "he's a really really good climber for an 8 year old." So I'm assuming there's something more than just he can climb the rock wall and touch the ceiling faster than anyone in his class at school.

I was wondering the exact same thing. How does a little kid get to be "#1" at climbing? Do you just climb faster than everyone else? Climb higher? I really have no idea. Appreciate LBE clearing that up.

Rubbins had a plan a while back to one day have a daughter and teach her to be the Tiger Woods of stripping. Instead of giving her a golf club when she turns 2, install a stripper pole in her bedroom. Sounds like a good plan to me.
I try not to make all my facebook updates about the kiddo, but he is a major part of my life, I figure if people don't want to know what is going on with him, they can hide me from their newsfeed or de-friend me. I don't talk about him with coworkers/friends unless they ask.

Today I am sacrificing a trip to Nashville because I have an infant. Am I sad that Matt will be enjoying the city/bowl game without me? Sure. Did I encourage him to go even though it wasn't prudent to bring E? Yep. Will I enjoy watching on TV while I have a 17 pound weight on my chest keeping me from being able to move? More than I can express.

I concur as a 30 year old single person that it should still be kept off of facebook. I don't want to defriend my friends with kids because sometimes you get useful information like "travelling to California" or something that you otherwise wouldn't. But the only acceptable things that can be mentioned on facebook about your kids are funny things they say.

My Brother accomplishes this well with his three kids:

"Dad, Nora took my toy." "What should you do about it, Quentin?" "I know what Batman would do." "Well, lets not do that."

"What are you drawing Quentin?" "A map so we can find bears." "That's really good." "Dad, can we go hunting?" "For what?" "Bears." "We don't have a gun, Buddy." "We could poke him in they eye." "He'll be angry & want to eat us." "We could step on him." "He'll still be angry." "We need a gun, Dad."
Married people with kids want to hear about other people's kids.

Single people without kids don't.
I'm married with 3 kids under the age of three and I sure as hell dont want to hear about anyone else's kids. Thats why I make a conscious effort to not mention my kids to anyone unless they ask. Unless of course its on OGB boards on a thread about having kids.
I do have another piece of advice for those out there thinking about or in the midst or raising kids.

Quit trying to make a kid #1 in a sport, school, etc. Instead, focus on making them #1 in decision making, talking to other people, being happy with their life etc. Those are the skills that will propel them far in life.

First of all, they will never be #1, someone out there will always better. My parents wanted me to be great at soccer and make straight A's. I made As and Bs, which was always a source or strife because my parents knew I could make As. I made the local ODP team in soccer, but got no further. But by working in my Dad's hardware store, I learned to help all types of people, listen well to them, explain solutions to them, budget with my own money, etc. I loved being up there, and it has greatly influenced my career path. It was certainly much more valuable than playing soccer all weekend with a bunch of rich kids or studying the crap out of Lear so I could make an A in AP English, then quite literally never pick up Shakespeare again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for a liberal education and putting in the time/hard work to be great at something you love or need badly to do what you love. I just think the pressure should mostly come from within the kid to be great at a thing they love, not from the parent to be great at a thing because the kid is doing it temporarily for a year or four. And the focus should be on growing into a responsible, happy, loving adult, not fulfilling a shortcoming or misgiving in the parent's life, or some archaic formula society has set forth.

You got it right!

Wow, she looks A LOT like a baby that my friend just had. Are you suure you're not a white boy that lives in Orlando?

Man, your wife must have had heartburn out the wazoo.
Man, your wife must have had heartburn out the wazoo.

I wish the hair=heartburn had been true for E. He's bald as can be but I was popping 2 prevacid a day for months and still having bad heartburn. I've seen studies that say it's the one old wives tale with science behind it, but it wasn't the case for me :tear:
lol @ single people complaining about parents posting too much about their kids on facebook. all the single bros on my feed post are their either humble brag or self-deprecating witticisms hoping it will help them get some ass. i care more about reading about my friends' kids than that other tripe.
I asked myself the same question before my daughter was born. Without experiencing the joy of raising a child, you simply cannot understand. I wouldn't trade her for ANYTHING.

I have a 7 year old, a 4 year old and a 5 month old. It is def. very challenging and hair pulling at times but the above is so true. I would do ANYTHING for my kids and that includes giving my life. I got married at 21 and my wife didn't get pregnant until I was 27. This was by design. We wanted to enjoy life with each other for a few years before kids. I don't regret it either. I was so much more mature and ready for kids at 27 than 21.
I def. agree that some folks are not meant to be parents. Oh and for those that say a stay at home mom is not a "real job" doesn't have a clue and this is in defense of my wife.
I got married, we enjoyed marriage for 5 years and then had two kids. They are a huge blessing and joy. There are moments and frustrations to be sure, but so, so worth it!!! We enjoy our relationship with our kids in grad school and college now-- don't regret a penny of the bajillion dollars they cost us. You can't worry about having enough money to have kids or you will never have kids....

Oh man that is so true.
Potty training happens when the kid is ready, and not before. We tried to potty-train my oldest from the time he was about 2 until he was almost three (not every day, but we were pretty consistent about trying to get him to use the toilet). He took to peeing pretty quick, but it took forever for him to want to poop. This was despite him having classmates at pre-school and other friends who did it. Then, one day, he decided that was what he wanted to do. And there have been few problems since then.

I agree. I think you can "guide" them in potty training but it just has to come to them.
I'm 25, married this year, just graduated law school and started my first "real job" in August. We definitely want to have kids, but are also terrified. It will probably become a realer possibility for us once the terror subsides a little. Or are you all going to tell me the terror never subsides?

What are you guys terrified about? Just do it. I don't think anyone is ever "ready" to have kids if you know what I mean.
I know someone who is unemployed, has a kid who is somewhere in the toddler age and the kid goes to poop camp for a few hours a day several days a week. Poop camp is a place where he goes to learn to poop on a potty with experts (or something like that). WTF.

I don't like hearing about pooping or breastfeeding on facebook but I do like pictures of people's kids.
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I know someone who is unemployed, has a kid who is somewhere in the toddler age and the kid goes to poop camp for a few hours a day several days a week. Poop camp is a place where he goes to learn to poop on a potty with experts (or something like that). WTF.

I don't like hearing about pooping or breastfeeding on facebook but I do like pictures of people's kids.

I enjoy reading about my friend's kids on facebook. Maybe it's because my sister has the 18 month old twin girls, but I think kids are awesome. Being an uncle is really cool too. Since I live in the same town as my sister now, the girls have gotten used to me and run to me as soon as I walk in the door. They are also beginning to say my name now which is awesome.
I enjoy reading about my friend's kids on facebook. Maybe it's because my sister has the 18 month old twin girls, but I think kids are awesome. Being an uncle is really cool too. Since I live in the same town as my sister now, the girls have gotten used to me and run to me as soon as I walk in the door. They are also beginning to say my name now which is awesome.

I agree. Being an aunt is awesome too. My niece is two and when I go to my sister's she says "Aunt ITK" and runs and hugs me multiple times. Also, no matter what I sew her, she loves it. I made her a goat dress (goats are her jam) for her birthday and I was still working out the kinks with a new machine and its not the greatest quality but she wears it all the time.
I got my nieces a Sesame Street drum set for Christmas. They love it. My sister and brother-in-law don't really like me right now.