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Is it worth having kids?


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
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First, I'd never get married unless I planned to have kids and I wouldn't plan to have kids unless I got married. Do you agree?

Second, is there a minimum salary you would require to have a kid? They're so freaking expensive and I don't envy the idea of slaving away at a crap job to support a child and barely get by. Thoughts?

Third, what is the earliest and oldest age you'd be willing to have a newborn? I'm going with 38 and 45.
No children (by choice) unless married. If married, will most likely have kids.

Age: Probably won't be getting married until I'm at least 30.

$: Don't really have a problem with making money to support a family. Really, what else would you be making money for other than your selfish self?
Your signature indicates that you're not a good enough decision maker to be a parent.
Well it's certainly not economically worth it. I didn't used to want to have kids but the older I've gotten the more I've taken the stance of "I don't want anyone else's kids but if I had my own that'd be cool" (which is fine because I'm not trying to go all JonBenet Ramsey).
And to answer the question more seriously, absolutely yes, for me. Have two currently and we're working on adopting a third. I'll actually be going into significant debt in order to have another kid.
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Way down the road I plan on having kids. The heritage doesn't stop with me man.
I have 2, one on the way.

Throughout my life, I have questioned EVERYTHING.

Did I marry the right person?
Am I friends with the right people?
did I choose the right career?

My kids, however, are pretty much the one thing there is no amount of money on planet earth I would substitute. Being a dad is the greatest and most fullfilling aspect in my life, and there is no close second. It absolutely has it's challenges and I certainly have my bad days...

I guess you get my point. However, that being said, it's not for everyone.
I have a lot of awesome tattoo ideas, more than can even fit on my body, so once I run out of space, I'm gonna have a kid or two for more blank canvas.
I have a 2 year old and I waited - I am 32 now. I knew I wanted to have kids, but thought later would be better - now I somewhat regret that.

You start to think of a lot of shit after you have kids, and one that I didn't think about - and maybe not relevant to some, but is the relationship with my kid and my parents. Having waited, I now realize my son will only remember/view my parents as elderly - my son won't be able to play ball or do many active things with my parents, which is disappointing. Other issues with waiting, is while it would seem better from a fiscal and time standpoint, it really isn't. Kids take up a lot of time with schools, doctors, etc - it would be much easier if my son were say 6 or 7 now and could do a lot more things around the house, ride the bus, etc - time that I and my wife don't have to spend away from our jobs while we are still in our best business growth years. Fiscally, kids are really not that expensive - except for fucking daycare, that is a racket. Diapers can be expensive, but a lot of that you will get from baby showers and gifts and as soon as you join the babysrus clubs and stuff it gets easier. Ultimately, you want to be saving for your kids as early as possible, so since I didn't start a fund for my kid til he was actually a living thing, I am behind on saving for college or whatever else he decides to do.

Probably long winded - kids are good, don't wait too long. If you are thinking about waiting til mid/late 30s, watch Idiocracy with Luke Wilson. No offense to those who do, this is just my take - because I waited a couple of extra years after getting married than I needed to - granted on flip side is i would have missed out on a lot more quality time with my significant other, fun trips, late night partying, all the things I can't do now.
I have a 2 year old and I waited - I am 32 now. I knew I wanted to have kids, but thought later would be better - now I somewhat regret that.

You start to think of a lot of shit after you have kids, and one that I didn't think about - and maybe not relevant to some, but is the relationship with my kid and my parents. Having waited, I now realize my son will only remember/view my parents as elderly - my son won't be able to play ball or do many active things with my parents, which is disappointing. Other issues with waiting, is while it would seem better from a fiscal and time standpoint, it really isn't. Kids take up a lot of time with schools, doctors, etc - it would be much easier if my son were say 6 or 7 now and could do a lot more things around the house, ride the bus, etc - time that I and my wife don't have to spend away from our jobs while we are still in our best business growth years. Fiscally, kids are really not that expensive - except for fucking daycare, that is a racket. Diapers can be expensive, but a lot of that you will get from baby showers and gifts and as soon as you join the babysrus clubs and stuff it gets easier. Ultimately, you want to be saving for your kids as early as possible, so since I didn't start a fund for my kid til he was actually a living thing, I am behind on saving for college or whatever else he decides to do.

Probably long winded - kids are good, don't wait too long. If you are thinking about waiting til mid/late 30s, watch Idiocracy with Luke Wilson. No offense to those who do, this is just my take - because I waited a couple of extra years after getting married than I needed to - granted on flip side is i would have missed out on a lot more quality time with my significant other, fun trips, late night partying, all the things I can't do now.

Well this is depressing. I'm in no position to have kids/get married at this point. I'm 24.
Well this is depressing. I'm in no position to have kids/get married at this point. I'm 24.

Had my first at 28...definitely wouldn't have minded earlier for all of the reasons DaDeacs mentioned, but it wasn't in the cards (i.e. wasn't married). I think his regret was just waiting when he could have started sooner. If you don't have the option, there's nothing to regret. 24 is plenty young. I didn't meet my wife until I was nearly 25, and we were married for 2 years before we started down the kid path. Currently 31 with a 3rd on the way.
Had my first at 28...definitely wouldn't have minded earlier for all of the reasons DaDeacs mentioned, but it wasn't in the cards (i.e. wasn't married). I think his regret was just waiting when he could have started sooner. If you don't have the option, there's nothing to regret. 24 is plenty young. I didn't meet my wife until I was nearly 25, and we were married for 2 years before we started down the kid path. Currently 31 with a 3rd on the way.

Phew... I currently don't want kids, but jeez, if I ever end up wanting them, DaDeac's post paints a bleak picture of waiting too long. I'd definitely want them to hang out with my parents.

Both of my sisters already have children. Well, one is on the way. My older sister, had her child when she was 21. My younger sister, will have her child in April. She is 23.

I'll be at least 27-30 before having kids is on my radar, I think. My parents are going to be grandchilded out.
Had my first at 28...definitely wouldn't have minded earlier for all of the reasons DaDeacs mentioned, but it wasn't in the cards (i.e. wasn't married). I think his regret was just waiting when he could have started sooner. If you don't have the option, there's nothing to regret. 24 is plenty young. I didn't meet my wife until I was nearly 25, and we were married for 2 years before we started down the kid path. Currently 31 with a 3rd on the way.

In..TW, no big deal at all. I had my first when I was 30, now about to have my 3rd at 34.... we are very comfortable with the decisions we made and our future. You have plenty of time.
Phew... I currently don't want kids, but jeez, if I ever end up wanting them, DaDeac's post paints a bleak picture of waiting too long. I'd definitely want them to hang out with my parents.

Both of my sisters already have children. Well, one is on the way. My older sister, had her child when she was 21. My younger sister, will have her child in April. She is 23.

I'll be at least 27-30 before having kids is on my radar, I think. My parents are going to be grandchilded out.

Wasn't trying to bleak - sorry. I am just in a situation where when my son is 6, my dad will be 70 - that was a regret for me.

There were plenty of solid reasons to wait, and I have a ton of experiences I wouldn't have had if I did. Just weird how your outlook changes when you have little pains in the asses running around
Wasn't trying to bleak - sorry. I am just in a situation where when my son is 6, my dad will be 70 - that was a regret for me.

There were plenty of solid reasons to wait, and I have a ton of experiences I wouldn't have had if I did. Just weird how your outlook changes when you have little pains in the asses running around

Oh yeah, I completely understand what you are saying. My mom is 57 right :(