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MTOW More on the Buzz Conundrum

That's a pretty good article by Dan and I completely concur. He has done a great job analyzing and putting his finger on where the Wake fan base is, and that's all we can ask from him as a fan base.

I do think that the vitriol displayed by some folks towards Jeff [Redacted] undermines the effectiveness of the movement as a whole because it allows us all to be painted as crazy fans instead of the ones with all the facts and statistics.
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*sigh* First it was about culture, and now it's about civility. I can see where this is going, This is the old man, as exemplified by Wellman, telling the "kids" to pipe down because they're interrupting his nap time.

And seeing this article makes it clear to me that this is all a part of a true master plan by Wellman, only this time he knows exactly what he's doing, unlike when he hired Buzz in the first place. The message boards are being told to simmer down, Dan Collins has been recruited to spread that message, and the advertisements and those behind them have been spun as some kind of lunatic fringe.

Fuck that. I was civil the whole time, and all this does is make me want to be less civil and fire off an e-mail to Wellman with nothing but FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU written 800 times over and over. The goal here is more spin and marginalization of the vast majority of Wake fans, but to appeal to the civil side of those who are more apathetic than angry in the hope that all the Buzz Backlash will just kind of go away and subside in the off-season.

It isn't going anywhere, Ron. It is here to stay. You made this bed and you get to fucking sleep in it. Fuck you and your obvious attempts to change a debate that you have already lost long ago. How is this for civil? Eat a big fat bag of dicks, Ron. You are not a victim. Buzz is not a victim. The Wake fanbase are the victims. Victims of this atrocious hire.
Also, FWIW, I agree with Dan and most here about keeping things civil. I am as Buzzout as you can be, but I cringe a little at some of the stuff people post. I also know that it undermines our legitimate efforts to expose the epic failure of our Athletic Department. We have enough stats and facts that we don't need to rely on personal attacks and whatnot.

This is where I am too. Solid post Kent.
I'm trying to think of another time where a coach was retained when such a large percentage of the fanbase, most of the media, and anyone with common sense think they should be fired.

This is what the toolbags who piss and moan about how "classless" and "tasteless" it is for Wake's "so-called" fans to mount an effort to have [Redacted] fired don't understand. Normally, the AD, university president, and BOT recognize that a change needs to be made...

AND THEY FUCKING MAKE IT. In a program with pride and self-respect, it just doesn't get to this point. Here, it has. So here we are. All of us "tasteless, classless" shitheads who care so little for Wake that we dare to want a change in coaching and leadership. How fucking dare us. Who do we think we are?!? Fans who give a shit?
What program with any standards at all would keep a guy under these circumstances?
Only a fools hope left at this point. But, the fact that Wellman is to busy to address the issue now also speaks to his lack of concern and lack of touch to the fan base. If he is retaining this guy, then he should feel good about it and put out the memo. It is not like he does not already have a contract in place. If Wellman is really behind him, he should have five minutes to put out a memo. All this boils down to the real issue and where the focus should not go: Wellmanout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What program with any standards at all would keep a guy under these circumstances?

The only way this gets worse is if Shaka is hired by another school before next season. Then we will know we have no chance to get him.
Only a fools hope left at this point. But, the fact that Wellman is to busy to address the issue now also speaks to his lack of concern and lack of touch to the fan base. If he is retaining this guy, then he should feel good about it and put out the memo. It is not like he does not already have a contract in place. If Wellman is really behind him, he should have five minutes to put out a memo. All this boils down to the real issue and where the focus should not go: Wellmanout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wham. If he is staying just say it Ron. Unless his goal is to just piss off the fan base even more.
If he is retained, the only thing that will speak loudly enough for Wellman to hear it is in the seats next year. Sure attendance is off and that should've sent a message, but apparently it needs to be almost non-existent. I'm talking less than 5000 for home conference games next year. What would be really cool is for the attendance to be better at the women's games next year, since we do have a young and promising coach leading that program. I know that won't happen, but could you imagine the message that would send to Wellman????
This is what the toolbags who piss and moan about how "classless" and "tasteless" it is for Wake's "so-called" fans to mount an effort to have [Redacted] fired don't understand. Normally, the AD, university president, and BOT recognize that a change needs to be made...

AND THEY FUCKING MAKE IT. In a program with pride and self-respect, it just doesn't get to this point. Here, it has. So here we are. All of us "tasteless, classless" shitheads who care so little for Wake that we dare to want a change in coaching and leadership. How fucking dare us. Who do we think we are?!? Fans who give a shit?

Exactly, we're dealing with an AD, President, and apparently BOT that aren't only not making a change, they refuse to even acknowledge there is a problem. Heck, even if he's going to be retained at least come out and say we understand the fans frustrations and unrest, but we believe it is still in the best interest of Wake Forest to retain Jeff [Redacted]. However, we who are the overwhelming majority are written off as some lunatic fringe!!!

I'm so on board - Listen, I get what Dan is trying to get across but Mr. Wellman better prepare for a shitstorm of epic proportions if this loser is retained for another year - that or absolute apathy.

The program has already dissolved - guess it can't get any worse.
If he is retained, the only thing that will speak loudly enough for Wellman to hear it is in the seats next year. Sure attendance is off and that should've sent a message, but apparently it needs to be almost non-existent. I'm talking less than 5000 for home conference games next year. What would be really cool is for the attendance to be better at the women's games next year, since we do have a young and promising coach leading that program. I know that won't happen, but could you imagine the message that would send to Wellman????

The men and women both had 13 wins this season. Now obviously these programs have different histories, but 13 wins isn't "promising" either way.

"What does rankle me, however, is to see the utter lack of respect some have for opinions other than their own. And it rankles me to see what lengths some go to discredit and even vilify those who decline to walk lockstep in any direction they feel the argument should -- no, must -- go."

Dan has some balls saying that given his columns on [Redacted] and Lobo in the past.

wake20 nails it above. This isn't a debate. The facts are all on one side.
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I don't think there's any problem with saying "fuck this I'm not gonna wach this anymore, fuck Ron, fuck Jeff" but saying "I want to set Jeff [Redacted] on fire" is probably over the line. A few people (mostly the same people over and over) have crossed this line.
The men and women both had 13 wins this season. Now obviously these programs have different histories, but 13 wins isn't "promising" either way.

I like the women's coach though. I admit I didn't see the woman play much this year, but the two games they played in the ACC tourney, they showed more heart and intensity than I've seen Jeffy get out of our men's teams in 3 years. I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do here with the women's program.
What, exactly, has not been "civil" recently? I haven't seen any uncivil ads published, and I don't recall any particularly egregious message board posts.

Is this whole civility thing just another tactical invention like the culture argument?

Please BuzzOuters, don't let yourselves be manipulated by the AD again.
I don't think there's any problem with saying "fuck this I'm not gonna wach this anymore, fuck Ron, fuck Jeff" but saying "I want to set Jeff [Redacted] on fire" is probably over the line. A few people (mostly the same people over and over) have crossed this line.

Wrong thread. But the problem isn't what we see or think. It's what counsel for the plaintiff thinks he can prove.
I don't think there's any problem with saying "fuck this I'm not gonna wach this anymore, fuck Ron, fuck Jeff" but saying "I want to set Jeff [Redacted] on fire" is probably over the line. A few people (mostly the same people over and over) have crossed this line.

I agree, of course those comments are almost always said tongue in cheek, I honestly don't think anybody here wants to do the man bodily harm. Heck, I'd be glad to help the man pack, how much nicer can you get?