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Obama's "Truth Team" Explains "You Didn't Build That"

OK "more stringent".

But any savings are are important as people start living significantly longer.
As you know, we disagree on this issue. I do agree with raising the bar on FICA contributions (more palatable for high earners if they don't get screwed out of their benefit) and increasing the retirement age for those who still have time to save.
I'd be more for moving the top number much higher than raising the rate to those who make less than $100K.
still, American business has benefited greatly from the very programs that supposed business advocates in the punditry and electorate rail against. It is asinine. They enjoy the benefits of a stable consumer base, but they weep and moan when it comes time to chip in to pay for it.
They sure do enjoy those tax breaks and small business loans. But just like disaster aid, conservatives aren't talking about THOSE government handouts and programs.
On the issue of raising the retirement age, the social security administration has done all sorts of analysis on this and other proposals. Here's the data on raising the age

After the normal retirement age (NRA) reaches 67 for those age 62 in 2022, increase the NRA 2 months per year until it reaches 69 for individuals attaining age 62 in 2034. Thereafter, increase the NRA 1 month every 2 years.

Here's the result


Doesn't make much of a difference
still, American business has benefited greatly from the very programs that supposed business advocates in the punditry and electorate rail against. It is asinine. They enjoy the benefits of a stable consumer base, but they weep and moan when it comes time to chip in to pay for it.

Imagine the impact on demand of half of all Americans paying more income taxes.
The impact of apparatchiks demanding more income taxes is that the only consumer base left will be welfare mammas using their slits to consume gangbanger jizzm.
Not sure why you'd be confused. At low income levels, more money in taxes would directly relate to lowered demand

I see, so you're saying to stimulate economic activity, we should cut taxes. I like it.
The impact of apparatchiks demanding more income taxes is that the only consumer base left will be welfare mammas using their slits to consume gangbanger jizzm.

I don't care who you are - this shit is funny.
Obama is creating so many jobs with the insane number of attack ads he's putting out there. Someone's gotta be working to come up with them. Well done Mr. President
still, American business has benefited greatly from the very programs that supposed business advocates in the punditry and electorate rail against. It is asinine. They enjoy the benefits of a stable consumer base, but they weep and moan when it comes time to chip in to pay for it for all of it.

ok, jhmd all of it. :rolleyes:

The restaurateur, the local garage selling gas and tires, the barber shop, the laundromat, the drug store, and the grocer fucking hate those government programs you cry about all the time like unemployment bennies, medicare, food stamps, and welfare. They want those people to be starved into pulling up their bootstraps and getting a job! They are sick and tired of footing the bill for their customers to have some money when the economy turns south on its regular cycle. They really want an economic system wherein when the recessions come around from the big bankers and insurance companies who have all the economic power fucking up their shit with risky investments, the whole ball of wax goes into the shitter and they have to close up shop. That's right, they want the cops and firemen fired and the teachers laid off so that they don't have to pay that extra 3% in taxes. Too much government is ruining their business. The taxes are an albatross! Stop the madness!!
ok, jhmd all of it. :rolleyes:

The restaurateur, the local garage selling gas and tires, the barber shop, the laundromat, the drug store, and the grocer fucking hate those government programs you cry about all the time like unemployment bennies, medicare, food stamps, and welfare.
They want those people to be starved into pulling up their bootstraps and getting a job! They are sick and tired of footing the bill for their customers to have some money when the economy turns south on its regular cycle. They really want an economic system wherein when the recessions come around from the big bankers and insurance companies who have all the economic power fucking up their shit with risky investments, the whole ball of wax goes into the shitter and they have to close up shop. That's right, they want the cops and firemen fired and the teachers laid off so that they don't have to pay that extra 3% in taxes. Too much government is ruining their business. The taxes are an albatross! Stop the madness!!

They probably love them. Those programs push wages down.
The Book of Obama


1 In the beginning Govt created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the economy was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the ATMs, and the Spirit of Govt was hovering over the land.

3 And Govt said, “Let there be spending,” and there was spending. 4 Govt saw that the spending was good, and that it separated the light from the darkness. 5 Govt called the spending Investments, and this he did in the first day.

6 Then Govt said, “Let there be roads and bridges across the waters, and let dams divide the waters from the waters.” 7 Thus Govt made the infrastructure and the patronage jobs for eternity under the firmament from the Potomac which was above the firmament; and it was so. 8 And Govt called the firmament Washington. This Govt did on the second day.

17 And on the fifth day Govt made an official Govt holiday, and headed off for a 3-day golf weekend at Camp David. But first Govt said to the economy, "you are free to eat from any tree in the garden, except the tree of Knowledge. There is a serpent in that thing, and thy health care does not cover it."

18 So when Govt was on vay-cay the economy set about the garden, plowing its fields and generating revenue for the glory of Govt. They obeyed the regulations and were not ashamed.

19 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the balanced, publicly-funded birds the Lord Govt had made to sing news to the economy. The serpent was on the AM band. He said to the retail sector, “Did Govt really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? ”

20 "Only yours, serpent," said the retail sector.

21 “Don't be a wuss,” the serpent said to the retail sector. 22 “For Govt knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will wise to Govt's scam.”

23 When she saw that the fruit was pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, and also free to download, she took some and ate it. She emailed a copy to her wholesaler, and he ate it; and then the wholesaler to the manufacturer, and he to the servicer. 24 Then the eyes of all of them were opened, and they realized they were being taxed naked; so they outsourced fig leaves to make coverings for themselves.

25 Then the economy heard the sound of the Lord Govt returning from vay-cay with the demigovts Osha and Tarp and Irs. It was the cool of the day, and they were hiding their profits from the Lord Govt among the trees of the garden. 26 But the Lord Govt called to the manufacturer, “Where are you?”

26 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid, so I sought a tax shelter.”

27 And Govt said, “Who told you that your profits were yours? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? ”

28 The man said, “The retailer made me —she has a thing for serpents.”

29 Then the Lord Govt said to the retailer, “What is this you have done?”

30 And she said to the Lord Govt, “Don't take that tone with me, fat boy. And why should I give you my profits?”

31 The Lord Govt was in wrath, and said, “For I am the Lord Govt, creator of Eden! 32 I gave unto you the roads and bridges, and schools and cops, brought unto you of gentle showers of Tarp and Stimulus and rivers of Subsidy, I am the purifier of the waters, cleanser of the air, without which you and your profits would not exist. Thus all that thou have created is created by Us. Thus ye shall render unto Govt what is Govt's, and this is the Word of your Lord.”

33 At these words, Solydra and Gm and Seiu and all the Cronyans and Laborites dropped to their knees in trembling fear and supplicated themselves before the Lord, presenting Him golden gifts of contributions.

34 Then the retailer said to Govt, “And who created you?”

35 In righteous anger did the Lord Govt again rise up and said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Tri-Delts and the Dekes, I am and have always been! I am the great cosmic turtle on which you and the entire economy rest.”