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Official thread about the movie you just saw

They mumble/whisper the whole time. I had to put on subtitties.

Brooklyn is okay: B-. Vacation has some dick joke and slapstick laughs but mostly forgettable C/C-.
Once Upon A Time In The West remains and will always be the greatest Western ever. Like the period it depicts, the Western genre has sadly faded away.
The Tree of Life

The nuns taught us there are two ways through life, the way of Nature and the way of Grace. You have to choose which one you'll follow. 

Grace doesn't try to please itself. Accepts being slighted, forgotten, disliked. Accepts insults and injuries.

Nature only wants to please itself. Get others to please it too. Likes to lord it over them. To have its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy when all the world is shining around it. And love is smiling through all things.
Once Upon A Time In The West remains and will always be the greatest Western ever. Like the period it depicts, the Western genre has sadly faded away.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and Unforgiven are my two. Time in the west, Stagecoach and a fistful of dollars after that.

Django and The Proposition don't quite fit but I love them both.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is one of my favorite movies ever but it's really more of a buddy film on a western backdrop.
I can't decide, so I've got 4:
3:10 to Yuma ( the original)
Butch & Sundance
The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford
Jeremiah Johnson
Watched The New World last night and it was gorgeous. I don't like Colin Farrell, but thought he was alright when most of his dialogue was voice-over.

Caught a double feature on Friday of M and Shadow Of A Doubt. I forgot how funny Shadow Of A Doubt was and both films had such great stuff going on -- the shot in M of the sandwich shop; the shot in the library of Shadow Of A Doubt when Charlie sees the news story that Joe Cotton was hiding from her. Peter Lorre's face and acting in the last scene of M. Oh man.
M affected me as much as any movie I've ever seen. Lorre was transcendent, that's without me understanding a word he said.
Yep. M is incredible. Have you seen Night of the Hunter Chupe? I think you'd like it.
I'm really trying to make it through the Hateful Eight but it is tedious.
Remember M being one of the movies that really got me transfixed with cinema. The New World may be Malick's most underrated flick.

ETA: Another one by Fritz Lang that greatly affected me was The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. Just as chilling, and laid the foundation for all kinds of noir that would follow.
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The Taking of Deborah Logan. Just watched it on Netflix. Pretty creepy movie and scored well on rotten tomatoes.
Yep. M is incredible. Have you seen Night of the Hunter Chupe? I think you'd like it.

Remember M being one of the movies that really got me transfixed with cinema. The New World may be Malick's most underrated flick.

ETA: Another one by Fritz Lang that greatly affected me was The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. Just as chilling, and laid the foundation for all kinds of noir that would follow.

Oh cool, I haven't seen either of these and will have to check them both out.
Oh cool, I haven't seen either of these and will have to check them both out.

This Propaganda vid was inspired by Mabuse/Lang. Warning, very 80s synth tune.

Night of the Hunter was directed by Charles Laughton and is very stylish. It's one of Jim Jarmusch's favorite films.

Speaking of whom, I think you'd also like Down by Law.
Musician/Artist John Lurie, who stars in Down by Law, had a fishing show where he went fishing with people like Tom Waits and Willem Dafoe.

Saw Batman v Superman on Saturday. It sucked. It was too long and kind of incoherent. It felt like they were trying to cram too much into it.

I also watched Finders Keepers which is spectacular.

Musician/Artist John Lurie, who stars in Down by Law, had a fishing show where he went fishing with people like Tom Waits and Willem Dafoe.

Yeah, John Lurie is great. My high school crush had a huge crush on him. I like his band, The Lounge Lizards, as well, and he's got a good rep as a painter. Talented, interesting dude. I've seen Down By Law, but it's been a while, so I may have to check that one out, too.