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Prtty sure Papadolopolous only sparked a counterintelligence/surveillance investigation and not a criminal one

also pretty sure the first FISA application was denied related to the papadalopolous drunken hyperbole

only after the fallacious steele dossier was used did the FBI get their FISA warrant


Dude. Are you even for real or just trolling?
Dude. Are you even for real or just trolling?

Sources from the WSJ, NYT, and WaPo all say it is clear if you read all the related documents that the FBI disclosed the partisan funding of the Steele dossier.

I had very low expectations and this still fell below them. This memo is lol

Last time you all had this reaction about docs being released, it was loling at the docs released about Clinton. Now you guys blame those docs for her loss.
A lot of people underestimated how much people wanted anything to fuel their Hillary hate, no matter how insignificant and no matter how illegally they were gathered.

I don’t think those same people feel that way about the FBI but I definitely could be wrong.
You're not very good at this. Get better jokes.

You’re the least self aware person on this board. That’s a fucking monumental feat. It is simultaneously fascinating and pathetic. Never stop, Shoo. What a treasure you are to us here.
Sources from the WSJ, NYT, and WaPo all say it is clear if you read all the related documents that the FBI disclosed the partisan funding of the Steele dossier.


""This memo totally vindicates 'Trump' in probe," Trump wrote. "But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!""

Perhaps the only factual statement he's ever made.

He probably believes the memo does vindicate him because his supporters told him it did.
Laughing about docs for Clinton and the impact of the timing of those docs aren’t the same thing. Unsurprisingly tintin fails to grasp nuance.

Blair was candid and thoughtful, and gave us a brilliant primer on what he’d learned about making the machinery of government work. But there was one thing above all that stood out from our conversation: his blunt warning about the administrative state and the attitude any incoming government would face from the permanent bureaucracy.

“You cannot underestimate how much they believe it’s their job to actually run the country and to resist the changes put forward by people they dismiss as ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ politicians,” Blair said. “They genuinely see themselves as the true guardians of the national interest, and think that their job is simply to wear you down and wait you out.”

One of our key priorities was government transparency. We had pledged to publish details of everything the British government spent money on, as well as the names, job descriptions and the organizational charts of the entire civil service, so citizens could see what their government did.

In a meeting ahead of the election, Cabinet secretary and head of the civil service Gus O’Donnell asked me and David Cameron: “Of course you don’t really mean all this government transparency stuff, do you?” When I replied that we very much did, O’Donnell gave me a knowing look and said: “Yes. Well, we’ll see about that.”

And indeed, once we were in office the civil service bureaucracy fought tooth and nail against the publication of any information at all about the scope and functions of the bureaucracy.

But it’s only recently that this has come to the attention of American citizens. In large part this is due to the cozy, insular world of the Washington swamp. When the politicians, the bureaucrats, the lobbyists, the journalists, the think tank leaders and the donors all live in the same swanky neighborhoods, all go to the same dinner parties and all send their children to the same schools, a culture of arrogance and insularity inevitably follows.

These swamp dwellers are invested in keeping their power and influence, and that depends on not rocking the boat. Don’t ask too many questions. Don’t dig too deep. Keep the show on the road. That’s why the

swamp is up in arms about the idea that anyone should question the FBI or the Justice Department – it’s simply not done.

Of course, they dress up their resistance in high-minded rhetoric about protecting the Constitution. But in reality, it is the ruling elite that is undermining democratic norms, by subverting the core of our democratic process: the idea that we the people should be in charge, through the representatives we elect.

The Deep State has a different idea: not “We the People” but “You the People, ruled by We the Elite.”
if you are spying on someone to get dirt on them, it's best to keep it secret until you get the dirt

apparently the editors and writers at the NYT are so cynical that they don't think their readers are smart enough to figure that out