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Rejecting words and actions which perpetrate, support or encourage white supremacists

I just checked out foxnews website just for kicks and saw this headline...

Trump condemns 'white supremacists,' other extremists behind deadly Virginia rallies

I was intrigued because the media had been telling me all weekend that Trump had not condemned the white supremacists. So I clicked on the headline. It was actually a whitehouse spokesman speaking off the record and without giving his name that actually did the condemning, not Trump. Fake news indeed.

Unlike some people, though, I can leave the board. I'm not addicted to posting every single day of my life like several people on these boards. Just recently, for example, I didn't post for five full weeks....from July 2nd until August 6th. We have several posters who are incapable of that. Tell you what, I'll offer a deal that will gtive you a chance to get rid of me forever: If either RJ or PH will go five weeks without making a post on these boards like I just did, I will leave the boards forever and never post here again.

Come on RJ & PH....show me that you are not addicted. I'm sure that lots of posters will be pulling for you....but after 140,000 posts I think both of you are addicted and it is impossible for you to go just five weeks without posting.

Bobby Knight was investigated by the FBI in early July. Are you sure that didn't have something to do with your absence?
As a Richmonder, I fully expect Monument Avenue to be the next event. Richmond has an incredible opportunity to build an educational experience that can progress from the Lumpkin slave museum along Monument Avenue and ending at the Arthur Ashe monument. Tack on an hour and a half ride to Appomattox, and see the room the Civil War essentially ended in. Read the way the surrender took place, and the actions that took place afterward that resulted in possibly the only Civil War that has not been repeated multiple times. The story of Lee taking communion with a black man in Richmond days after he surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia is an event that has importance and should not be ignored or removed. Incorporate history and context with these locations, tell the story, and learn from it.

Sure enough...http://www.richmond.com/news/virgin...l&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share
Kid from West Forsyth was all about some "We're all Americans, We all love America". I mean, great on him for being patriotic, but this isnt fucking Independence day. Those nazi fucks and vineyard vines amateur klansmen are also Americans. That's the fucking problem that jhmd's disengenious argument about "divisiveness" doesn't take into account. We can't fucking unite with white people who are using government representation and the justice system to abuse and harass minorities.

There are county jails in Tennessee right now, today, who are inducing (mostly black) inmates to sterilize themselves for shorter sentences. We have extensive voter role purging in swing states where almost exclusively black and latino last names have been purged so that they have in essence had their voting rights taken away. A murdering douchebag is just the tip of the spear. The actual racism we need to fight is a creeping cancer of racist policy branded as freedom and justice.
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Why do non-racist people like to lump themselves with the "actual racists?"

Nobody is smearing non-racists as racists but you're asking this question.

The biggest example of this phenomenon is obviously when Hillary gave a speech specifically separating the racists from non-racists. Non-racists got all offended and claimed Hillary called them racists.

Why would they choose to be identified as racists instead of hard working Americans frustrated with government?

For some of them, probably because they have had experiences where liberals have lumped them into that racist (or racially ignorant/insensitive) group. So, when a "liberal" makes broad negative generalizations about people she disagrees with, they assume she might be including them in that group (since it has happened before).
Obviously, plenty just have blindly emotional responses to people who have opposing political views.
For some of them, probably because they have had experiences where liberals have lumped them into that racist (or racially ignorant/insensitive) group. So, when a "liberal" makes broad negative generalizations about people she disagrees with, they assume she might be including them in that group (since it has happened before).
Obviously, plenty just have blindly emotional responses to people who have opposing political views.

I get that. But it means they are choosing not to be called hard working people who don't think government works for them.
Conservatives often cling to binary distinctions of "right and wrong" as it pertains to sexuality or religion, yet they are super fucking liberal and permissive when it comes to hateful right-wing political idealogy. Let Somalian Muslims in Michigan build public shrines to Sharia, let them march down the streets with "death to infidels" signs and see how far that 1st amendment permissiveness goes.
Conservatives often cling to binary distinctions of "right and wrong" as it pertains to sexuality or religion, yet they are super fucking liberal and permissive when it comes to hateful right-wing political idealogy. Let Somalian Muslims in Michigan build public shrines to Sharia, let them march down the streets with "death to infidels" signs and see how far that 1st amendment permissiveness goes.

Or there are people that find you both annoying. Just stop granting the douchebags permits and have them experience the law and order policing they seem to love so much when they get policed. Problem solved.
Does anyone here know anyone personally who identifies as a white nationalist?
Or there are people that find you both annoying. Just stop granting the douchebags permits and have them experience the law and order policing they seem to love so much when they get policed. Problem solved.
People blocking the freeway in Oakland or protesting at a Cardinals baseball game are obviously trying to annoy your privileged ass. Their problems obviously werent a big enough concern for you, so they are going to interrupt your life.
People blocking the freeway in Oakland or protesting at a Cardinals baseball game are obviously trying to annoy your privileged ass. Their problems obviously werent a big enough concern for you, so they are going to interrupt your life.

I come across both the protesters almost weekly these days since November 8th in downtown LA. I assure you they appear quite annoying on both sides.
Imagine just trying to have a normal peaceful lunch at woolworths or trying to ride the bus home in Birmingham. Would have been real fucking annoying for you.
Fuck white supremacists and those who tacitly endorse them.

I'm more annoyed by people who want supremacy than people who want equality.
According to the Palmas of the world, people with actual fucking beefs should find a time, place, and method thats most convenient for him to pay attention.
According to the Palmas of the world, people with actual fucking beefs should find a time, place, and method thats most convenient for him to pay attention.

Like a football game you're getting ready to watch?
But please Palma, do go on about how you're asking your boss for more work and how all your fellow employees dont actually pay enough for their health insurance.
I get that. But it means they are choosing not to be called hard working people who don't think government works for them.

I hear you. They just feel Clinton considers them in the other group.