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Republicans for POTUS, 2016 Edition

There's zero benefit to propping up Trump. Why are they doing this to themselves?

The ship sailed with controversy in corporate America a long time ago. Duck Dynasty and Chick Fil A can survive, but Trump's courting a much different demographic. The people who hold conferences and retreats at upscale hotels and golf resorts aren't excited about trashing growing future demographic segments.
Saw on MSNBC that Reince Preibus told Trump to chill out.
The ship sailed with controversy in corporate America a long time ago. Duck Dynasty and Chick Fil A can survive, but Trump's courting a much different demographic. The people who hold conferences and retreats at upscale hotels and golf resorts aren't excited about trashing growing future demographic segments.

Also, there are a lot more Latinos than there are gay people. And there is a difference between simply not supporting gay marriage and outright trashing Mexicans.

Heard today that Chic-Fil-A has passed KFC in sales despite having far fewer stores operating only 6 days a week. They've recovered nicely.
That's because chick fil a is awesome and kfc pretty much sucks.
I think his reasoning was too few companies are willing to give people 40 hours and they're instead working part time or 30 hours a week. Still, that's not going to be the summary of his quote.

Yeah. I've read more and he's basically going after Obama for the low labor force participation rate. I don't think that's the stat Jeb wants to use. I'll let FRED explain why.

Also, there are a lot more Latinos than there are gay people. And there is a difference between simply not supporting gay marriage and outright trashing Mexicans.

Heard today that Chic-Fil-A has passed KFC in sales despite having far fewer stores operating only 6 days a week. They've recovered nicely.

Also seems strange to see the split between the GOP and corporate America. GOP base wants to become more aligned with small business and Main Street rural America. Corporate America moved on with immigration teform, LBGT issues, and the confederate flag long ago. Trump, Huckabee, Cruz, and Santorum can rage against change, but they have no claim on the future.
I wonder how many illegal immigrants it took to build all the Trump towers?
I believe Trump on this one. I have little doubt that conversation started with congratulations and ended with Preibus saying "could you sorta kinda stop making comments about Mexicans, please?"
There's a Wake 2009 alumna on my Facebook that is posting all kinds of positive things about Trump with hashtags like #YES, #2ndAmendment, and #Trump. She's essentially one of three conservative 'friends' on my TheFacebook.com, so I always hate-read her posts. I suppose some of you must know her. Lived with the infamous "bumblebee" for much of college.
Also, there are a lot more Latinos than there are gay people. And there is a difference between simply not supporting gay marriage and outright trashing Mexicans.

Heard today that Chic-Fil-A has passed KFC in sales despite having far fewer stores operating only 6 days a week. They've recovered nicely.
The KFCs in Winston are all trashy, poorly staffed, and empty most of the time - a very different experience than Chickfila
I believe Trump on this one. I have little doubt that conversation started with congratulations and ended with Preibus saying "could you sorta kinda stop making comments about Mexicans, please?"

Reince is totally hosed. Trump can slap him around anytime he wants and there's nothing Reince can do about it. Trump's never going to shut up and he'll nuke any wannabe who crosses him during debates. If the RNC goes after Trump too aggressively, Trump can always run as an independent. Good luck winning any swing states with a split electorate.
I think you are underestimated the hatred of Hillary Clinton by the Tea Party and the base. How can I explain it best...? HEre we go: White Mississippi Republicans voted in the Democratic Primary last time for a black guy for the sole purpose of voting against Hillary Clinton. The Tea Party and the Base won't be a problem if Hillary is the nominee. Trust me.

Yes. The Tea Party and the base loved Barack Obama in 2012. That is why he steamrolled his way to the White House again.
Reince is totally hosed. Trump can slap him around anytime he wants and there's nothing Reince can do about it. Trump's never going to shut up and he'll nuke any wannabe who crosses him during debates. If the RNC goes after Trump too aggressively, Trump can always run as an independent. Good luck winning any swing states with a split electorate.

Seriously, is there anyone more hapless than Reince Priebus (or anyone serving as the RNC chair in the current environment)? They have a nominal "leadership post" with no actual power, and the big shots in the organization he supposedly leads are constantly doing and saying dumb things that make his job harder.
What's funny is that the RNC chair is much more active than the DNC chair, even though it's Debbie Wasserman Schultz who loves attention.

Who knew blatant racism was the best way to jump out in front in GOP polling?

Important disclaimer. I think YouGov is known as a crappy pollster, but their link with The Economist gives them some legitimacy.


But who are these Republicans? Trump’s statements on immigration may be striking a chord. Two-thirds of those who choose Trump first or second support the goals of the Tea Party, higher than the overall percentage of Republicans who do. They are much less likely to have a college education than are other Republicans, and they are more likely than other Republicans to say they are “very” conservative.
Trump supporters may be making more of a statement than voting for someone they consider a contender. Just one in five of Trump’s supporters think Trump will win the nomination. Only 7% of Republicans think Trump will capture the nomination: more give the edge to Bush, Paul, Rubio and Walker.


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