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The Pit Politics Thread

Sadly, some of his, shall we say, pro humanitate characteristics, are very tied to his religious beliefs and positions, so he hasn't mentioned them until now. Big mistake in my opinion, because people think he's an uncaring robot.
Options are: uncaring robot, or caring semi-robot but believer in no caffeine and Joseph Smith golden plates. To the average voter I don't blame him for taking the 'uncaring robot' option.
At a very basic and general level, I think even most right-leaning economists would agree that some regulations are necessary, and actual improve the healthy functioning of a free market economy. A total laissez faire approach would only work if all costs were internalized by all economic actors. In the real world, that isn't the case. With no laws against it, a rational chemical firm will dump all their waste into a river because that is the cheapest way to dispose of it, and they don't have to internalize the costs (damages and destruction) created by these actions. This hypothetical firm will make inefficient decisions because they can't do an accurate cost-benefit analysis, underestimating and failing to internalize the costs of their actions. Good regulations seek to correct this problem, forcing firms to internalize all costs, and thus make more efficient decisions. Obviously, this is all pretty general stuff, but it's worth acknowledging that regulations are not all bad, and even hardcore free market people should accept that basic truth.

Most real world policy debates are more complicated than this, and raise questions of line drawing. I'm more liberal and will likely vote for Obama, but I can look at a state like California and see the terrible consequences of excessive regulation.

Agree completely that some form of regulation is necessary and without it individuals/firms act on short-term self interests (like the firm dumping waste into a river).

Obama is trying to paint Romney's free market economy policies as the same policies that led to the economic crisis (Ryan's Ayn Rand crush makes this a lot easier), and honestly Romney hasn't had a rebuttal up to this point. Bottom line is capitalism failed, and Romney will lose my vote if he fails to speak about regulation and instead spews about 'trusting the market' and 'invisible hand' nonsense.

Capitalism is getting a lot of hate nowadays, and deservedly so, but I can get behind the building blocks of economic growth via competition and incentives surrounded with regulation and social/ethical constraints. I can't think of a better replacement.
There are people on this board who only appear to post on the Tunnels. That frightens me.
There are people on this board who only appear to post on the Tunnels. That frightens me.

Comparing this thread to that part of the boards is striking. Its like comparing a political science class in Tribble against a random town hall debate in a swing state somewhere.
A work colleague of my wife is a batshit insaaaaaaaane right winger. Like, the type of dude who is absolutely miserable to try to talk to, because all he does is rant constantly about how much Democrats suck, regardless of his audience. He is having a field day on Facebook right now. A couple of sample posts:

- "The Democratic Party is officially the party of hate, murder and atheism."

- "The Democratic Party has become the party of hate, envy and greed. And ZERO class."

- "Clint Eastwood rocks!"

- "Obama-Biden campaign. Vicious. Sickening. Unacceptable."

- He also just posted a pic of "Obama vs. Romney: The College Years." Under Obama's pic it reads, "Claims he attended Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law School, but he has concealed all his records, so who knows?" Under Romney's pic it reads, "Graduated with high honors from Brigham Young. Attended Harvard Business and Law Schools simultaneously, graduated with honors in the top 5% of his class."

It fucking boggles my mind that people like this actually exist in the world, on either side of the aisle. If this is you, for chrissakes, go get laid and find a hobby.
Dang I really like - "The Democratic Party has become the party of hate, envy and greed. And ZERO class."

All those things AND no class. Fucking Democrats.

It fucking boggles my mind that people like this actually exist in the world, on either side of the aisle. If this is you, for chrissakes, go get laid and find a hobby.

You really don't have to go much farther than the politics board on this very site. Hell, there's a non-facetious thread posted there about so-called death panels from someone who is likely a Wake Forest graduate. Some people are hellbent on being ignorant at any cost.
Why do both sides this time around seem to think its the end of the world if their side loses? The Pubs I know seem to think its a matter of life and death and hate Obama more than any other President in my lifetime. I fail to understand this logic. I cannot even attempt to be around them because even if we're watching football, inevitably a political issue comes up. That never used to happen before now.

The Dems on the other hand seem to think if the Pubs get the power back, that they will destroy every social issue that is important to them. Its never happened before, why should it be any different this time around?

Both sides can try to push policy or influence but to actually get something done you need those (60) votes in the Senate and that has become impossible.
i know it's just a speech and rhetoric but loved the close to Obama's speech last night

"America, I never said this journey would be easy, and I won't promise that now. Yes, our path is harder— but it leads to a better place. Yes our road is longer— but we travel it together. We don't turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up. We draw strength from our victories, and we learn from our mistakes, but we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon, knowing that providence is with us, and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on earth."
"The Dems on the other hand seem to think if the Pubs get the power back, that they will destroy every social issue that is important to them. Its never happened before, why should it be any different this time around?"

Ryan's plan lays out that food stamps, Medicaid and Pell Grants will be devastatingly cut if the plan passes. There's no question about it.
My fav part was when rj didn't think the arkham asylum comment in the OP applied to him.
Why do both sides this time around seem to think its the end of the world if their side loses? The Pubs I know seem to think its a matter of life and death and hate Obama more than any other President in my lifetime. I fail to understand this logic. I cannot even attempt to be around them because even if we're watching football, inevitably a political issue comes up. That never used to happen before now.

The Dems on the other hand seem to think if the Pubs get the power back, that they will destroy every social issue that is important to them. Its never happened before, why should it be any different this time around?

Both sides can try to push policy or influence but to actually get something done you need those (60) votes in the Senate and that has become impossible.

i was a lot more comfortable with a mccain presidency than mitt.
mccain would have been a pretty decent president i think. but america needed to get away from old white republicans for at least a term. i do think people overestimate the impact a president can have on your every day life. part of the reason i disliked the whole "hope" mantra of obama's last campaign... seemed to pander to dumb partisans.
my take:

ryan glass ‏@rglass44

Pubs love mocking hope because their lives are governed by their fears.

at some point i want to flesh this out in to an essay.
also, i stuck the fork in mitt last night. the debates are going to be a bloodbath.