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Trump Will Win the Nomination

Trump needs to pick his poison. Has zero chance of winning CA, but rioting anarchists helps him nationally. That being said, trashing Mexicans even in OC dooms him in Western swing states. There were more than a few anarchists in Ferguson and Trump has much better chances in MO than CA, WA, or IL. Whole thing explodes on Trump if another crusty old bastard cold cocks a protestor, threatens to kill him, and Trump pledges to pay the guy's legal fees.

MO elected a Dem gov and blacks in and around STL and KC are far more likely to vote than in past elections. Remember he's also 50% net negative with women and will be getting worse with hate-filled attacks on Hillary.

His rhetoric could turn AZ blue, will reinforce NV, NM and CO and probably FL.

Trump will do something that's basically impossible. He will make Hillary into a sympathetic figure. He has no one who can get him to stop. Having several months and no one else to attack, he will go wild on Hillary. He will turn her negatives into positives.

His attacks on her will lift her positives and make him look more misogynistic.
About that Clinton landslide......


Rasmussen isn't seeing it right now. Admittedly, this seem like an outlier....but RCP's latest average of all polls already has Hillary's lead down to 7.3%. And the Republicans haven't even started their unification efforts yet.

I understand the demographics argument...but there are a lot of other things going on right now that have the potential to mitigate much of Hillary's demographic advantage. Bottom line: This election is going to be a hell of a lot closer that many of you seem to think it is going to be.

Unless you go back to last summer, most on these boards have said it is going to be a close election since HRC is such a bad candidate. Nonetheless, she is still a better option than Trump and most of my Pub friends in SC no less won't touch Trump. Like I have said before, find me some blue states that Trump is going to flip because he is going to have to do that to win. CO, NV, & NM are totally out of reach for Trump and VA would take a miracle.
The ignorant, anti-American, racist fuck is you.

I see and interact with more people of Mexican ancestry and origin in a month than you'll see in your lifetime and you couldn't be more wrong.

As DeacHead corroborated what about all the Irish flags and fights the happen on St. Patrick's or every day at Irish pubs?

Well, I apologize for taking it to that level, but when you come at me and arrogantly start with "you don't have a frickin clue" what kind of response do you expect? It was a dickish way to begin. And I'm not saying those people are indicative of all Mexican immigrants. And if there are Irish immigrants waving Irish flags and tearing shit up with a "fuck America" attitude I say fuck them as well. I'm putting you on ignore, not cause you disagree, but how you disagree and what I consider your unwillingness to consider the other side.
Can you tell me again how the native Americans lived in peace and harmony before the white man came and spread their hatred.

You mean like how peaceful white men were in Europe? You're right the Huns never fought anyone, nor did the Brits or the Romans or the Vikings or the Spanish or Portuguese. You're right white Europeans were basically Gandhi before Gandhi.
Well, I apologize for taking it to that level, but when you come at me and arrogantly start with "you don't have a frickin clue" what kind of response do you expect? It was a dickish way to begin. And I'm not saying those people are indicative of all Mexican immigrants. And if there are Irish immigrants waving Irish flags and tearing shit up with a "fuck America" attitude I say fuck them as well. I'm putting you on ignore, not cause you disagree, but how you disagree and what I consider your unwillingness to consider the other side.

And now you move one step closer to your board father. You will be bitching about what athletes get paid, the NBA, and transgendered people in the rest room before you know it.
Well, I apologize for taking it to that level, but when you come at me and arrogantly start with "you don't have a frickin clue" what kind of response do you expect? It was a dickish way to begin. And I'm not saying those people are indicative of all Mexican immigrants. And if there are Irish immigrants waving Irish flags and tearing shit up with a "fuck America" attitude I say fuck them as well. I'm putting you on ignore, not cause you disagree, but how you disagree and what I consider your unwillingness to consider the other side.

You mean like how peaceful white men were in Europe? You're right the Huns never fought anyone, nor did the Brits or the Romans or the Vikings or the Spanish or Portuguese. You're right white Europeans were basically Gandhi before Gandhi.

lol man so if not for the whiteman we would all be getting along and living in peace? I did not know this.
Well, I apologize for taking it to that level, but when you come at me and arrogantly start with "you don't have a frickin clue" what kind of response do you expect? It was a dickish way to begin. And I'm not saying those people are indicative of all Mexican immigrants. And if there are Irish immigrants waving Irish flags and tearing shit up with a "fuck America" attitude I say fuck them as well. I'm putting you on ignore, not cause you disagree, but how you disagree and what I consider your unwillingness to consider the other side.

I do consider the other side, but your post about Mexicans was hate-filled, ignorant and racist.

You attacked an entire nationality with bogus BS. You acted liked an Aryan and should be treated as one when you do.

If you said "this group Costa Mesa was wrong", it would have been grossly different, but you went way over the edge.

Recently you posted numerous pictures of one group of people. How would you feel if a candidate wanted to expel you, your family and relatives from America when the only thing someone did wrong was enter the country?

Why don't don't post post pictures of the thousands of people of Mexican origin that fight in our military? Or own business that employ hundreds of thousands of other Americans?
And now you move one step closer to your board father. You will be bitching about what athletes get paid, the NBA, and transgendered people in the rest room before you know it.

It's amazing watching his transformation over the last several months.
It's amazing watching his transformation over the last several months.

How so? I've long been opposed to increased immigration and things like NAFTA. Not because I hate the immigrants- I know most are just looking for a better life and aren't immigrants/rapists. Many, if not most of them, are good people.
I've made it clear I disagree with bkf on HB2. The difference is, I can disagree with someone and not think they're an idiot or the devil, something that I've noticed many of the Hillary supporters on here seem to have a tough time doing.
How so? I've long been opposed to increased immigration and things like NAFTA. Not because I hate the immigrants- I know most are just looking for a better life and aren't immigrants/rapists. Many, if not most of them, are good people.

It's all good. I just felt like I almost always used to agree with you. Maybe it's just immigration and Trump.
It's all good. I just felt like I almost always used to agree with you. Maybe it's just immigration and Trump.

I'm not voting for Trump. Probably gonna sit this one out. I do despise Hillary though. But the memes I post, doesn't necessarily mean I agree with them, not by a long shot.
Can you tell me again how the native Americans lived in peace and harmony before the white man came and spread their hatred.

Great example. White people really were a boon to the natives.
I've made it clear I disagree with bkf on HB2. The difference is, I can disagree with someone and not think they're an idiot or the devil, something that I've noticed many of the Hillary supporters on here seem to have a tough time doing.

You also have a tough time separating who the "Hillary supporters" are from people who just disagree with you.