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Trump Will Win the Nomination



If anyone is interested in wagering on the election let me know. I'm good for a few smallish Hillary/Trump bets.
hahah you dumbasses are going to nominate that clown. Get your house in order you nitwits.
The problem with this question is that is poses a false choice. Yes, the democrats use entitlements to buy voters. The republicans talk about creating opportunity but it's just talk. If they really want to get traction they should actually start creating opportunity. Hint: abolishing the department of education probably doesn't do this. IMO this is the true space for a third party to take up.

Good post.
Not really a good post at all.

The problem with the GOP is that the message is so bad that there is no one who can sell it. The party of:

mass deportations
trickle down
no universal healthcare
elimination of public education
elimination of environmental/pollution protection
elimination of social safety net
legalized discrimination
illegal abortion

no one can sell that bag of turds except an egomaniac douchebag like Trump.
Not really a good post at all.

The problem with the GOP is that the message is so bad that there is no one who can sell it. The party of:

mass deportations
trickle down
no universal healthcare
elimination of public education
elimination of environmental/pollution protection
elimination of social safety net
legalized discrimination
illegal abortion

no one can sell that bag of turds except an egomaniac douchebag like Trump.

You must not have read his post. Try again. He didn't say it was a message problem. It was a policy problem.
I'm not sure that Democrats have much business accusing Republicans of being the party of mass deportations. The Obama administration has deported a staggering number of people.
I'm not sure that Democrats have much business accusing Republicans of being the party of mass deportations. The Obama administration has deported a staggering number of people.

Not according to ELC.

No, they haven't. And even by their specious method of counting deportations, deportations are way, way down the last four years.
Not really a good post at all.

The problem with the GOP is that the message is so bad that there is no one who can sell it. The party of:

mass deportations
trickle down
no universal healthcare
elimination of public education
elimination of environmental/pollution protection
elimination of social safety net
legalized discrimination
illegal abortion

no one can sell that bag of turds except an egomaniac douchebag like Trump.

Trump is only for certain one of those things (the first, obviously). And no Republican called for anything to be eliminated.
Trump has picked Carson to lead his VP search. Cheney had the same role for W, but he'd been a Chief of Staff, a Defense Sectetary, and a Congressman (Minority Whip). Like Trump, Sleepy's never help office, so seems like focus will be on other prior wannabes (Kasich, Christie, Little Marco).