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Wake / Bucknell Game Thread

Just went back and watched it. Don't really get where all the outrage is coming from. An incidental high elbow that had to be called per the rules, fine. The 2nd whistle was extremely quick, and while you can't hear what Devin says that gets him ejected, you can definitely hear Manning saying he was yelling at a teammate to pass it, then you can see Manning encouraging Devin and applauding him on his way to the locker room. Considering he's benched him before for outbursts, none of that incident reads like Devin just lost his shit and earned an ejection. After the game Manning suggested it was reputation that really earned him this one.

Obviously to ditch the reputation he's got work to do, but the guy is averaging a double double and is the only legitimate ACC player we're putting on the floor every game. He's facing double and triple teams, a lot of packed zones, he's undersized at the 5 position to begin with and Dinos is the closest thing we have to a "banger" to help him out. I'm guessing Manning understands how frustrating that role can be. If he's not pissed at him over this one I don't see why he needs to be raked over the coals over it.
I really appreciate how hard Devin plays. He's a warrior and completely vital to our team if we want to win more than a couple games the rest of the way. However, very disappointed in his lack of maturity with the jawing at BSD being the most egregious thing he did to me. He's acting like a dick to one of 2 Wake blogs in existence. If he feels the need to open his mouth to respond, it should be to clarify. This is why refs will hate him again this year and he'll be an easy target.
I'm holding out hope that Manning will know how to deal with dudes like Devin because of all his experience on the court and he seems like a very cool, level headed guy who players should respect. If he really did sub DT out after screaming after that layup that is masterful. I don't remember that though.
If we lost to Bucknell that would have been all on Devin and he's got to know that.

DM had the sub at the scorer's table before DT even reached half court. Lightning quick.
Some guy behind WakeBDer at the game yesterday said "this wouldn't have happened with [Redacted] here" about the Thomas ejection.

Uh it did happen AND [Redacted] recruited him. People are just stupid as a box of rocks sometimes.

Perhaps I'm parsing semantics, but our offensive execution -- running plays, cuts, pic&rolls, forcing switches, getting into positions -- is much, much, much better than anything we've seen in four years. I'm not sure that anybody can argue otherwise. We just can't hit a shot. Or a free throw. Or a layup.

Devin's only 20 years old and has a new coach who knows what it is like to be a big man at this level and the next. He can be taught. You can't compare him to 50 and 60 somethings. I am certain he will mature some more, hopefully sooner rather than later.... He is not All-ACC caliber, but we need him, and need him to play and act better. And more consistently. I always thought Chas' antics were calculated to get into the opponents' heads, ala Richard Sherman. Devin just doesn't have control of his emotions yet and it is hurting himself and his teammates.

The key word is "yet". He is a junior and this has been going on since he was a freshman. He obviously has a problem which needs professional treatment/ anger management. He's a walking valcano and it's just a matter of time until he really explodes and gets himself in real trouble( on or off the court). I like his toughness and energy but he is living on the edge .
I have no idea as to DT's emotional and mental health. He seems unable to distinguish between playing a hard, physical game and being demonstrative toward opponents and refs. He ought to study film of Mr. Duncan and even talk to him about channeling emotional energy toward winning and not toward efforts to intimidate.

Be that as it may, this talk about him not being an ACC caliber player is non-sense. The kid has skills. If he would just concentrate on improving on the things he does well and not attempt things that he really cannot do well, he and we would be much better. Practice is the place to develop new skill sets, not games.
If there's anybody to study when it comes to not complaining to refs, it's Tim Duncan.

(I'm clearly joking)
If there's anybody to study when it comes to not complaining to refs, it's Tim Duncan.

(I'm clearly joking)

But there is a way to do it and a way not to do it. One way gets you kicked out of a game and the other doesn't.

DT has a reputation, and it is due to his demonstrative exaggerated behaviors towards opponents and refs.
The key word is "yet". He is a junior and this has been going on since he was in high school.

Fixed. I remember report after report after his commitment about him getting T'd up and ejected from HS games.
Just went back and watched it. Don't really get where all the outrage is coming from. An incidental high elbow that had to be called per the rules, fine. The 2nd whistle was extremely quick, and while you can't hear what Devin says that gets him ejected, you can definitely hear Manning saying he was yelling at a teammate to pass it, then you can see Manning encouraging Devin and applauding him on his way to the locker room. Considering he's benched him before for outbursts, none of that incident reads like Devin just lost his shit and earned an ejection. After the game Manning suggested it was reputation that really earned him this one.

Obviously to ditch the reputation he's got work to do, but the guy is averaging a double double and is the only legitimate ACC player we're putting on the floor every game. He's facing double and triple teams, a lot of packed zones, he's undersized at the 5 position to begin with and Dinos is the closest thing we have to a "banger" to help him out. I'm guessing Manning understands how frustrating that role can be. If he's not pissed at him over this one I don't see why he needs to be raked over the coals over it.

Saying DT is the "only legitimate ACC player we're putting on the floor every game" seems to be a bit much. This team may not be all that good, but there are certainly some ACC caliber players on the roster. DT isn't the "only" one. DT isn't the best player on the team. And he wouldn't even play for several ACC clubs. He has yet to learn what an outlet pass is in his 2+ years at Wake. He is a living, walking, breathing turnover machine who plays below the rim. I'm not sure I can name a player on the team with a lower basketball IQ than DT. On top of that, he regularly acts like a moron. Being one of the better players for a bad team and averaging a double double vs weak opponents doesn't really say much.
The key word is "yet". He is a junior and this has been going on since he was a freshman. He obviously has a problem which needs professional treatment/ anger management. He's a walking valcano and it's just a matter of time until he really explodes and gets himself in real trouble( on or off the court). I like his toughness and energy but he is living on the edge .

Devin has zero problems off the court, and is one of the nicest students at Wake. Professional treatment? Get outta here man, that's just dumb. It is possible to have a different demeanor on the court than off of it. Take CP (and most athletes) for example.

For the record, as DC Deac stated, first T was an inadvertent elbow and second was talking to teammates. I wish the whole team played with DT's passion.
DM had the sub at the scorer's table before DT even reached half court. Lightning quick.

This is correct, I was going to comment in this during the game when I originally posted my distaste for the aggressive post layup scream and stare down, but I decided to lay off DT. I was glad to see Manning bench him after that... I do think it's strutting peacock antics like that that refs notice and later get DT the Techs. There is nothing illegal about screaming and staring down a player after a good play but I am sure the refs make note of the aggression and are quick to whistle thereafter when something comes up later.

Btw, I saw Devin go over to the Bucknell player he accidentally elbowed in the face as play was resuming following the tech call and give him an apologetic pat. I thought that move was a step in the right direction for DT since last year he probably would had yelled at the refs and gotten ejected immediately.
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I love how folks are quick to excuse Devin because he is "undersized" for his position and therefore we should be pleased with his play even though he rarely faces a guy who is that much taller than him, if taller at all. The guy averages nearly 10 rebs a game and we're making excuses for him since he's undersized for the 5?? That is stupid. Either you know how to play in the post or your don't. Not many kids in college have a polished inside game. Devin has all the natural, physical talents to be very, very good. But something isn't clicking. Either he doesn't trust his teammates enough and he is forcing the issue too many times or he is too self-absorbed trying to be "the guy" when he doesn't need to be. Either way, he is probably forcing.

But for goodness sake's, you play for Danny frickin' Manning! Lean on him, query him relentlessly, ask for extra help on what to work on in the gym by yourself etc. Tim Duncan became great cuz he busted his ass every day playing pick up ball at Reynolds. I'd be willing to be that DT is not working as hard as he could be. But then again, WFU is a very hard academic school and maybe he isn't managing his time as well as he needs to or just needs more time hitting the books. Either way, he needs to STFU and just play. Stop whining at the refs, stop scolding your teammates, stop screaming after layups and stop being a general pain in the arse on the court.
This is correct, I was going to comment in this during the game when I originally posted my distaste for the aggressive post layup scream and stare down, but I decided to lay off DT. I was glad to see Manning bench him after that... I do think it's silver back gorilla antics like that that refs notice and later get DT the Techs. There is nothing illegal about screaming and staring down a player after a good play but I am sure the refs make note of the aggression and are quick to whistle thereafter when something comes up later.

Btw, I saw Devin go over to the Bucknell player he accidentally elbowed in the face as play was resuming following the tech call and give him an apologetic pat. I thought that move was a step in the right direction for DT since last year he probably would had yelled at the refs and gotten ejected immediately.

Is this real life?

Ok, my bad, I didn't mean to imply some racist shit. Gorillas are the first animal that comes to mind when I think of bullshit displays of aggression, but I'll edit and change it to "rutting elk antics" or "peacock displaying antics".
Funny how birdman gets called out for that inadvertently racist comment but no one gives a shit that there are "devin the douche" and "black bz bottoms" tags at the bottom.

And fuck Al Sharpton. Gahd so sick of seeing that charlatan in the press everywhere I turn.
We have two ACC caliber players(i.e. players who would either start or get significant playing time on other ACC teams). We will not be able to compete with teams that play five. This was what was left to DM. He is recruiting, but it will take at least two years. We know who to thank. We will be competitive with the Iona's, Bucknell's, and Princeton's, not so much with the ACC.
Wow. So he's a gorilla and acknowledging he's undersized at the 5 spot is an "excuse."

These comments are doing a pretty good job justifying Devin's frustrated twitter responses. I'll take a guy who cares too much to let this stuff go over a guy who doesn't give a shit any day.