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Wall Street takeover/protest


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
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Can someone explain what exactly the protest is focusing on? I just watched 15 minutes of protestors being interviewed and it seems like each person had entirely different focuses. They're supposed to be marching on the NYPD headquarters in a half hour.

I did find this live stream, but I can't really understand any of the chanting.

From what I can gather it seems like they want a totalitarian, socialist state ala Chavez. Personally, I think this is what tear gas, rubber bullets and tasers were made for. You guys want to play Robin Hood? No problem. Let's pack up the whole circus and dump them in Sing Sing for a reality check.
From what I can gather it seems like they want a totalitarian, socialist state ala Chavez. Personally, I think this is what tear gas, rubber bullets and tasers were made for. You guys want to play Robin Hood? No problem. Let's pack up the whole circus and dump them in Sing Sing for a reality check.

Looks like the NYPD is following your suggestions. Pepper sprayed a bunch of women last week. Arrested over 700 on Saturday with accusations in the media that they manipulated the protestors into a zone where they could be arrested.

Looks like a bunch of angry hipsters from what I've seen and their issues seem to range from Wall Street to Afghanistan to ending racial prejudice. Not a crowd I'd want to hang out with, but it is disappointing to me how little attention they've received from US media. Also not a fan of the police seemingly going out of their way to stop or limit protest.
They've received more national attention than they deserve. They are garden variety anarchists who discovered twitter. Big deal. They have no real message.
Dirk is funny.

From what I have gathered, what they lack in focus they make up for in discontent with the status quo - and they rightly hold Wall Street in contempt.

Now I know our resident quasi conservative-libertarian whatchamacallits will shout 'commie!" and 'get a job!' but I think it is great even if it just calls attention to who is making all the money these days and more importantly, how they are doing it. Wall Street is getting all the breaks and making all the money, and they don't create anything - much less jobs.

Good for them. I hope they never leave.

And that it angers Dirk et al so much makes it even funner
I did think if was funny when Susan Sarandon stopped by to support their various causes and they didn't know who she was. That was good stuff.
They've received more national attention than they deserve. They are garden variety anarchists who discovered twitter. Big deal. They have no real message.

Anarchists who want a totalitarian government? :confused:

There doesn't seem to be a single message, which I think ultimately hurts gaining support for their cause. It looks to be more of a coalition of protest groups. I do agree with a few organizers I heard talk, but as usual a large portion of the people I've seen interviewed were pretty clueless of what they wanted out of the protest. There's supposed to be similar protests in SF, Boston and DC starting. No chance they last the winter camped out at Wall Street.
Anarchists who want a totalitarian government? :confused:

There doesn't seem to be a single message, which I think ultimately hurts gaining support for their cause. It looks to be more of a coalition of protest groups. I do agree with a few organizers I heard talk, but as usual a large portion of the people I've seen interviewed were pretty clueless of what they wanted out of the protest. There's supposed to be similar protests in SF, Boston and DC starting. No chance they last the winter camped out at Wall Street.

Like I said. They're a bunch of kids who have no message. They really don't have any demands. They just want attention. It's the ultimate GenX protest. One report says they want a totalitarian government like Venezuala. Another says they are more like Spanish anarchists. Personally, I think they're a bunch of spoiled rich kids with no job and a iPhone.
Dirk is not disappointing on this thread. He comes through every time.

because, you know, its the rich kids who go and protest where their daddy goes and makes money gambling to buy them the iPhones
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There doesn't seem to be a single message, which I think ultimately hurts gaining support for their cause. It looks to be more of a coalition of protest groups. I do agree with a few organizers I heard talk, but as usual a large portion of the people I've seen interviewed were pretty clueless of what they wanted out of the protest. There's supposed to be similar protests in SF, Boston and DC starting. No chance they last the winter camped out at Wall Street.

Sounds kind of like how the tea party started -- just replace angry old white guys with angry young hipsters.
Dirk is not disappointing on this thread. He comes through every time.

because, you know, its the rich kids who go and protest where their daddy goes and makes money gambling to buy them the iPhones

Uh, yeah, pretty much.
I see. Fascinating stuff.

Let's get real for a second. The composition of these protests is more than likely 95% hipsters. Unemployed NYU graduates are well represented, I'm sure.
Like I said. They're a bunch of kids who have no message. They really don't have any demands. They just want attention. It's the ultimate GenX protest. One report says they want a totalitarian government like Venezuala. Another says they are more like Spanish anarchists. Personally, I think they're a bunch of spoiled rich kids with no job and a iPhone.

You're an idiot. Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Out of one side of your mouth - you are saying they really don't have any demands and out of the other, they want a new Venezuela. Which is it, idiot man? Because they can't be both.

You are right though in stating that they are just a bunch of kids who have no message. This is true and the sole take away. Welcome to new media. The simple problem is that there aren't many jobs for new non-elite college graduates and they have plenty of time to slum it on the street and get pissy about Wall Street failures.

What's wrong with letting them go topless down on Wall Street for a month. Who cares? It'll be cold in a few nights and they'll disappear back home for Thanksgiving and that will be that.

Rubber bullets? Such a bigass idiot toad you are. I'll tell you what, I'll meet you in New York City, you bring a gun with two rubber bullets. And I'll let you shoot me first if I can shoot you. I just think I am so much less of a pussy than you are that it will be fun to make you whimper and piss yourself. It would be worth the short bruise/injury for such a lifelong memory.
You can't make this up. I saw a sign that read something to the effect of a government is an entity that is able to use force to get its way!! And, in turn, the government is arresting people, some of whom presumably are advocating the use of force for a totalitarian government. Bizzaro.
Dirk is funny.

From what I have gathered, what they lack in focus they make up for in discontent with the status quo - and they rightly hold Wall Street in contempt.

Now I know our resident quasi conservative-libertarian whatchamacallits will shout 'commie!" and 'get a job!' but I think it is great even if it just calls attention to who is making all the money these days and more importantly, how they are doing it. Wall Street is getting all the breaks and making all the money, and they don't create anything - much less jobs.

Good for them. I hope they never leave.

And that it angers Dirk et al so much makes it even funner

Couldn't agree more. They're a key element in maintaining a representative republic. If people fear taking to the streets when they feel their interests aren't being upheld by their elected officials, then we've truly lost all the Founding Fathers sought to gift to us.
Matters not if these people are morons or geniuses, if they have a focus or not.
You are right though in stating that they are just a bunch of kids who have no message. This is true and the sole take away. Welcome to new media. The simple problem is that there aren't many jobs for new non-elite college graduates and they have plenty of time to slum it on the street and get pissy about Wall Street failures.

I think this appears to be spot on.
You're an idiot. Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Out of one side of your mouth - you are saying they really don't have any demands and out of the other, they want a new Venezuela. Which is it, idiot man? Because they can't be both.

You are right though in stating that they are just a bunch of kids who have no message. This is true and the sole take away. Welcome to new media. The simple problem is that there aren't many jobs for new non-elite college graduates and they have plenty of time to slum it on the street and get pissy about Wall Street failures.

What's wrong with letting them go topless down on Wall Street for a month. Who cares? It'll be cold in a few nights and they'll disappear back home for Thanksgiving and that will be that.

Rubber bullets? Such a bigass idiot toad you are. I'll tell you what, I'll meet you in New York City, you bring a gun with two rubber bullets. And I'll let you shoot me first if I can shoot you. I just think I am so much less of a pussy than you are that it will be fun to make you whimper and piss yourself. It would be worth the short bruise/injury for such a lifelong memory.

Lot of vitriol in that post. I make a little fun of some unemployed college grads having a little fun in NYC and you lose it. Whatever. Rubber bullets at dawn? That's it?
