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CT 139: Let's get physical, physical

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The lady that sits beside me wears this as well. Except that she's 60 and is definitely not a stripper...at least I hope not. You can smell her perfume all over the office.

Be careful not to get any on you. Stripper perfume is really hard to wash off. Not as tough as stripper wajeej, but still pretty tough.
Be careful not to get any on you. Stripper perfume is really hard to wash off. Not as tough as stripper wajeej, but still pretty tough.

If someone hooks up with a stripper, but doesn't know she's a stripper, does it still count as "stripper wajeej?" Or is that just if said person takes the stripper home from the strip club? Asking for a friend.
Can one of you boards Calloway donks or econ donks explain Goodhart's law to me or give me a good example? This article just dropped it and Wiki isn't cutting it.
If someone hooks up with a stripper, but doesn't know she's a stripper, does it still count as "stripper wajeej?" Or is that just if said person takes the stripper home from the strip club? Asking for a friend.

Interesting question. If said person didn't know she was a stripper, then I think it is possible that the lovely lady in question perhaps had not been stripping too long, as a seasoned veteran of the stripping industry can generally be identified relatively easily, even outside their natural habitat. If this is the case, then it's possible that her wajeej was relatively unsullied by her time in the stripping industry and perhaps would not have yet developed the ability to semi-permanantly attach its scent to skin and clothes. If, on the other hand, said person didn't know she was a stripper simply out of conscious ignorance (i.e., intentionally ignoring all empirical evidence), then yes, said wajeej would almost certainly qualify as "stripper wajeej" and that wajeej is still present on said person and/or said person's clothes still to this day.
Can one of you boards Calloway donks or econ donks explain Goodhart's law to me or give me a good example? This article just dropped it and Wiki isn't cutting it.

"The most famous examples of Goodhart's law should be the soviet factories which when given targets on the basis of numbers of nails produced many tiny useless nails and when given targets on basis of weight produced a few giant nails. Numbers and weight both correlated well in a pre-central plan scenario. After they are made targets (in different times and periods), they lose that value."
Interesting, thanks.

It's in the context of "impact factor" and measures of scientific articles' impact.

Basically, once both authors and editors know the basic calculation for different metrics like impact factor, they start to make decisions based on those calculations rather than the good of science, ease of publication, etc.

Thanks dkn.
Prior posts reminded me of a stripper story (that may be better suited for the bro thread, but whatever)

My friend I play softball with plays on another, more serious team that's sponsored by Scores in Baltimore. Periodically, they have a party at Scores that's supposed to have $10 cover and $10 open bar, but the first one I went to in January (and only, to this point) we ended up not paying either so the only money we spent was on tips to the bartender and the strippers. There was one girl who was clearly a seasoned professional, immediately going up to us and clearing off the tables and getting nekkid with zero fucks given. Whether we wanted her to or not, she'd find any suitable open space and start dancing. After that, she'd take a couple guys that showed just a semi-interest and grabbed their hand and led them to the back for a lap dance. She probably made an absurd amount of money that night. Anyways at one point she was actually making conversation with a few of us and we asked her about these two girls that we had seen for about 15 minutes. They must have been new, not very aggressive, and looked way out of place. They honestly looked like they just finished up their English 101 class and came to the club after. Very girl next door look and pretty, but not at all stripper material. We asked pro stripper what was up with them, and she said she didn't know, that they were new. We then asked why none of the vets took them under their wing, as there were plenty around. She kind of shrugged then took one guys hand and led him into the back. That's when I made my worst mistake of 2014: as she was walking away, I mentioned to my friend that I had never had a lap dance before. Her ears perked up, looked back at me, and said "you're next. no excuses."

(it was great. we all gave her an A and told her as much when she came back around for a review)
I'm not quite sure why I wrote all of that to tell a relatively simple story. It was a weird, fun night.

Break-ups are a cartoony thumbs down. They make people feel face with exes for the eyes.

Watched the finale last night. It was FANtastic.

Seriously if you guys aren't watching Brooklyn 99 you're doing in wrong.

So do we have a coach yet?

And this
Be careful not to get any on you. Stripper perfume is really hard to wash off. Not as tough as stripper wajeej, but still pretty tough.

Yes. My wife is wearing vanilla body butter today (I think that's what it is). I smelled it until I got to my office.
Seriously if you guys aren't watching Brooklyn 99 you're doing in wrong.

I watched the first 4 or 5 eps and thought it was OK. Have heard from a few others though that it's really hit its stride. Might have to go back and catch up.
:willynilly: holy shit you guys a super user says we formally offered shaka and he was receptive and thinking about it :willynilly:

i have 3 meetings today; how unprofessional would it be of me to go home at 10 am and just pray/masturbate for the remainder of the day
I watched the first 4 or 5 eps and thought it was OK. Have heard from a few others though that it's really hit its stride. Might have to go back and catch up.

Yeah, I don't love Andy Samberg, so was skeptical at first, but it's really come into its own as a great ensemble. Some/most of the characters are hilarious. Reminds me a bit of the early Office when you'd get random one-offs from Creed, Phyllis, Stanley, etc.

I laugh out loud regularly when watching.
This is what makes 'Merica great!



I should start by saying that if you are looking for a “Pajama party Barbie Jeep” you my friend, should keep looking. If you are looking for a short description of to the beast before you, I can offer you two words “MEAT & POTATOES”. This is the All American chariot of the free world.

You are not dealing with any ordinary, cookie cutter Jeep son. This thing was forged from a single block of all American Tungsten Steel. Real sturdy! From that day forward my life has never been the same. Winch yourself off that couch and see if you can handle this Jeep Wrangler Sahara.

So if you are looking for a rice burning hatch back, a solar powered liberal mobile, or even a Hyundai crossover keep on looking my friend this thing is a piece of red white and blue Americana Machinery.

This baby’s pulse is pumping 4.0 liters of uncensored raw fuel through her straight six nuclear power plant. And rest assured this is no metro feminine automatic. . .you command her to obey, with your calloused hand planted firmly on the shifter. And she will obey, the first time, every time. If you can’t handle your stick shifter, or reach the clutch pedal, you better not ferry skip over here wanting to test drive her. If you stall her out, you can count on getting hit in the face with a piece of re-bar and sent back where you came from.

It has A/C but are you kidding me….Really! If you want to blow the sweat off your brow, you do it the old fashioned way: doors off, top down. “What if it rains?”. . .You whiney bitch! I told you to stop reading. . . Any man who drives this beast doesn’t give a damn about rain. Not even skin melting acid rain, Cause he’s already dripping wet in blood, sweat, dip spit, and fish guts.

If you are looking for the kind of jeep that has to be pansy parked in the garage, so the “carpet doesn’t get wet and soggy” Then you should plant your Obama sticker on some Japanese piece of shit. Cause this thing has drain holes in the floor and rhino lined to let the blood drain out from the buffalo you just killed, with your bare hands. Because you are William Wallace from Braveheart and when you get home you can leave your “sissy sponge glove car wash kit” in the pink bucket it came in. Go ahead and spark up your 6000 psi heated pressure washer on the dually trailer in your man cave, cause you are Tim Gillespie and you can pressure wash your truck on the inside. She’s got rhino lined floors with a full roll cage in case that buffalo comes back to life while you’re doing 80 over some mountain pass or flooded river.

If you’re thinking about Mexican chrome bumpers for her, think again. The bumper bashers come hand forged in a blacksmith shop in Franklin County over a wood burnin fire, out of 4 inch well casing, and railroad tracks and then I welded em to the damn chassis. That way if you get deployed you can piggy back this war wagon on a deuce and a half and chain her down tight from the four corners, so you don’t lose her when your convoy gets hit by a taliband roadside suicide bomber.

And forget about putting one of those “It’s a Jeep Thing. . .You wouldn’t understand” stickers on this machine cause when you’re spotted in this American Classic there will be no questions, no further explanation required, people will understand and get out of your way. . …real quick.

If you think you’re ready to park this panty hauler on your tract of land. If you buy this jeep you better go get your old lady ready for some damn changes around your lair, cause this shit will be happening. What will be Happening? Glad you asked….

1. More chest hair.
2. You’re growing a beard.
3. Meat Only Diet.
4. T-Rex for a pet.
5. You’re taking a job at the lumber mill.
6. Your car carries five kegs.
7. Penis enlargement.
8. Catch more fish.
9. Wire bristled toothbrush.
10. Sex in the yard.
11. Sex in the garage.
12. All male offspring.
13. Chiseled jaw line.
14. Not giving a damn.
15. Flesh turning to steel.
16. Higher salary
17. Promotions.
18. Better looking wives.
19. Better looking mistresses.
20. More golfing
21. More killing stuff.
22. More dead animals in the KITCHEN freezer.
23. More tools in your garage.
24. Bigger TV
25. Wife takes out the trash
26. Four Wheel Drive
27. Wife brings trash can in from road.
28. Wife stops bitching about clothes on floor.
29. Wife stocks fridge with beer.
30. Chuck Norris.
31. John McCain
32. Steaks for dinner.
33. Winning the Lottery.
34. Women on the side.
35. Wrestling with bea
36. Building shit out of stone.
37. Riding Lawn Mower.
38. Bon Fires in cul-de-sac.
39. Bar Fights.
40. Wife picks you up from Thee Gentlemen’s Club.
41. Craftsman Tools.
42. Jay Bisset.
43. Welding stuff.
44. Digging holes.
45. Huge Piece of meat.

Put your GPS back in your purse.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

This jeep has carried me through 155,000 miles of battlefield twice as gruesome as the second half of the movie “300″. . ..And just like a trusty steed this juggernaut has never left me stranded. If you think you’ve worn her out you drag this beast back to me in any condition. And Ill handle the rest.

But if you think you’re going to get to whip this mule you better pony up Sixty Five Hundred Dollars. . .American Cash. I’m not selling you this car unless you are clearly a pure blooded American Species, so don’t even think about it.
This is what makes 'Merica great!



I should start by saying that if you are looking for a “Pajama party Barbie Jeep” you my friend, should keep looking. If you are looking for a short description of to the beast before you, I can offer you two words “MEAT & POTATOES”. This is the All American chariot of the free world.

You are not dealing with any ordinary, cookie cutter Jeep son. This thing was forged from a single block of all American Tungsten Steel. Real sturdy! From that day forward my life has never been the same. Winch yourself off that couch and see if you can handle this Jeep Wrangler Sahara.

So if you are looking for a rice burning hatch back, a solar powered liberal mobile, or even a Hyundai crossover keep on looking my friend this thing is a piece of red white and blue Americana Machinery.

This baby’s pulse is pumping 4.0 liters of uncensored raw fuel through her straight six nuclear power plant. And rest assured this is no metro feminine automatic. . .you command her to obey, with your calloused hand planted firmly on the shifter. And she will obey, the first time, every time. If you can’t handle your stick shifter, or reach the clutch pedal, you better not ferry skip over here wanting to test drive her. If you stall her out, you can count on getting hit in the face with a piece of re-bar and sent back where you came from.

It has A/C but are you kidding me….Really! If you want to blow the sweat off your brow, you do it the old fashioned way: doors off, top down. “What if it rains?”. . .You whiney bitch! I told you to stop reading. . . Any man who drives this beast doesn’t give a damn about rain. Not even skin melting acid rain, Cause he’s already dripping wet in blood, sweat, dip spit, and fish guts.

If you are looking for the kind of jeep that has to be pansy parked in the garage, so the “carpet doesn’t get wet and soggy” Then you should plant your Obama sticker on some Japanese piece of shit. Cause this thing has drain holes in the floor and rhino lined to let the blood drain out from the buffalo you just killed, with your bare hands. Because you are William Wallace from Braveheart and when you get home you can leave your “sissy sponge glove car wash kit” in the pink bucket it came in. Go ahead and spark up your 6000 psi heated pressure washer on the dually trailer in your man cave, cause you are Tim Gillespie and you can pressure wash your truck on the inside. She’s got rhino lined floors with a full roll cage in case that buffalo comes back to life while you’re doing 80 over some mountain pass or flooded river.

If you’re thinking about Mexican chrome bumpers for her, think again. The bumper bashers come hand forged in a blacksmith shop in Franklin County over a wood burnin fire, out of 4 inch well casing, and railroad tracks and then I welded em to the damn chassis. That way if you get deployed you can piggy back this war wagon on a deuce and a half and chain her down tight from the four corners, so you don’t lose her when your convoy gets hit by a taliband roadside suicide bomber.

And forget about putting one of those “It’s a Jeep Thing. . .You wouldn’t understand” stickers on this machine cause when you’re spotted in this American Classic there will be no questions, no further explanation required, people will understand and get out of your way. . …real quick.

If you think you’re ready to park this panty hauler on your tract of land. If you buy this jeep you better go get your old lady ready for some damn changes around your lair, cause this shit will be happening. What will be Happening? Glad you asked….

1. More chest hair.
2. You’re growing a beard.
3. Meat Only Diet.
4. T-Rex for a pet.
5. You’re taking a job at the lumber mill.
6. Your car carries five kegs.
7. Penis enlargement.
8. Catch more fish.
9. Wire bristled toothbrush.
10. Sex in the yard.
11. Sex in the garage.
12. All male offspring.
13. Chiseled jaw line.
14. Not giving a damn.
15. Flesh turning to steel.
16. Higher salary
17. Promotions.
18. Better looking wives.
19. Better looking mistresses.
20. More golfing
21. More killing stuff.
22. More dead animals in the KITCHEN freezer.
23. More tools in your garage.
24. Bigger TV
25. Wife takes out the trash
26. Four Wheel Drive
27. Wife brings trash can in from road.
28. Wife stops bitching about clothes on floor.
29. Wife stocks fridge with beer.
30. Chuck Norris.
31. John McCain
32. Steaks for dinner.
33. Winning the Lottery.
34. Women on the side.
35. Wrestling with bea
36. Building shit out of stone.
37. Riding Lawn Mower.
38. Bon Fires in cul-de-sac.
39. Bar Fights.
40. Wife picks you up from Thee Gentlemen’s Club.
41. Craftsman Tools.
42. Jay Bisset.
43. Welding stuff.
44. Digging holes.
45. Huge Piece of meat.

Put your GPS back in your purse.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

This jeep has carried me through 155,000 miles of battlefield twice as gruesome as the second half of the movie “300″. . ..And just like a trusty steed this juggernaut has never left me stranded. If you think you’ve worn her out you drag this beast back to me in any condition. And Ill handle the rest.

But if you think you’re going to get to whip this mule you better pony up Sixty Five Hundred Dollars. . .American Cash. I’m not selling you this car unless you are clearly a pure blooded American Species, so don’t even think about it.

All pos rep to the guy who posted this ad.
GoodmanESPN Jeff Goodman
BC looking at Mike Hopkins (Syracuse), Pat Skerry (Towson), Tom Moore (Quinnipiac) and Mark Schmidt (St. Bonaventure), source told ESPN.
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