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Rolling Stone Article on UVA rape culture

As the last man sank onto her, Jackie was startled to recognize him: He attended her tiny anthropology discussion group. He looked like he was going to cry or puke as he told the crowd he couldn't get it up. "Pussy!" the other men jeered. "What, she's not hot enough for you?" Then they egged him on: "Don't you want to be a brother?" "We all had to do it, so you do, too." Someone handed her classmate a beer bottle. Jackie stared at the young man, silently begging him not to go through with it. And as he shoved the bottle into her, Jackie fell into a stupor, mentally untethering from the brutal tableau, her mind leaving behind the bleeding body under assault on the floor...

...Their other two friends, however, weren't convinced. "Is that such a good idea?" she recalls Cindy asking. "Her reputation will be shot for the next four years." Andy seconded the opinion, adding that since he and Randall both planned to rush fraternities, they ought to think this through. The three friends launched into a heated discussion about the social price of reporting Jackie's rape, while Jackie stood beside them, mute in her bloody dress, wishing only to go back to her dorm room and fall into a deep, forgetful sleep. Detached, Jackie listened as Cindy prevailed over the group: "She's gonna be the girl who cried 'rape,' and we'll never be allowed into any frat party again."

jesus christ... we really do hate women in this country
I was a geed and mostly hung with a small group of folks at Wake. Someone more bmoc than me please assure me that this culture isn't at MSD.
UVA just one of many. I doubt there's a campus anywhere without this issue. Even women-only colleges have issues. There's a push to bring greater light to female-on-female rape at those places. I don't know how prevalent it is but it underscores the pathology: it's about violence, not sex.

Read this last week about the president of Lincoln College in PA: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/10/lincoln-university-rape_n_6133672.html

Robert R. Jennings, the president of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, suggested in a speech to female students this fall that several women on campus had made false rape charges the previous semester and that they were responsible for putting themselves in those situations.

"We will use you up, if you allow us to use you up," Jennings said. "Well, guess what? When it comes time for us to make that final decision, we're going to go down the hall and marry that girl with the long dress on. That's one we're going to take home to mama."
Wow, that is a one hell of a well written article. The quotes from the Rugby Road song seemed almost made up they were so perfectly damning.
I was a geed and mostly hung with a small group of folks at Wake. Someone more bmoc than me please assure me that this culture isn't at MSD.

These passages really hit me:

"One of Jackie's friends told her, unconcerned, "Andy said you had a bad experience at a frat, and you've been a baby ever since."

"The women rattle off which one is known as the "roofie frat," where supposedly four girls have been drugged and raped, and at which house a friend had a recent "bad experience," the Wahoo euphemism for sexual assault."
"In his office, with her mother beside her, she'd burst into tears, and her mother explained she'd had a "bad experience" at a party. He'd blanched and given Jackie the e-mail for Dean Eramo."

I remember hearing women use that term "bad experience" when I was at Wake. I was so naive at the time, I thought they just meant it wasn't a good hookup. It never occurred to me that they were talking about being raped.

I agree this article could be written about any university in the country. No question there. Still, the "Rugby Road" lyrics brought home just how sexual assault is engrained into the culture at UVa.
What the hell is going on? Why is this allowed to happen?
evidently the frat house was vandalized last night according to the Sabre site.

Good. Too few rapists are actually punished for their crimes. "Rapist-shaming" is the logical next step. If it can take down Bill Cosby, I hope it can take down a frat.
Good. Too few rapists are actually punished for their crimes. "Rapist-shaming" is the logical next step. If it can take down Bill Cosby, I hope it can take down a frat.

Shame is far too light a punishment for rape.
Shame is far too light a punishment for rape.

I agree. But I'm not going to advocate people go through a frat and start cutting dicks off. Naming names is a good start. Bring it out into the light. At least give the next woman more information to use to make decisions about where she goes and who she spends time with.
UVA just one of many. I doubt there's a campus anywhere without this issue. Even women-only colleges have issues. There's a push to bring greater light to female-on-female rape at those places. I don't know how prevalent it is but it underscores the pathology: it's about violence, not sex.

Read this last week about the president of Lincoln College in PA: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/10/lincoln-university-rape_n_6133672.html

and people are fucking CLAPPING. unreal.
I agree. But I'm not going to advocate people go through a frat and start cutting dicks off. Naming names is a good start. Bring it out into the light. At least give the next woman more information to use to make decisions about where she goes and who she spends time with.

Actually that sounds appropriate for the assholes in this article now that you mention it. What if it was your sister?
I agree. But I'm not going to advocate people go through a frat and start cutting dicks off. Naming names is a good start. Bring it out into the light. At least give the next woman more information to use to make decisions about where she goes and who she spends time with.

goddamn it. start cutting dicks off. Look at this mindfuck:

Two weeks after Jackie's rape, she ran into Drew during her lifeguard shift at the UVA pool. "Hey, Jackie," Drew said, startling her. "Are you ignoring me?" She'd switched her shift in the hopes of never seeing him again. Since the Phi Kappa Psi party, she'd barely left her dorm room, fearful of glimpsing one of her attackers. Jackie stared at Drew, unable to speak. "I wanted to thank you for the other night," Drew said. "I had a great time."
Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with people? I have been drunk and high on anything and everything and partied harder than any UVA frat boy ever imagined, and raping someone never was on the docket of fun shit to do.

One of the biggest takeaways for me was the fact that a large portion of rapes are carried out by serial rapists. Reporting and prosecuting rapes have the potential to save lots of victims.
Also fraternities need to take an active role in preventing sexual assault.