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The Pit Parenting Thread

Perhaps that is true. He is particularly difficult.

Seriously though, it does suck that I work and so I actually look forward to hanging with him and doing fun stuff, but instead you spend 85% of the time just having to discipline him because he is being such a defiant little dick. So the result is that no only is he being punished, but you're being punished also because you're missing out on doing fun shit with your kid. It really is pretty miserable these days. Hopefully he grows out of it soon.
2 sucked, 3 had been like choirs of angels Are singing in comparison. But it has its days too
Cali - I keep hearing about the zipadee thing! Do you recommend it? We double swaddle at night because he is super wriggly and startles a lot but I was looking at something like that or the woombie to be a good transition. He needs his arms restrained in some way to save him from himself.

I can't quite tell yet if it is that helpful as a swaddle transition. I have been putting her in it for naps and she seems to wake up a bit more than if she is swaddled but she hasn't been napping great swaddled either! I haven't been brave enough to try her at night in it since she is sleeping pretty well in the swaddle. She does get her right arm out pretty frequently and seems to keep sleeping ok so hopefully that means she will eventually transition from the swaddle fairly easily. She looks super cute in the zippy though that's for sure!
Newborn through 3 years old is something you cannot prepare for. Reading parenting books to prep for a child is like watching ESPN to become educated on a sport. Talking heads with only occasional glimpses of substance between thousands of words that are unbelievably opinionated and based in little to no fact.

There IS one enormous secret I've seen work time and time again for these ages: Moms on Call.

We give it to all expecting parents and almost every single one has ignored it until they were at their wits end. Then they ran across it again, watched it, decided to do the actual work of parenting instead of whatever else they were doing before hand, and all of a sudden within a week or two they have a great kid who sleeps like a rock and does a much better job obeying.
You can prepare to raise A kid. You can't prepare to raise YOUR kid. Your kid is unique and his or her own person.

We were worried about swaddling for our oldest. Hours after he was born, a nurse tried to swaddle him and he threw a massive fit. He didn't like to be swaddled. All the preparation was a waste.
My wife is just now realizing that's what we should have done after going back and forth between two boys calling for her all night.
Baby wearing is the best, especially once you have more than one.
I'm not sure exactly what that is but I love our carrier.

Our kid is teething. So much drool.
It's a sling thing and he is in the front, we're chest to chest, his neck supported and his head up to my neck face to face. Over the shoulder harness. It's ugly as hell but when he's in it he sleeps and chills and I can putter around the house and do a reasonable amount of stuff, and see his face and kiss him and all that.
Observations at 6 wks (4 week premie):

The peeing during diaper change was funny once. Once.
Diaper rash ain't no joke
As noted, the front pack carrier is great
Singing to him soothes both of us. B. Marley and j Garcia melodies especially
I can't wait for him to see me clearly and smile at me
The farts are hilarious. I had no idea the pooting power he would have
I'm tired as hell, even though my better half does the lions share
Sour milk smell is ubiquitous
Has he done explosive pooping while changing? That's always fun. I do not miss wiping down walls and changing my clothes at 3am.