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NCAA Proposes to Reinstate Penn State / Paterno Wins

Penn State's coaches broke the law and should face legal punishment. UNC broke NCAA regulations and should face NCAA punishment.

Simple as. That said I don't fault the NCAA for doing something at the time. I think punishing them initially and then gradually repealing those sanctions probably was about the best way to handle this
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Not true. Apparently these days you can not go to class, have people write papers for you and get an A. At least as long as you go to UNC.

And apparently in Eagle's world, when high ranking university officials (including the football coach) enable child rape, that's not an NCAA matter. Got it.

You're right, it's not a NCAA matter, its a criminal matter. Even the NCAA knew it and said so in emails prior to bluffing their way to the sanctions. But of course you apparently have everything figured out, so why do we even have a legal system - we can just get your opinion and save a lot of money.
I agree that PSU didn't cheat. What they did was far worse and should mean they don't get to field a football team again... Ever.
Penn State's coaches broke the law and should face legal punishment. UNC broke NCAA regulations and should face NCAA punishment.

Simple as. That said I don't fault the NCAA for doing something at the time. I think punishing them initially and then gradually repealing those sanctions probably was about the best way to handle this

Which coaches broke the law?

The first incident that was part of the Sandusky trial occurred in 2001. That is 3 years AFTER Sandusky retired from coaching. Not sure I see how Penn State football could benefit from any alleged coverup at that point. Far more interesting is that the Board of Directors of Sandusky's charity never faced liability even though they were aware of that incident and continued to allow Sandusky to work for the charity until 2009.

The accused Penn State administrators (President, AD and a Senior VP) will most likely never be tried because there is no evidence of a conspiracy or coverup. No doubt that Sandusky was guilty of his crimes, but there is no evidence that anyone else engaged in criminal behavior regarding the reporting/handling of the 2001 incident.

JoePa and Penn State football were thrown under the bus by the members of the PSU Board of Trustees that were also board members at Second Mile. They had the most to lose, including the Chairman/CEO of Merck (Kenneth Frazier). Blaming it all on PAterno and PSU football put it in a nice package for ESPN, but the truth is far uglier and nastier when you dig below the surface.
PSU fans somehow are celebrating this. The comments section of ESPN brings out the absolute worst people. Apparently some of them wandered over here.

How the hell can anyone defend this shit with a straight face? You take your legal "victory" but don't ever pretend that PSU/Paterno were blameless.
PSU fans somehow are celebrating this. The comments section of ESPN brings out the absolute worst people. Apparently some of them wandered over here.

How the hell can anyone defend this shit with a straight face? You take your legal "victory" but don't ever pretend that PSU/Paterno were blameless.

PSU fans and people who respected and admired Joe Paterno do it without shame.
PSU fans and people who respected and admired Joe Paterno do it without shame.

Pennsylvania really only has Penn State for major college sports. PITT is a distant second and that is it. Imagine North Carolina if UNC was the only school in the state playing major college sports. That is what the cult of Penn State and Paterno is like.
I suspect the coaches are mandatory reporters under Pa law.

Here's a good column that discusses the statute involved, the actions taken in compliance with that statute. It also discusses whether Paterno should have done "more".
There was a lot more to this story then what ESPN et al, was reporting. The 2 PSU cops sent to investigate this were fired. The DA that was looking into it was found dead and his computer went missing. Paterno did the bare minimum in notifying the school prez and the police chief. My question is, what did Sandusky tell Paterno to get him to stop looking into it? I think that if Paterno believed the reports, he would have done more. He said the same before he died.
Penn State's coaches broke the law and should face legal punishment. UNC broke NCAA regulations and should face NCAA punishment.

Simple as. That said I don't fault the NCAA for doing something at the time. I think punishing them initially and then gradually repealing those sanctions probably was about the best way to handle this

They almost certainly defrauded the federal government out of financial aid money.
They almost certainly defrauded the federal government out of financial aid money.

great point that I wanted to bring up earlier but forgot. The mess at UNC isn't just an NCAA problem. The hammer is going to drop on them, or at least it should.
Very good point, LK.
This is such bullshit. Basically the only good that came out of this was that it sent a narcissistic child rape enabler to an early grave.
To say the whole thing was a mess is a massive understatement, but I never understood why the NCAA decided to vacate wins as part of the punishment. Seems to me that vacating wins/championships is meant to punish schools who competed in those games with an unfair competitive advantage. The argument that the Sandusky cover up gave PSU a competitive advantage of some kind in any of those games is a really, really big stretch. Taking away the wins punishes not only Paterno but also the hundreds of players who played in those games and had not one thing to do with the Sandusky matter.

The big monetary fine I understand, and I certainly think paying it to support abused children rather than lining the NCAA's pocket is the right thing to do. Putting the school on some kind of probation I could understand. Certainly the victims should get their day in court and PSU should pay them a boatload of cash as well. But vacating the wins, that never made sense to me.