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Do conservatives still want Chris Christie?

If only I had my own #undepheated Crystal Ball with which to see things as clearly as you do.

You can catch her on MSNBC in the afternoons. Not my jam but she's hot though.

Huntsman has my vote.
Help me understand why Rand Paul can sound like he is brilliant man and then make asinine statements about vaccines?
I actually like some of his ideas but then he goes full tilt bat shit crazy!

uh, libertarian?
What if Rand Paul were a woman?

But Randi has a problem with the facts. They seem to elude her. She repeatedly says we have a trillion-dollar deficit when, according to the CBO, it’s only $642 billion and falling sharply. Plus she mixes up deficit and debt. The Beltway press diligently points this out, smirking. She’s “ambitious”—a word her detractors say with a snarl. “But easy on the eyes,” her supporters counter. The debate becomes Pretty vs. Pretty Dumb.

Randi tries to position herself as above this fray. "The fact-checking is not fact-checking. These are people with a bias. It's purely an opinion. The stuff is so ludicrous I don't even read it,” she says of her critics.

The headline is: “Randi Admits She Doesn’t Read!” The Internet breaks out in a rash of mansplaining. She’s dubbed Bluegrass Barbie.
He lost my support with the vaccine comments today. He didn't go full anti-vaxxer, but it was a horribly irresponsible position to take.

What did he say that was irresponsible? That parents should have some measure of control when choosing vaccinations? I know my wife and i didn't feel Comfortable with the standard schedule and so we spaced out the shots and decoupled many of them. Giving a small child 3 vaccinations at the same time in one shot wasn't our desire. You wouldn't believe how difficult it was to decouple the vaccines. We weren't denying the science of being vaccinated and we certainly had all of our shots before school started but we preferred a slower more spaces out schedule.

That is what I hear when Christie says that parents should have some measure of control. The state doesn't own our children, especially when it comes to medical care. Christie vaccinates his own children and clearly thinks it is in the public good but doesn't think the parents should have zero input. What is so cray cray about that?
I'll try to be as respectful as possible when I say slash ask what in the world prompted your desire to decouple vaccines? The schedules are set the way they are for a reason and I don't really believe that "comfort" is a legitimate reason to space out a schedule unless there are very heavy extenuating circumstances.
I'll try to be as respectful as possible when I say slash ask what in the world prompted your desire to decouple vaccines? The schedules are set the way they are for a reason and I don't really believe that "comfort" is a legitimate reason to space out a schedule unless there are very heavy extenuating circumstances.

To be honest it was my wife's decision. I didn't do much research on the issue. She spent a lot of time researching the issue after having a brother affected by asbergers (symptoms did not start displaying themselves until after certain vaccinations - was during the height of the study of the link, etc...).

Wife came to the conclusion that she couldn't be certain there was a link, but there was evidence to suggest it was safer to decouple and spread out the vaccines. Basically, lower the stress on the Childs body and allow it to fight one battle at a time. Evidence was by no means overwhelming but outside of spending a little more money we couldn't find any evidence that we were putting our children at greater risk by splitting them up and waiting a few months here and there.

When I say "we" I mean my wife investigated and communicated to me. I trusted her to make a wise decision and we were very happy with our choice. We have two healthy and fully vaccinated children.

I don't think it is crazy to think that a parent should have 'some measure of control' over the government sticking a needle into the arm of your child and giving him or her a live virus. No matter how effective or overwhelming the science is.
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Interesting. Thanks for sharing the process because I legitimately don't understand it at all. Yeah it sucks for your baby to get pricked and it is a live virus (albeit in controlled setting) but at the end of the day the science is clear cut and it's important for babies and kids who cannot get vaccinations for various reasons (illness, etc.) that everyone else in fact get their vaccine on schedule.
I seriously hate parents who don't give their children vaccines. Thank god I'm not a pediatrician.
I don't think it is crazy to think that a parent should have 'some measure of control' over the government sticking a needle into the arm of your child and giving him or her a live virus. No matter how effective or overwhelming the science is.

that's pretty disingenuous
I'm pretty convinced at this point that even if there were a universal preventative measure for cancer and all it required was a scheduled set of shots that we would still have a subset of the population not taking the shots.

I believe this because it's exactly what people are currently doing with a host of other diseases.

Edited for clarity.
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well cancer isn't contagious nonsense ninja but otherwise yea good analogy
Interesting. Thanks for sharing the process because I legitimately don't understand it at all. Yeah it sucks for your baby to get pricked and it is a live virus (albeit in controlled setting) but at the end of the day the science is clear cut and it's important for babies and kids who cannot get vaccinations for various reasons (illness, etc.) that everyone else in fact get their vaccine on schedule.

I agree the science is good. I also think it is wise to have a society where the parents still have input in the decision. Science changes over time. In a system where this sort of action is government mandated you could end up with some pretty poor results.

Like I said. We are fully vaccinated and it isn't like we waited til the child was 10. We just delayed a few months here and there because that is what my wife felt was best. I think that is a good balance and I think that is what Christie was referring with when he was quoted.
I'm glad it all worked out.

Just curious, what sort of poor results could you end up with?