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Partial deal reached with Iran

Bush Sr's biggest accomplishment was putting together the coalition in the first Gulf War. Didn't go far enough and mismanaged the peace, but America can't go it alone every time. Neo-cons don't trust anyone and the U.S. economically can't afford to go it alone all the time. If the U.S. can't trust UK and Germany as allies, who can they trust?

Mitt caught a lot of crap during his UK visit in 2012 and Walker and Christie looked like buffoons during their recrnt UK visits. Cameron and Merkel are nominal European conservatives. Freedom fries all around. Good thing President Trump will fix all that stuff, if he can handle Meat Loag, he'll put Putin in his place.
There is not much we can do with Iran at this point except make the best deal we can negotiate. We have little other choice. If Netanyahu doesn't like it, that's his problem. Let us remind ourselves once again: Iran got/will get the bomb for the same reason that everybody else got the bomb: for defense. No one in their right mind actually wants to use atomic bombs. So, if you are not going to attack Iran, and why would you, then there is very little chance of Iran using nuclear weapons.

If there is a subject on which clear thinking is important, then nuclear weapons are it.
Interesting piece in The Atlantic by David Frum on the US political consequences of the Iran deal.

The Rand Paul Candidacy for the Republican Nomination Is Over
The Iran deal presents Republicans with a sharp binary choice. Line up with President Obama in support of a treaty achieved mostly by American concessions that puts Iran on the path to an internationally accepted nuclear weapon sometime in the 2020s? A treaty that bypasses Congress’ role and that is opposed by every U.S. ally in the region, including but not limited to Israel? No cash prize for predicting how the Republican primary electorate will align.
In the middle of Obama’s tenure, Rand Paul achieved for himself a standing within the GOP that eluded his father by focusing less on international security and much more on domestic surveillance. So long as as Congress was debating NSA and TSA, rather than Russia and Iran, Paul found a considerable constituency inside the party for his distinctive ideology. Now the spotlight shifts to Iran, Russia, and nuclear proliferation. Paul will either find himself isolated with the old Ron Paul constituency—or he’ll have to find some nimble way to jump to the “anti” side of the Iran deal. (Perhaps he will emphasize the slight to Congress it represents?) If he opts for the latter approach, however, he becomes just another Republican voice among many competing to voice their opposition, and one less powerful and credible than, for example, Ted Cruz will be.
I really hope Paul doesn't capitulate to the neo-cons on this. So far I have been impressed with his holding on to his "libertarian" roots but this will be his biggest test.

If the GOP marginalizes Rand, they won't have any ties to younger voters. They've burned too many policy bridges already.
war against science women latins blacks drugs arabs youngs. anyone im leaving out
war against science women latins blacks drugs arabs youngs. anyone im leaving out

Sounds good and all, but those people don't all like trillions of dollars in debt, mass dependency and open borders. Eventually the youngs are going to figure out that they're getting the bill for all of this spending.
Sounds good and all, but those people don't all like trillions of dollars in debt, mass dependency and open borders. Eventually the youngs are going to figure out that they're getting the bill for all of this spending.

We are paying past debt right now and the USA is still standing.
There is not much we can do with Iran at this point except make the best deal we can negotiate. We have little other choice. If Netanyahu doesn't like it, that's his problem. Let us remind ourselves once again: Iran got/will get the bomb for the same reason that everybody else got the bomb: for defense. No one in their right mind actually wants to use atomic bombs. So, if you are not going to attack Iran, and why would you, then there is very little chance of Iran using nuclear weapons.

If there is a subject on which clear thinking is important, then nuclear weapons are it.


Query: Do fundamental Islamic terrorists strike you as falling in that group?

Congrats to Kerry-Obama. They have finally gotten the Israelis and the Saudis to agree on something significant.
Yeah we should have just ruined their country for the past 60 years and then crippled their economy further. Seems like that was a better idea to appease our Israeli friends. Saudi Arabia wants to try to stay close in power to the local hegemon which explains part of their support and Israel is against anyone receiving any diplomacy in the Middle East other than themselves. I'll take their lack of support with a grain of salt.

Query: Do fundamental Islamic terrorists strike you as falling in that group?

Congrats to Kerry-Obama. They have finally gotten the Israelis and the Saudis to agree on something significant.

I am not sure what you mean by this question.

I do not think that the Iranian government would turn nuclear weapons over to any one. Besides, they don't have any to turn over. Please note, no government has ever turned any of its nuclear weapons over to anyone, be they government or private group. I don't know on what basis anyone would assume that they would.

What do you mean by "fundamental Islamic terrorists"?
i have no idea what's going to happen but I'm pretty sure that what won't happen is that this deal enables Iran to secure a nuclear bomb.

Not much to lose in making doomsday predictions if you're the GOP though I guess since it will be years before anyone finds out if the sanctions work and you can fire up the fan base against those liberals who are trying diplomacy instead of the neocon "let's start another costly war" method without actually having to face whether you are right or not.

Saw a pretty funny article talking about how people blaming Obama for this domestically have conveniently omitted the fact that this deal was also pushed along by most European powers and wasn't just our boy Obummer forging ahead all by his lonesome.
On a side note I was in Saint Chapelle a few days ago and saw a guy who looked to be around 40 who had four ginger kids, a unc basketball shirt, and breakaway warmup basketball pants on. I did about a nine take thinking it was JHMD.
On a side note I was in Saint Chapelle a few days ago and saw a guy who looked to be around 40 who had four ginger kids, a unc basketball shirt, and breakaway warmup basketball pants on. I did about a nine take thinking it was JHMD.

Why would I waste a moment of my life up North?