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Partial deal reached with Iran


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Mar 16, 2011
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Haven't seen an outline yet.


The U.S., partner countries and Iran announced on Thursday that they have reached agreement on key elements of a preliminary deal on Iran’s nuclear program.
The agreement includes partial sanctions relief for the Islamic Republic if it is found in compliance with the deal, a more comprehensive, technical version of which is expected by June 30.
According to a statement by Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, the framework will include several restrictions on Iran’s ability to enrich uranium, material that can be used either for energy production or in nuclear warheads.
But the initial statement from Switzerland did not address several contentious details, including how many centrifuges Iran will be allowed to operate; what it will do with its stockpile of enriched uranium; and how much past research into bomb-making methods it will have to disclose.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/iran-nuclear-deal-breakthrough-116618.html#ixzz3WB4n8C2D
Sounds like the big news here is a 3 month extension in negotiations.
I thought there had always been three months left for the technical deadline and that the one on Tuesday was just imposed by those involved.
Sounds like the big news here is a 3 month extension in negotiations.

I don't think that's an extension. The "deadline" this week was just a US deadline so Congress would have time before weighing in next week. There was always a June 30 actual deadline.

Nice try though.

I'm not sure why I'm curious what the deal actually is, because the GOP won't support it and will paint it as Obama allowing Iran to have nukes.
Also, the IAEA will be able to inspect and verify the latent Iranian weapons program - which means they are coming clean on it's existence.
No, the big news is that the UN Security Council will lift ALL sanctions, and that Iran has made concrete commitments on what it's giving up. These have never been agreed to.

Also, the IAEA will be able to inspect and verify the latent Iranian weapons program - which means they are coming clean on it's existence.

fuck all that

How long do we really think we have left until everyone who wants a nuke, has one? 20 years? 50?
I won't get a lot of info from vadtoy for a while, but evidently there's a hell of a lot of excitement right now. This is beyond what people were expecting when this whole process started.
No, the big news is that the UN Security Council will lift ALL sanctions, and that Iran has made concrete commitments on what it's giving up. These have never been agreed to.

The article says "some sanction relief." We are lifting all sanctions and don't know what we are getting or giving in return?
The article says "some sanction relief." We are lifting all sanctions and don't know what we are getting or giving in return?

How can you quote something you didn't read? vad specifically says the UN is lifting all sanctions and Iran has specifically made it clear what they're giving up with respect to a nuclear weapons program they previously didn't even acknowledge existed.
The UN Security Council is going to lift all resolutions related to the nuclear program. Iran is shutting down it's heavy water reactor (produces plutonium), downblending or shipping out of the country (likely to Russia) all enriched Uranium except for 300kg, cutting 2/3rd of their centrifuges, closing all but one nuclear related facility and allowing the IAEA access to their past activities, as well as direct inspections of not only facilities but also supply chains.

That's A HUGE set of concessions on both sides. Just a remarkable deal if they manage to hold it together. The Iranian right wing is going to go ballistic, as will the American right wing.
Politico is the first site I read in the morning. I love it.

Looks like these negotiations turned out relatively well from what we've seen so far, obviously it will be a while before everything is known and everything can be evaluated.
Politico is the first site I read in the morning. I love it.

Looks like these negotiations turned out relatively well from what we've seen so far, obviously it will be a while before everything is known and everything can be evaluated.

Definitely. But we should be feeling good if this is what all sides chose to go public with right now.
Damn. Iran basically caved. The sanctions broke them. They effectively conceded everything that the IAEA and the P5+1 wanted. Everything they had stood firm on before is basically gone.

If there's a deal signed that is what is in that framework, this is an ENORMOUS success for the non-proliferation regime. Holy shit.