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This is so funny. Fox has stacked a focus group to assist their "Dump Trump" efforts.

"Fair & Balanced". LOL. Fox News is a total joke.

This is an example of how the media can manipulate political opinion.

Yep Fox News protecting what they perceive to be the best interests of their (yes their) brand.
Trump isn't a legit candidate to win the primary... c'mon. His support is high in a large group of candidates but his polarizing nature that gives him that support also isn't going to grow when the field pares down. This isn't the first time this has happened.
Kinda surprised at the mixed reactions to Trump from the crowd. Fair amount of scattered boos. Trump didn't help himself with women in both his answer about women and how he dealt with Kelly.

Rand picked fights with Christie and Trump. They both kicked his ass and he wasn't taking votes from either any way. Kasich and Rubio were by far the best. Jeb's a wus who doesn't have it. Huckahee is freaking crazy.
Leading 15 months before the election doesn't make him legit. He doesn't have the chops, and this debate showed him for what he was.

I think a critical part of reading 15 months away from the election is name recognition + polling numbers. Those with good numbers and low recognition come back to earth, but with a 10 point lead someone has to go get Trump given his recognition. Maybe his ceiling is around 25% and we'll find that out soon, but he is what he is and people see him for what he is. I think the GOP just has enough idiots to keep voting for him to keep him in the lead for a good while and in the race for a while.
I didn't get to see the debate but am amused that non-Ohioans have this impression about Kasich that he is a moderate almost Democrat. That obviously must be his strategy and compared to some of the other loons, he is likely a bit more moderate, but if you were in Ohio, you would know that Kasich has followed the Republican governor agenda for the most part. He came in and denied funding for transit, along with Florida and Wisconsin, he sought to lower income taxes (which was found to benefit the rich and was voted down by even Republicans), he sought to break apart unions (which was repealed by voters), I believe recently they have sought to limit abortion or family planning. His balancing of the Ohio budget was the result of two things: the economy improving and his deletion of the local government fund, which stripped funding for local governments, who then had to either cut payroll and services or raise their own taxes.

On top of that, he likes to extemporaneously in his speeches. And typically, he'll say something dumb. This is the best Republican you've got apparently.
Hiesenburg's uncertainty principle as applied to politics: Shine a light on a candidate and you alter his trajectory. FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP TALKING ABOUT TRUMP.

You would be a great Fox News moderator. Conservatives can't stand the fact that their party opened up the door for crazy and it walked in. You welcomed it Junebug and I do mean you personally given your posts on here. It is your and JHMD's portion of the Republican party that let Trump and his ilk in so you're living with it. Enjoy it, embrace it, do what you do, it's what you opened the front door for so enjoy it in your house.
You can't argue with Kasich's results, even if his methods were less than savory in Ohio. He's not the social conservative that 7/10 guys on stage were.

And stop calling him a Democrat for fucks sake.
You can't argue with Kasich's results, even if his methods were less than savory in Ohio. He's not the social conservative that 7/10 guys on stage were.

And stop calling him a Democrat for fucks sake.

I'll take some blame for that since I said he's basically a Democrat. He's just a moderate Republican (and the only one in the race of 17 essentially).
All of us liberals think that Kasich is a good candidate, but I dont think the Pubs will agree. They don't want a moderate candidate. They aren't trying to win over moderate swing voters, they're trying to drum up the base vote.
Interesting article on Trump's statement about donating to Democrat candidates.

It was a bizarre, but effective, diagnosis of the deep corruption in American politics. Reformers tend to present themselves as blameless. Trump is presenting himself as someone who has so mastered the corruption of American politics that he can be trusted to resist it. Here's the exchange:
Q: You've also supported a host of other liberal policies, you've also donated to several Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton included, Nancy Pelosi. You explained away those donations saying you did that to get business related favors. And you said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
TRUMP: You better believe it... I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people. Before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me. And that's a broken system.
Q: So what did you get from Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi?
TRUMP: I'll tell you what. With Hillary Clinton, I said, be at my wedding and she came to my wedding. You know why? She had no choice! Because I gave.

It's common for politicians to say that Washington is corrupt and broken. But, generally, they tend to portray themselves as blameless. It's always everyone else who's corrupt.
But as Ezra Klein wrote, Donald Trump is a man without shame. He sees no problem in admitting that he tried to buy politicians to benefit himself and his company. And since he so boldly admits that he gave money to get favors out of politicians, his diagnosis of the system as corrupt and broken is more credible. (It also serves as a handy excuse for why he gave to Democrats — in his telling, they're corrupt and he wanted to buy them.)
One of the main themes I've heard from Trump supporters explaining why they support him is their belief that he "can't be bought." And weirdly enough, his frankness about how he himself has tried to buy others helps make this point.
I liked kasich the best. Thought Christie and Rubio did ok. Trumps an idiot. Hate that guy. Nobody else stood out in a good way.

Carson is done.
Walker is a goob.
Huckster is not in it to win anyway.
Was disappointed in Paul's performance. Felt like he was begging he viewers to like him.

Also. Ben Carson spoke of himself in the third person. I didn't see that one coming.
Last post of the night from me: Meghan Kelly's legs are tremendous. That is all.

Thanks for making your last post creepy, Uncle Creepy.

Please stay away from women if you, 1) Cannot comprehend that her name is Megyn Kelly. And 2) Focus on the woman's legs instead of her intellectual thoughts when she is discussing important political issues.

You're an asshole.
Thanks for making your last post creepy, Uncle Creepy.

Please stay away from women if you, 1) Cannot comprehend that her name is Megyn Kelly. And 2) Focus on the woman's legs instead of her intellectual thoughts when she is discussing important political issues.

You're an asshole.

Junebug probably likes to focus on the positives about people. Megyn Kelly's legs are much better than her intellectual thoughts.
Junebug probably likes to focus on the positives about people. Megyn Kelly's legs are much better than her intellectual thoughts.

Also sexist.

No chance you say that about a man.
Can we please fuck off with this tired idea that women are to be judged on looks first and ideas second? Please?