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General Election Thread: Two Weeks Out

Why Paul Ryan is unstoppable is in his district, and why he will never be President:

"Ryan’s approach was clearly the right one. He is enormously popular at home: His favorable-unfavorable score in June and July among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents was 85–8 statewide and 84–5 in his district, according to Marquette Law School’s poll. That goodwill owes not merely to Ryan’s influence inside the halls of Congress, but to a political style that preaches civility, decency, and positivity. Going negative on Nehlen would have been inconsistent with Ryan’s image; it also would have breathed life into his opponent and cast doubt on the legitimacy of polls showing the speaker with an overwhelming lead."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438826/paul-ryan-primary-win-explained
Me? I don't know you or have ever been out with your brother that I know of.

I also didn't send any emails to your old employer. Did someone else do that?
Me? I don't know you or have ever been out with your brother that I know of.

I also didn't send any emails to your old employer. Did someone else do that?

Settle down narcissist

You really think I'm talking about you?

Do we know each other?

No. Carry on. Lol
I didn't think so. Just placement on thread and I'm a little hard wired worst case scenario.

You did nail that I am one arrogant prick, but that doesn't mean everyone should not take a look at Johnson/Weld, 2016.
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Is this the same mf that was trying to fight people a few years back? If not, the previous mf set quite a bar for you.

Heavily medicated and in therapy. Anger issues turned into a massive anxiety disorder, panic attacks and a deepening depression issue. Disabled attorney, turning professor. That's why I'm a little sensitive I might have done something in the past, but never sending emails.

Trying to be better. Anger leads to anxiety and pretty much shut down disaster for me.

Old and new Mf,
Yeah, this.

Why speak in utter, utter ignorance with such bravado? I don't give fair play. I just don't give it in such situations. Junebug literally typed that he can't believe people that "listened" to Trump's comments said it was hinting towards an awful assassination joke were wrong -- then tried to lamely say, "well, I never listened to it myself, sorry, that's my bad."

Apologies are great and needed. But junebug didn't apologize for his worst offense, IMO, that being he attacked others for the very same thing he did himself.

If you must know the details of how I became familiar with the speech, I first heard it in passing on the TV in the morning when I was getting ready for work. I suppose technically I "heard" it, but I wasn't really paying attention to it and I didn't think much of it. Later, when I was reading the board, everyone was being critical of the speech, I wasn't in a position to pull up the video and watch it, so I pulled up the transcript and read it a few times. I felt the transcript accurately reflected what I had heard in passing on the TV and I made my post. After I was in a position to pull up the video and watch it, I saw that I had been wrong.

I'm not really sure why all of this matters so much to you, but I'm sorry for the confusion.

Also, fuck you.

Heavily medicated and in therapy. Anger issues turned into a massive anxiety disorder, panic attacks and a deepening depression issue. Disabled attorney, turning professor. That's why I'm a little sensitive I might have done something in the past, but never sending emails.

Trying to be better. Anger leads to anxiety and pretty much shut down disaster for me.

Old and new Mf,

I'm not a medical doctor, so take what I am going to say for what it is worth, but let me suggest that these here boards might not be the best place for someone with anger issues. I don't know if it's the anonymity that creates them or if they were like that already, but there are some class A assholes on here. See, for example, the quote I posted in my post directly above.
If you must know the details of how I became familiar with the speech, I first heard it in passing on the TV in the morning when I was getting ready for work. I suppose technically I "heard" it, but I wasn't really paying attention to it and I didn't think much of it. Later, when I was reading the board, everyone was being critical of the speech, I wasn't in a position to pull up the video and watch it, so I pulled up the transcript and read it a few times. I felt the transcript accurately reflected what I had heard in passing on the TV and I made my post. After I was in a position to pull up the video and watch it, I saw that I had been wrong.

I'm not really sure why all of this matters so much to you, but I'm sorry for the confusion.

Also, fuck you.
Your story keeps changing.
Stress and calm. I'm trying to learn to deal with it. I'm not close.

Better than my many years of either destroying a legal advocate or going full fists against those who tried to shame me or challenge me physically.
2. The reason is #2 is that it happened after Foley was seated before Trump said this- "ISIS is honoring President Obama. President Obama is the FOUNDER OF ISIS. Crooked Hillary Clinton is the CO-FOUNDER OF ISIS.

The only thing one can think here is that Trump is either trying to throw the election is mentally unstable.

Or he's working for Hillary. This could be the longest, most intricate con in modern history. It's certainly more plausible each and every time Trump crosses another rubicon.
Yeah, I'm not sure why junebug's post and apology are that big of a deal. People post opinions regarding subjects they know nothing about all the time here.
Stress and calm. I'm trying to learn to deal with it. I'm not close.

Better than my many years of either destroying a legal advocate or going full fists against those who tried to shame me or challenge me physically.

I'm a bit concerned and hope you can find a board with people who are a bit more thoughtful, mature, open-minded, and pleasant. Somewhere where the tone is a bit more serious and maybe slightly more academic. The first time you express an unpopular opinion and have to deal with 4 or 5 disingenuous and closed-minded Hillshills who are desperate to act outraged and unfairly attack you, how do you think you'll react? It sounds like you'll have trouble letting it go. I think Patheos might be a good site for you. Just a suggestion. Or perhaps the libertarian or Gary Johnson subreddit? He seems to be popular on reddit.
Stress and calm. I'm trying to learn to deal with it. I'm not close.

Better than my many years of either destroying a legal advocate or going full fists against those who tried to shame me or challenge me physically.

Wait I want moonz to explain more about RJ, did he really send emails to your employer? Wasn't just the threat of this by Caturday enough to get him like a month ban? Shouldn't that be a permanent ban? Is this like Jordan leaving the NBA, was RJ actually banned for a year and just pretended he quit?
I'm a bit concerned and hope you can find a board with people who are a bit more thoughtful, mature, open-minded, and pleasant. Somewhere where the tone is a bit more serious and maybe slightly more academic. The first time you express an unpopular opinion and have to deal with 4 or 5 disingenuous and closed-minded Hillshills who are desperate to act outraged and unfairly attack you, how do you think you'll react? It sounds like you'll have trouble letting it go. I think Patheos might be a good site for you. Just a suggestion. Or perhaps the libertarian or Gary Johnson subreddit? He seems to be popular on reddit.

Those two bold statements don't really match if he's looking for "open-minded" discussion. Not an attack on Johnson/Weld at all, but a political sub-reddit is an echo chamber. I'm sure you think this is a Hillary echo chamber, but not nearly to the extent that a subreddit would be.

Also, it's not that bad on here. There are people who are going to troll and disagree, but I think overall there is a level of fairly high discourse and exchange of ideas when people don't try to play "gotcha" all the time.