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Fallout 4 Mafia Game Thread: CIVS WIN


a vicar in a tutu
Oct 7, 2011
Reaction score

Welcome (back!) to the Commonwealth, a post-nuclear apocalyptic wasteland that is now all we have left of what was once known as Boston, Massachusetts. It is 2277. Two centuries after the Great War, the Commonwealth is now home to three factions fighting for control of civilization's future. They are the Brotherhood of Steel, the Railroad, and the Institute. Each of their competing interests will become clear as the game goes on, but what is important to know is that each faction is made up of exactly 4 members, each with distinct powers, and that they may communicate among themselves privately (outside of this thread). Each of these factions has been given a list of "safe claims": characters that are not actually in the game, but that they may choose to impersonate as necessary.

Additionally, the Commonwealth is home to many civilians. The civilians have distinct powers of their own; there are a handful of civilians without any powers (vanilla civilians), for balance reasons.

At the start of the game, the player distribution will be 16/4/4/4.


As standard, during each day period, everyone may cast a vote to kill a single player. At the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be killed.

During each night period, in addition to all individual player powers taking place, a faction may make a night hit to kill a single player. At the start of the game, this night hit will rotate between the factions. As determined pre-game by RNG, the order will go in the following order: The Institute (Night 1), the Brotherhood of Steel (Night 2), the Railroad (Night 3), and then back to the Institute for Night 4 (and so on).

When the first non-civilian faction falls entirely, the Sole Survivor will be asked to choose between the two remaining factions. After that point, civilians may win alongside the chosen faction. The chosen faction will retain all powers except for their night hits, and will for all intents and purposes act as a set of civilian masons.

The non-chosen, non-civilian faction may only win by themselves; to win, they must make it so that civs may not.

In the case of a 1-1 tie, a non-civ faction will win over civs. If two non-civ factions are left to a 1-1 tie for some reason (or, god help us, a 1-1-1 tie), the game will (unfortunately!) be left to RNG.


-This is a remake of this old Fallout 4 Mafia game: http://www.ogboards.com/forums/showthread.php/25906-Fallout-4-Mafia-CIVS-WIN!
-While certain characters and powers have carried over, the vast majority of things have changed, beyond the basic faction mechanics. Do not assume that characters are in this game, and, furthermore, do not assume that if they are in the game, they have the same powers as the first time.
-One of the things that HAS changed is a mechanic to discourage mafia claiming when we get closer to civ/faction merging. There are certain events that may take place during the game that may make factions more, uh, appealing to the Sole Survivor. These occurrences will not be mentioned in-thread; they will only be told as they occur to the Sole Survivor. The faction bonuses entail a variety of things, and may convince the Sole Survivor to choose a specific faction even despite having a numbers disadvantage compared to the other option.
-If the Sole Survivor is not alive to choose between remaining factions, that decision will fall to Preston Garvey. The previously mentioned faction "advantages" will also be told to Preston at that time. (If that character is also not alive, the decision will be RNG'd) The Sole Survivor and Preston Garvey are the only two confirmed characters in this game.
-Please do not share deadchat links after you die. Wait for me to send you the deadchat link if you die.
-All players, including vanilla civilians, are named.
-All players will be notified of incoming roleblocks; even vanilla civilians will be notified of roleblocks.
-Hey, there are 28 people in this game, and many have active night powers. Nights will take a little while. Please be patient with me.


-Don't cheat or angleshoot. If you have a question about a rule, feel free to PM me, but don't quote or discuss PMs from me.
-Don't dead talk or night talk. Any night talk will get you AA'd. This includes gifs... In a game this big, I'm wanting to keep end-of-day stuff as organized as possible for easy reference. So, yeah, pls just be cool on this. Pls.
-Don't communicate with other players in this game outside of the game, unless otherwise specified/allowed. This includes but is not limited to PMs and rep.
-Don't edit or delete posts.
-Vote by bolding or ***starring*** your selection.
-Missing one vote is okay; missing two will get you AA'd.
-End of days will come at 10:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 4:30 PM, unless otherwise specified. The title will always have the correct voting deadline in it.
-There are NO OVERTIMES, and NO MAJORITIES (again, this is for my own peace of mind in a game this big). Any players tied in votes at the end of the day will be decided via RNG.
-This board's timestamp will act as the game's official clock. Votes made at 10:30 AM will count. Votes made at 10:31 AM will not.


Simultaneous conflicts will be resolved via RNG
1.) "Anti" Roleblocks
2.) Faction Roleblocks
3.) Civilian Roleblocks
4) General "Visits" / Recruitment
5.) Messages
6.) Protection
7.) Kills (all kills simultaneous)
8.) Investigations
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1.) anonymousdeac (nonny): Supervisor Brown (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed N2
2.) bym051d (bym)
3.) chaosdeac (chaos): P.A.M. (The Railroad, Gambler), Killed N5
4.) dadeacs (da): Sturges (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed N1
5.) deacdetejas (tejas): The Sole Survivor (Town), Killed N6
6.) deacfan2009 (df09): Professor Goodfeels (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed N4
7.) deaconblue (blue): Blake Abernathy (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed N1
8.) deacondamo (damo)
9.) deacsfan27 (doofus): Father (The Institute, Mason Creator), AA'd N3 (Role Violation)
10.) deacvision7 (dv7): Paladin Danse (Brotherhood of Steel, Decaying Super-RB), Killed N2
11.) eagles_legendz (eagles): Preston Garvey (Town, Mason), Killed N6
12.) gouda (gouda): Desdemona (The Railroad, Synth Angel / JOAT Cop), Killed N5
13.) jtpterp (jtp): Generic Gen-3 Synth (The Institute, Duplicator), Killed D5
14.) knight (knight): Codsworth (Town, Anti-RB), Killed D6
15.) lokisapocalypse (lokis)
16.) manning (manning / jhawk): Dogmeat (Town, Jailkeeper), Killed N4
17.) mydeaconmyhand (molly): Abraham Finch (Town, Vanilla Civ), AA'd D6 (Posted Role PM)
18.) phdeac (ph): Mama Murphy (Town, Medium), Killed D4
19.) redwing42 (redwing)
20.) romanovku (rommy)
21.) screamindemon3 (sd3): Captain Ironsides (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed D1
22.) smidge (smidge): Wiseman (Town, Vanilla Civ), Killed N3
23.) smoovedeac (smoove): Deacon (Railroad, Godfather), Killed D3
24.) tenaciouskory (kory): Tinker Tom (Railroad, Gunsmith), Killed D2
25.) tic (tic)
26.) timdunkandthefunk (timdunk): Justin Ayo (The Institute, Bus Driver), Killed N3
27.) toogs (toogs): Elder Maxson (Brotherhood of Steel, Inquisitor), Killed N6
28.) towniedeac (townie): Alan Binet (The Institute, Duplicator), AA'd N3 (Night posting)


End of Day 1
End of Day 2
End of Day 3
End of Day 4
End of Day 5
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RedSoxFaithful said:

You are one of the Institute’s generic synths. For more information on your role, please see Alan Binet’s role description.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Professor Goodfeels, a robotic hippie who spends his days wandering around Sunshine Tidings Co-op. In this game, you are a vanilla civ and win with the town.
RedSoxFaithful said:
DOGMEAT (TOWN, Jailkeeper)

You are Dogmeat, a very good boy who is a loyal settlement companion. You will fight to the death if any mafia member threatens your friends, and thankfully, in Fallout 4, most companions are immortal, so you don’t even really die. You just sorta fall to the ground and wince for a while until the player feels guilty enough to give you a stimpak, because your wince is truly heartbreaking. :(

In this game, you act as a Jailkeeper. Each night, you may select one player to protect from any night hits; because you have the saddest cry in the whole land, you’ll then require that player’s full attention, roleblocking them. Players will only be made aware that they have been roleblocked; they will not know that they were protected.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Mama Murphy, a drug-addicted old lady who claims to have psychic visions. Each night, you go out begging for someone to give you some drugs, starting the game with a 10% chance to get your fix. Each time your vote at the end of a day ends on a mafia member, your chance increases by 10%. You will not be told when this happens.

Whenever you successfully get high, you gain the ability to talk to the dead, and will be allowed into Deadchat during that night period only. Deadchat will not be told the alignments of living players, but they may have useful information for you yet. Each time that this ability is triggered, a new Deadchat will be created, so that you may not go through old discussion.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Alan Binet, a scientist working for the Institute’s Robotics division. You work closely with the creation of synths, and have recently begun to consider the ethical questions that go along with sentient A.I.

In this game, you act as a replicator. As long as both you and the Institute’s generic synth are alive, during one night in the game, you may select any player to “copy” onto the synth. If the targeted player’s character is a human, the synth will gain that person’s name and powers from there on out in the game. If investigated, the synth will at that point return “Civ” (or “Not Civ” if another mafia faction’s powers are copied). If the synth is investigated before a human is successfully copied onto it, the synth will return “Not Civ”.

Some notes: There are civs, vanilla civs, and other faction players who may or may not be human. You will be told if the copy fails; if it fails, you will be allowed to try again.

You are Justin Ayo, the head of the Institute’s Synth Retention Bureau. You oversee what are known as synth coursers, elite synth assassins who travel between the Institute and the Commonwealth to carry out a variety of surface missions.

In this game, your coursers act as power redirectors. Each night, you may choose two players; any actions taken on one of the players will happen to the other, and vice versa.
RedSoxFaithful said:
WISEMAN (TOWN, Vanilla Civ)

You are Wiseman, founder of a ghoul-friendly settlement called The Slog. In this game, you are a vanilla civ and win with the town.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Father, also known as Shaun. You are the son of the Sole Survivor, and the leader of the Institute. Your time with the Institute has you convinced that it is humanity’s only true hope, and you have become persuasive and manipulative in service of that ideal. The Institute, under your wing, has been responsible for the abduction and synth replacement of various Commonwealth citizens, and in the name of science, you have given the greenlight to countless morally questionable experiments.

In this game, while you are unable to abduct anyone, per se, you may choose each night to place any two non-Institute players of your choosing in a mason chat, where you may observe them. You may not enter the chat yourself, under any circumstances. If you choose to use this power on multiple nights, the additional players will join the same mason chat.

As Father ultimately discovered himself in Fallout 4, science can occasionally backfire; remember that the spread of information may not always be a good thing…
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Deacon, the Railroad’s top spy. You are a compulsive liar, who claims among other things to have been a liberated Gen-3 synth, to have been a former leader of the Railroad, and to have murdered an entire synth-harassing gang prior to joining the faction.

In this game, you act as the Railroad’s Godfather. Investigations into you will always return results as though you were a vanilla civ.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Supervisor Brown, one of the robot supervisors presiding over Graygarden. In this game, you are a vanilla civ and win with the town.
RedSoxFaithful said:
PALADIN DANSE (B.O.S., Decaying Super RB)

You are Paladin Danse, a Brotherhood of Steel soldier who discovers after years of serving the Brotherhood that he is actually a synth, the thing that the Brotherhood claims to hate most. Before that realization is made, you led your team out of the Cambridge Police Station, where you were the only active Brotherhood squad in the Commonwealth.

In this game, you’ll be a decaying roleblocker. For the first three nights of the game, you put your powers to good use, and each night will have the option to roleblock two players of your choosing. After night three, you discover your true past, and while (REDACTED) ultimately allows you to live, you do so as a disgraced former officer, albeit one who is still unflinchingly loyal to the anti-synth Brotherhood.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Tinker Tom, the Railroad’s quartermaster. You have become known in the Railroad for your ability to craft weapon and armor improvements out of seeming scrap. In this game, each night, you may select one non-Railroad person to receive a gun, which they will have the option to use for a vigilante hit on the following night.
RedSoxFaithful said:
STURGES (TOWN, Vanilla Civ)

You are Sturges, a handyman who lives in a Minutemen settlement in Sanctuary Hills. In this game, you are a vanilla civ, and win with the town.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Blake Abernathy, owner of Abernathy Farm. In this game, you are a vanilla civ and win with the town.
RedSoxFaithful said:

You are Captain Ironsides, a robot who lives aboard the U.S.S. Constitution. It is your dream to get your ship, which is currently crashed atop a building, back into the ocean, so you can ride the seas once more. In this game, you are a vanilla civ, and win with the town.
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I'm not reading that shit mobile
Craptains log 7:54 pm mountain time. Smooth and buttery log that less time to deploy than this post. Visible corn
Didn't have to wipe. I did because I'm not a savage but was unnecessary
Im a civ vig. 50% chance my hit goes thru. Bam. Can increase % if i vote mafia at end of days but im not notified
I'm better than you in every conceivable way. Jesus, now everyone knows it. Look at that shit. You coming in here with that slow ass post. If you're lucky, I might let you tongue-groom my taint.

Take it easy on baboon, his ass is already red