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HP's UNC-Cheat Thread - UNC comes out on top, NCAA penalized by UNC

We're already pot committed. The arms race is underway. We've been behind for a long time, mostly because we're a small school with a small alumni base. But we've gotten some great donations lately and some nice new facilities coming up. We hire coaches who do things the right way and this time through I think we also made hires who will build winning programs.

Other programs will cheat, I sternly refuse to accept that it happens at Wake. Athletes certainly get treated better than the average student but we'll always be in compliance and our classes will continue to be real.

If you think recruiting is tough now, wait until you pitch that line to kids who will be getting offered real degrees for zero work.

I think Wake will either have to decide to join the race to the bottom, or become part of the Magnolia league.
In all seriousness, why does this "feel good"? Do you not feel that what UNC did with the fake classes was a disgraceful thing? That it didn't give the entire university a huge black eye? This ruling certainly doesn't mean that UNC did nothing wrong. In all honesty, whenever I meet anyone that went to UNC, or really whenever UNC gets brought up, the very first thing that I think of is "fake classes". That is not going away. Personally, if I was a UNC alum, I would be upset and horrified at what happened there. All today would do for me is start to move this ugly chapter a little more into the past.

Bubble, you are too rational. All of my UNC fans are so happy with this verdict and "I told you so" is the word of the day.
If you think recruiting is tough now, wait until you pitch that line to kids who will be getting offered real degrees for zero work.

I think Wake will either have to decide to join the race to the bottom, or become part of the Magnolia league.

We already have that candid conversation with recruits. Plenty of schools will change their pitches. Plenty already do. Wake shouldn't, and I don't believe they will.
Are there any UNC fans that don't cherish banners over academic integrity that would like to weigh in on this? I don't really care what the rubes that never had a chance of actually going to UNC think.

I said that "Wake should stop holding themselves to an academic standard that others aren't playing by" but it was mostly tongue in cheek. If Wake did this, whether the NCAA punished them or not, I would still be ashamed. I know there is an "easier" route through school for athletes at Wake, mostly because they get the early sign up times, but I took some of those courses that were supposedly "athlete courses" and they were certainly not "paper courses." A scandal like this would devastate Wake, but UNC is arguably too big to fail.
Bubble, you are too rational. All of my UNC fans are so happy with this verdict and "I told you so" is the word of the day.

That is very true! Some coworkers were cheering and giving out high fives. This might be the death kneel for the NCAA.
UNC now joins the same list as Casey Anthony and OJ. Everybody knows they did it, but "lack of proof" set them free.

Maybe Investigation Discovery will to a mini series on it.
Now and forever pickin' Cotten on the UNC Plantation. We don't need no education.
In all honesty, today's ruling makes me think that UNC is even more of a joke than I did a week or so ago. It would have been one thing if they would have said at some point, "what we did was wrong, we are embarrassed about it, will make sure stuff like that never happens again, and we accept the punishments for it." Instead, they have basically just said "fuck you, we will do whatever it takes to win, and nobody is going to stop us."

UNC is basically like an old rich dude, that kills an entire family in a DUI accident; and then laughs on his way out of the courtroom, when his high priced attorney gets him off on a technicality.
In all seriousness, why does this "feel good"? Do you not feel that what UNC did with the fake classes was a disgraceful thing? That it didn't give the entire university a huge black eye? This ruling certainly doesn't mean that UNC did nothing wrong. In all honesty, whenever I meet anyone that went to UNC, or really whenever UNC gets brought up, the very first thing that I think of is "fake classes". That is not going away. Personally, if I was a UNC alum, I would be upset and horrified at what happened there. All today would do for me is start to move this ugly chapter a little more into the past.

That part mystifies me as well. Not a single UNC person I know has ever expressed any regret or even concern that their university hypocritically promoted "The Carolina Way" while cheating for decades, had their name publicly drug through the mud, and had their very accreditation as an academic institution put in question. Instead, they only express joy that they cheated, won championships, and got away with it.

The entire academic community now looks at UNC in a different light and they could care less.
Bye Bye NCAA

I'm full on rooting for the Feds to bring the whole thing down

I can live without Wake sports

Time to move on and stop pretending that there is anything pure or good about college athletics. At least pro sports admit their faults.

This. I mean why not cheat your brains out then just sue NCAA when they attempt to penalize you.
UNC now joins the same list as Casey Anthony and OJ. Everybody knows they did it, but "lack of proof" set them free.

Maybe Investigation Discovery will to a mini series on it.

I think its worse. The NCAA had the proof - they just say they can't do anything about it.

It's like the OJ jury saying "We know you killed them. But it's not our place to find you guilty."
Wake unsurprisingly loses to Clemson
USMNT does not qualify
Would’ve liked to have seen the Nationals advance
Panthers lose
UNC skates

Why do I follow sports again?

“Ayo-wan, we need you, Ayo-wan...”
I think its worse. The NCAA had the proof - they just say they can't do anything about it.

It's like the OJ jury saying "We know you killed them. But it's not our place to find you guilty."

NCAA plays the Jury Nullification card.
What does the NCAA do for work everyday. This shit took years to come up with? Should have taken a week or less. Regular students took the fraudulent classes. No problem. Next issue.
What does the NCAA do for work everyday. This shit took years to come up with? Should have taken a week or less. Regular students took the fraudulent classes. No problem. Next issue.

The NCAA protects its earners. Just like every other criminal syndicate.
UNC should be forced to publish the name of each athlete who took these bogus classes...if necessary publish the name of every student, we'll figure out who the athletes were.
I can't imagine that a lot of faculty at UNC are too pleased by this but they don't have the balls to try to do anything about it.

What can they do aside from conducting rigorous classes themselves?