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The Pit Parenting Thread

PM's daughter went full-meltdown when I told her "The landmark is a teacup." may not be the best sentence in a "use X (landmark) in a sentence to demonstrate your understanding of the word" exercise. I had her explain it to me (in which process she said 3-4 other great sentences using the word landmark), and my response was, "I understand now that you know what a landmark is, but if I just read your sentence and couldn't talk to you about it, I might not be sure because teacups are not usually associated with landmark. What other sentence could you write instead?"
Cue meltdown because then I wouldn't just tell her the answer, or tell her a sentence to write. I said very calmly that I was trying to help by talking about it, but that telling her the answer doesn't help her learn how to think for herself.

The kid's smart and imaginative, but she really struggles with just straight-up following the directions and constantly claims to just 'not know' and go into meltdown mode until someone tells her the answer. It's infuriating because it mostly just feels like she's scamming me/us by reacting this way.

Anyone else go through this?

Boy, 6, is a big-time perfectionist and gets frustrated very easily when something goes wrong or he messes something up. Like, we'll play baseball and he'll hit 5 balls in a row, and he'll be very proud, then he'll swing and miss at one and get pissed and slam his bat on the ground and yell about how the ball is not good. Or, like yesterday, he and I were doing his homework and he was struggling to write the number "8." He screwed up a couple of times and got hella pissed. I had to explain that it's okay to mess up, that he's not supposed to get it perfect and that's why we're practicing. Felt like he kind of grasped that, although I'm sure he'll be just as pissed the next time we do his homework and he screws up. I just try to be patient.

Anyway, that's parenting, Leebs ! Just do your best.
I'm a little worried #2 is turning into a biter. I haven't heard anything about him biting during nannyshare, but he's been trying to bite me recently. Arg. I don't recall #1 ever doing that.

I don't know if it's a boy/girl thing or a younger sibling thing or just an individual personality thing, but the 1 year old boy is WAY crazier than the (now) 4 year old girl ever was at his age. He literally never stops moving, climbs on everything, falls off everything, etc. He had a bruise on his face yesterday and when my husband asked the nanny at pick up if he fell she said "oh, too many times." He's nuts.

For those that have seen Moana, you know that idiot rooster, Heihei, that just keeps walking off the side of the boat and has no sense of self preservation? That's my son. We've started calling him Heihei.
my son will ask what is okay for him to bite, pointing to various things in the house, the dog, us, the carpet, the couch, etc.

some daycares have policies about biting, I know of at least 2 around here that have a 3 strikes and you are out policy.
Get him a chew necklace or other oral sensory objects.
Get him a chew necklace or other oral sensory objects.

We have one of these things we've tried to get him to chew on. He'll do it a little, but then drops it and moves on.

He definitely has molars coming in and is also putting his hand in his mouth a lot (to the point of gagging himself...which he thinks is hilarious)

my son will ask what is okay for him to bite, pointing to various things in the house, the dog, us, the carpet, the couch, etc.

some daycares have policies about biting, I know of at least 2 around here that have a 3 strikes and you are out policy.

Do you watch The Good Place? Reminded me of a scene from earlier this season where one of the characters kept asking if he could bite everyone.
I'm a little worried #2 is turning into a biter. I haven't heard anything about him biting during nannyshare, but he's been trying to bite me recently. Arg. I don't recall #1 ever doing that.

I don't know if it's a boy/girl thing or a younger sibling thing or just an individual personality thing, but the 1 year old boy is WAY crazier than the (now) 4 year old girl ever was at his age. He literally never stops moving, climbs on everything, falls off everything, etc. He had a bruise on his face yesterday and when my husband asked the nanny at pick up if he fell she said "oh, too many times." He's nuts.

For those that have seen Moana, you know that idiot rooster, Heihei, that just keeps walking off the side of the boat and has no sense of self preservation? That's my son. We've started calling him Heihei.

The girls talk, boys walk stereotype was completely true for us. It was a big adjustment from his older sister to him. He could walk holding on to things around 9 mos. I turn around from the stove and he climbed on to the kitchen. Table he smiles at me and swings the hanging lamp away from himself. Luckily my wife was close enough to grab it before he was knocked off the table. He's fearless in a way that will probably be a problem.
The girls talk, boys walk stereotype was completely true for us. It was a big adjustment from his older sister to him. He could walk holding on to things around 9 mos. I turn around from the stove and he climbed on to the kitchen. Table he smiles at me and swings the hanging lamp away from himself. Luckily my wife was close enough to grab it before he was knocked off the table. He's fearless in a way that will probably be a problem.

Our daughter actually started walking before our son (only by a couple of weeks as both were right around 11 months). And she did her share of climbing and getting into things. But he is just a level of constant motion that we didn't experience before. He doesn't sit and play with toys or stick with anything for too long - if he's not strapped into a high chair or stroller or asleep, he's moving.

He is starting to get into books a little bit, so sometimes you can corral him to read to him for a few minutes. But that's usually short lived as well.
We have one of these things we've tried to get him to chew on. He'll do it a little, but then drops it and moves on.

He definitely has molars coming in and is also putting his hand in his mouth a lot (to the point of gagging himself...which he thinks is hilarious)


That's more of a teething toy.

This is for toddlers and kids in elementary school.
Boy, 6, is a big-time perfectionist and gets frustrated very easily when something goes wrong or he messes something up. Like, we'll play baseball and he'll hit 5 balls in a row, and he'll be very proud, then he'll swing and miss at one and get pissed and slam his bat on the ground and yell about how the ball is not good. Or, like yesterday, he and I were doing his homework and he was struggling to write the number "8." He screwed up a couple of times and got hella pissed. I had to explain that it's okay to mess up, that he's not supposed to get it perfect and that's why we're practicing. Felt like he kind of grasped that, although I'm sure he'll be just as pissed the next time we do his homework and he screws up. I just try to be patient.

Anyway, that's parenting, Leebs ! Just do your best.

My daughter is the exact same way.
Our kid was unfortunately always the one getting bitten- like more than 10 times at least. It was pretty frustrating though I tried to remind myself that if it was him doing the biting, wtf would I do to stop it?
Does anyone use those OK to Wake lights that turn green when the kid can get up? Ladydeac, I feel like you mentioned this. Kid gets exited on weekends to get up and watch TV and I’m trying to sleep a little longer.
Does anyone use those OK to Wake lights that turn green when the kid can get up? Ladydeac, I feel like you mentioned this. Kid gets exited on weekends to get up and watch TV and I’m trying to sleep a little longer.

Yep! We have one similar to this. There are some that are literally just light changing, but we figured if we were going to get one, we'd get one she could also learn to tell time on as she got older.

We basically got it at the same time we converted her crib to a toddler bed with the thought that it would help ensure she stayed in bed in the morning til we wanted her to get up. As it turned out, she never got out of bed on her own anyway (even if she woke up she would yell for us to come in). But, she did learn that she had to wait for it to turn green before asking us to come in. And if we came in a couple minutes early before it turned green she would be like "why are you in here?"

We've had it set to 6am since for a long time her normal wakeup was around then give or take 15 min and we wanted to be sure she would stay in bed AT LEAST until then. These days, it's still set to that, although she mostly sleeps until we wake her up around 6:45 or later on weekends.

tl;dr - yes, we have one and like it!
yo, enlightened collective, do any of you have something like this for your kid? I was going to build my daughter a step stool to wash hands and so forth but saw these tower things and thought it might be cool. They seem a little over-large and maybe over kill, though
