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'17 Specials & '18 Midterms Thread

i mean, vote for whoever you want in the Democratic primaries. If you want to push the party to the left, work your ass off for the leftiest candidates you can find. But once it comes down to the choice of generic Democrat vs. Trumpian Republican, I can pretty much guarantee that your interests are better represented by Generic Democrat and you'd better go vote for him/her rather than stay home and give an uncontested vote to Trumpian Republican. When it comes to drug war issues, who do you want doing oversight on Jeff Sessions' Justice Department? Chuck Grassley or basically any Democratic Senator you can name?

sessions (mr. magoo, the president calls him so lovingly) should not be running anything. he needs to get back to his damn tree and make me my damn Coconut Dreams Cookies...i fucking out!
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Not Ph because he is fucked by republican policies simply by being black, but for the most part any well off democrat is voting against their own benefits to some degree when they chose democrat over republican so that seems like it should be enough while the policy beneficiaries sit at home and bitch.
This Young Woman Is Challenging The Maine Republican Who Insulted Emma González

On Tuesday, Refinery29 reported that Leslie Gibson, a Republican candidate for House District 57 in Maine, called 18-year-old student activist Emma González a "skinhead lesbian" on Twitter and questioned her identity as a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. We also reported that he was running unopposed.

Well, not anymore. Eryn Gilchrist, a 28-year-old Bates College graduate who lives in Greene, ME, and works for a medical device company, filed her paperwork on Thursday — the deadline for Democratic and Republican candidates to file in the state. The election will be held on November 6, 2018.

One wonders why Democrats such as yourself are more concerned with browbeating the fringe 1% left, rather than motivating the 35% or more who don't vote at all.

I think some those who don’t vote tend to believe in the false equivalencies pedaled by Republicans and the Jill Stein left. How do progressives benefit from this “both sides are the same” crap?
Former Obama aides say Super PAC supporting Lipinski sent out misleading mailers

This weeks, voters in the 3rd Congressional District received a campaign mailer with a picture of President Obama on one side with the caption "Known for leading" and on the other side a photo of candidate Marie Newman with the caption "Known for misleading."

The mailer angered a group of former top Obama aides.

"This is about calling out hypocrisy, frankly, and letting voters know what their representative is doing in Congress, and lying about their record and allegiances is not going to be tolerated," said John Atkinson, former President Obama campaign aide.

Former Obama campaign aides said the mailer was sent by a Super PAC that supports Lipinski in his primary race against Newman. They said it was hypocritical because they said Lipinski did not endorse Obama for reelection in 2012, and Lipinski was the only Illinois Democrat to vote against the Affordable Care Act.

"President Obama needed Congressman Lipinski when every vote counted to pass the Affordable Care Act, we got it done without him but his district deserves better," said Jon Carson, Obama 2008 campaign National Field Director.
I think some those who don’t vote tend to believe in the false equivalencies pedaled by Republicans and the Jill Stein left. How do progressives benefit from this “both sides are the same” crap?
They aren't false equivalencies. In many ways, the "pragmatic" moderates you champion are just as bad as Republicans. Step away from Trump twitter and CNBC reality tv and actually look at the bills voted on. So how do progressives benefit from honestly appraising corporate democrats? By actually trying to hold Democrats in congress to the standard of their national platform? I'm not familiar with the life of an african american college professor - but I can tell you that for many many people there is very little day to day difference under a Republican or Democrat government. Which is the problem.
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What mdmh said. FTR I voted for Hillary. But for me it's equal parts disillusionment with the Democratic party and disillusionment with the two party system. I'm not saying both sides are the same, I'm saying both sides are bad. The democrats have a TERRIBLE record on funding prisons and police and creating more and more machinery that oppresses people. White wealthy people fucking LOVE the police. Democrats all over this country are just begging to give taxpayer money to Amazon. My generation and younger generations are more skeptical of free market capitalism (as we should be.) As soon as one connects the dots between capitalism and the prison industrial complex and the military industry complex, it is easy to question whether capitalism can reform itself or will always put the value of shareholder profits over the value of human life. There is no real anti-war part of the Dem party. As far as I know, there is no real consensus on public education. How are democratically controlled cities addressing homelessness and housing policy?

I just no longer accept the answer that I have to blindly support the Dem party.
'17 Specials & '18 Midterms Thread

So why are Republicans better than Democrats?

The outcome of all this is more Republicans get elected. If you’re white and well off, you have the privilege to cast holier than thou votes for Stein or Nader. If not, you vote Democrat.
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What mdmh said. FTR I voted for Hillary. But for me it's equal parts disillusionment with the Democratic party and disillusionment with the two party system. I'm not saying both sides are the same, I'm saying both sides are bad. The democrats have a TERRIBLE record on funding prisons and police and creating more and more machinery that oppresses people. White wealthy people fucking LOVE the police. Democrats all over this country are just begging to give taxpayer money to Amazon. My generation and younger generations are more skeptical of free market capitalism (as we should be.) As soon as one connects the dots between capitalism and the prison industrial complex and the military industry complex, it is easy to question whether capitalism can reform itself or will always put the value of shareholder profits over the value of human life. There is no real anti-war part of the Dem party. As far as I know, there is no real consensus on public education. How are democratically controlled cities addressing homelessness and housing policy?

I just no longer accept the answer that I have to blindly support the Dem party.

Currently, one party has become a caricature of two faced, faux religious, unscientific, small minded, ignorant, bigoted, boors with no sense of foresight beyond extracting as much cash as possible as fast as possible. While committing light treason.

The other party is not like that. Call me blind, but I'd prefer to remove that log from our country's eye before working on the splinters in the Dem platform.
They aren't.

So why enable them? Vote Democrat and empower progressives instead of just screaming at Republican governments.

You’re right that this is a great opening for progressives. The biggest I’ve seen in my lifetime. But the way to close this is to not show up for centrist Dems and allow them to get beat by Republicans to keep those progressive Dems out of power.
Currently, one party has become a caricature of two faced, faux religious, unscientific, small minded, ignorant, bigoted, boors with no sense of foresight beyond extracting as much cash as possible as fast as possible. While committing light treason.

The other party is not like that. Call me blind, but I'd prefer to remove that log from our country's eye before working on the splinters in the Dem platform.

Very well said.
So why enable them? Vote Democrat and empower progressives instead of just screaming at Republican governments.

You’re right that this is a great opening for progressives. The biggest I’ve seen in my lifetime. But the way to close this is to not show up for centrist Dems and allow them to get beat by Republicans to keep those progressive Dems out of power.

Why enable democrats when they continuously sell out the interests of the poor and working class in favor of the donor class?
Currently, one party has become a caricature of two faced, faux religious, unscientific, small minded, ignorant, bigoted, boors with no sense of foresight beyond extracting as much cash as possible as fast as possible. While committing light treason.

The other party is not like that. Call me blind, but I'd prefer to remove that log from our country's eye before working on the splinters in the Dem platform.
There are a shit load of people in this country who have much more pressing day to day concerns than bigotry and climate change. You all have to come to grips with that. You can't shame those people into voting, and you either give a fuck about helping them or not. Those people's needs are very often at odds with the wishes of corporate and wealthy constituents. There is no magical middle path that helps them both.
Why enable democrats when they continuously sell out the interests of the poor and working class in favor of the donor class?

Because they're not batshit crazy psychos like the lectro class.

Rome didn't seize the means of production in a day. Get the crazies out first by voting in the centrists, then work on getting us all to wear bland, drab olive colored clothing.