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Manning Buyout Negotiations Have Begun

KInd of like Pelosi and her buddies using the C-19 relief monies to put $25 million towards the Kennedy Center, $350,000,000 to refugee resettlement, $75,000,000 to PBS and $25,000,000 to Congressional salaries & expenses. Luckily the Senate by a 96-0 vote stopped more of her crap!

Reff is like the Enola Gay of bad takes. Flies in, drops one ridiculous bomb, and is gone before it even hits the ground. We'll all tell him what a moron he is but he's already halfway back to Midway.
Reff is like the Enola Gay of bad takes. Flies in, drops one ridiculous bomb, and is gone before it even hits the ground. We'll all tell him what a moron he is but he's already halfway back to Midway.

100% chance his take is from a meme floating around conservative Facebook groups that he appropriated for himself.
Apparently people in Charlotte don't want to buy red meat during a pandemic, so they left all the steak for me.

I have grilled steak 6 out of the last 8 days and I'm not mad about it at all.

i have tried so many recipes the past few days it is insane.
I love just how done Conor is with this shithole program.

Gasp! Conor may lose his access to the program by tweeting facts that make Wake basketball look bad!

But seriously. Imagine your job was watching and writing about Manning basketball and just when it looked like you may get to watch and interview and write about John Beilein or Thad Matta or Steve Forbes’ basketball, this stuff happens.
That is a weird way to frame that the house and senate reached a compromise on the bill and both unanimously supported it.

Totally because they kept Pelosi out of the negotiations from the beginning, yet she delayed it by several days with her shenanigans

"Little of Pelosi’s Wish List Made It Into COVID-19 Relief Bill. That’s a Relief in Itself.

Before the bill made it through the Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., temporarily derailed it by insisting that any relief bill include a left-wing wish list unrelated to the ongoing pandemic and the economic slowdown that it’s causing.

Among other things, Pelosi would have:
•Mandated “diversity” on corporate boards and in banks.
•Required airlines to disclose and reduce emissions.
•Mandated that states allow voting by mail.
•Increased union bargaining power.
•Expanded tax credits for wind and solar power.
•Prohibited universities from disclosing the citizenship status of their students.
•Provided a bailout for some private pensions.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Pelosi was not going to be accused of letting a crisis go to waste.

In what is becoming a familiar theme (think of her failed attempt to control how the Senate conducted its impeachment trial), Pelosi backed down shortly after making her demands.

With the legislation now through Congress, how much of Pelosi’s wish list made it into the bill?

None of the wish-list items listed above made the cut, but there remains a lot of unnecessary and unwise spending in it.

Diversity requirements for banks and corporate boards are out, as is Pelosi’s demand for a Securities and Exchange Commission advisory group to promote corporate “diversity.”

Also out is her demand that companies taking relief funds establish and staff a minimum five-year “diversity and inclusion” program. Indeed, the words “diversity” and “inclusion” don’t appear in the legislation passed by the Senate.

The package also does not include any new carbon emissions restrictions or disclosure requirements for airlines or other industries.

Similarly missing are any of her proposals for a federal takeover of state elections.

Her attempt to give unions a handout failed, too, as did her attempt to give a handout to wind and solar power providers.

The bill does not prevent colleges and universities from disclosing their students who are illegal aliens, or provide any other shroud for illegal status.

Likewise, the private pension bailouts she demanded are nowhere to be found in the Senate bill.

Pelosi succeeded in delaying the relief package by several days, but she failed to capitalize on what her No. 2 lieutenant, Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., called a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Still, Pelosi took to Twitter to celebrate her success in turning the Senate Republicans’ bill “upside down.”
Gasp! Conor may lose his access to the program by tweeting facts that make Wake basketball look bad!

But seriously. Imagine your job was watching and writing about Manning basketball and just when it looked like you may get to watch and interview and write about John Beilein or Thad Matta or Steve Forbes’ basketball, this stuff happens.

One difference here is that all indications are that Currie is trying get rid of Danny whereas our awful coaches had the full support of Wellman. The AD probably doesn’t care if some one publicly criticizes a coach they wish would just resign. They might actually encourage it.
At least dolt 45 admitted on fox he does not want vote by mail because it would hurt republicans and their voter suppression efforts.
Also, this thread went crazy. Fun read.

Happy corona countdown!