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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

Republicans party is basically UKIP but they actually have power.

We don’t need a far left party, we need proportional representation. That would give rise to more than two parties (far left, center right, etc.)
saw a good tweet that was something like due to the Electoral College they had to spend so much time talking about fracking when the entire West Coast is on fire
I didn’t watch last night, did we find out who loves fracking more?
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The Democratic Party is the middle - economically conservative, socially liberal

The Republican party is the extreme right (anti-science, anti-diversity, massive wealth inequality).

This country badly needs a true left wing party.

I’m right of center and voting a straight Democratic ticket this year.
somebody has an ad running in PA going after Biden for pledging to ban fracking and every time I see it I think if only
seems like fracking is wildly unprofitable right now. i remember the boom and the pads going in, the leases being pressured/signed and the water trucks running everywhere. not sure why this is such a huge issued
Biden should just continue to call out Trump for being chicken to debate him. Weren't you the one saying I would try to drop out?
Lol at totally not bkf logging on at 2am to bosides everything
Buried in the Gish galloping was a bold assertion by Pence to suggest that if the swine flu was as lethal as COVID-19 then 7 million people would have died...therefore Trump has done a good job? Because if this totally fabricated set of facts was true then reality wouldn’t be quite so awful?

Guessing he had the B team prepping lines like that, since their ace Christie is currently gasping for air from the more lethal swine flu.

Deacspop or totally not bkf, can you bosides that please? Is there anything Kamala Harris said that was quite so brazenly ridiculous and dishonest as that?
I think the issue here is that yes, there are individuals who would identify as centrist and prefer policies that are slightly more progressive or slightly more liberal.

However, with the current state of the Republican Party (whose entire platform is literally “we support Trump”), if you can and are choosing to support them, you have abandoned the center.

Exactly. Center himself kind of makes this point. He looked at that article saying Democrats are the centrist party and dismissed it because it’s from a “left wing paper.” Ok. Would a right wing paper ever claim Republicans are centrist? No. Republicans uniformly identify as to the right and far right.

saw a good tweet that was something like due to the Electoral College they had to spend so much time talking about fracking when the entire West Coast is on fire

This is an excellent point.

“Just a decade after the fracking boom started with clear majority support, there is little good news to be found in the poll for the gas industry. An August 2019 Associated Press-NORC poll found that only 22 percent of Americans support increasing fracking while 45 percent oppose increasing it. And, a YouGov Blue poll in September 2019 found that registered voters support a ban on fracking by 46 to 33 percent.

And no swing state may be more important than Pennsylvania, where the industry cranks out over 6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas annually—a volume that ranks second in the country and ahead of eight OPEC nations. In January 2020, a Franklin and Marshall College poll found that voters in the Keystone State favor a ban on fracking by 48 percent to 39 percent.

In fairness, the same poll showed also found that slightly more voters support “shale drilling” than oppose it, although it is important to note that this language is opaque and favorable to the industry and that these results were well within the poll’s 6 percent margin of error. And, a November 2019 poll conducted by the Cook Political Report and the Kaiser Family Foundation showing that a majority of swing voters in Pennsylvania regarded a ban on fracking as a bad idea.”

It does not make sense for this to be a talking point.
Is there anything Kamala Harris said that was quite so brazenly ridiculous and dishonest as that?

I am sorta curious where she gets this notion she keeps repeating about her taking on the big banks. Presumably it was the 2012 mortgage settlement, but like....banks got a much, much bigger bailout than penalty and no criminal prosecution was brought in light of rampant fraud. 10 million people lost their homes. If we'd actually followed the laws on the loans themselves, we'd essentially have wiped out the banking industry full-stop.

Not saying any GOP leader would have done better, but I think it's pretty brazen and dishonest that she keeps touting this as an accomplishment. She wasn't even seated when the negotiations with banks started in 2010, and when Obama did eventually pressure AGs into a deal, of the $25BN they got from banks, only $1.5BN actually got allotted to people who lost homes fraudulently, to the tune of $1480 per homeowner. The settlement Harris and other AGs negotiated said states (who got most of the money) could do whatever with they wanted with it, so in California, for example, the governor at the time just used his $400MM to balance the budget.

For a keystone part of what's supposed to make her a great "for the people" candidate, it's really brazenly horseshit.
I guess it depends on the extent of brazen dishonesty and disingenuity you’re going for but sure. I hope you’re not interpreting my comment as a lock step defense of everything Harris is ever done.

IMO “She and her party didn’t go as far as they could/should have on a policy” is not in the same plane as inventing a ridiculous hypothetical to bosides a quarter million covid deaths but I suppose that’s just my opinion
The Democratic Party is the middle - economically conservative

The Dem party candidate's tax proposal calls for an increase to the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% in addition to raising individual income, capital gains, and payroll taxes.

In what universe is this considered 'economically conservative'?
Well I’ve got that guy on ignore so I’ll just assume it’s something worthless as usual