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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

I guess I just don't think there are very many truly undecided people out there. I have a hard time believing there is just about anyone who was seriously considering Biden who will now flip to Trump because of the fracking comment.

If you think people in Western PA who may not have voted at all or who were considering voting for Biden but are now gonna vote for Trump don't exist . . . The message delivered was I'm going to take away your livelihood. Suffice to say Biden is spending all day in PA on Monday now.
I guess I just don't think there are very many truly undecided people out there. I have a hard time believing there is just about anyone who was seriously considering Biden who will now flip to Trump because of the fracking comment.

Yes and most polls I've seen reflect this. The true number of "undecideds" is almost certainly the lowest it's been in modern political history at this point of the election.
I'll say this. If by some miracle Trump does win the Dems have a shit ton of soul searching to do.

If he were to, say, win all the toss ups and then capture PA because Western PA comes out in mass it will be because Joe Biden can't fucking recognize that the number one thing you NEVER do in an election is threaten people's livelihood - and that's especially in the middle of a pandemic.

They will have lost because Trump managed to paint them as too far to the left. Does anyone here think Andrew Yang, Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders win against Trump in this cycle, despite all the fucking shitastic factors against him? If you do, you absolutely are out to lunch. Bc if Trump does manage to win it will be because he managed to paint a centrist as a "radical" and because Biden gave him just enough oxygen to eek it out.

Oh good. We are pre-blaming the democrats because a shit ton of people were cool with voting for an insane, racist, sociopath.
Perfectly said and all my Pub friends say same thing. If Dump ran on the issues he would have kicked Biden's ass.

You live in an echo chamber if you think this administration has shown any policy other than enriching themselves and their friends. Point to one "issue" he has fought for.
What part of winning do you not grasp? Don't answer that. We already know the answer.

If anyone has learned the lesson of running to the right in 2016, it’s this guy. He simply knows the playbook. Why get black and Latino votes when you can get Lincoln project pubs? Can’t win Cali twice!
I'll say this. If by some miracle Trump does win the Dems have a shit ton of soul searching to do.

If he were to, say, win all the toss ups and then capture PA because Western PA comes out in mass it will be because Joe Biden can't fucking recognize that the number one thing you NEVER do in an election is threaten people's livelihood - and that's especially in the middle of a pandemic.

They will have lost because Trump managed to paint them as too far to the left. Does anyone here think Andrew Yang, Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders win against Trump in this cycle, despite all the fucking shitastic factors against him? If you do, you absolutely are out to lunch. Bc if Trump does manage to win it will be because he managed to paint a centrist as a "radical" and because Biden gave him just enough oxygen to eek it out.

lol, you’re saying the Dems need to “soul search” because Biden spoke out weakly (instead of full-throated) in favor of fracking, which is only an issue because it happens to affect a region if a swing state
Oh good. We are pre-blaming the democrats because a shit ton of people were cool with voting for an insane, racist, sociopath.

To be clear, I don't think Biden is going to lose. I think he'll win easily. I believe he's going to win Florida and it will be game over.

But, again, as I said already, IF BY SOME MIRACLE, Trump does win the Democratic party has a lot of introspection to do. And that's simply true. Bc Trump will have won -

1 - Without a platform
2 - While refusing to condemn hate groups and while tacitly condoning the destruction of our democracy
3 - In the middle of a pandemic that has killed 200K Americans
4 - When all polls indicate the American people hate how he's handled the pandemic and believe Biden will handle it better
5 - And yet, a majority of Americans still trust him more with the economy than they trust Joe Biden. This despite the fact we've printed more money in the month of June under his watch than we printed in the first 200 years of the nation's existence. And also despite the fact we are in a depression.

So sure, it says a lot about our electorate. And it would also say a lot about people fearing the Dems.
lol, you’re saying the Dems need to “soul search” because Biden spoke out weakly (instead of full-throated) in favor of fracking, which is only an issue because it happens to affect a region if a swing state

Dude, saying you are going to transition away from fracking over a long period of time is not speaking out in favor of fracking. It is, in fact, Biden's stated position. And he fucking butchered his delivery of said position.
If anyone has learned the lesson of running to the right in 2016, it’s this guy. He simply knows the playbook. Why get black and Latino votes when you can get Lincoln project pubs? Can’t win Cali twice!

And which Latino votes, exactly, are Dems fretting about right now in Florida? The ones from Cuba and Venezuela. It shouldn't be that hard to convince voters that could make your victory totally assured in Florida that you aren't a socialist hell bent on destroying free markets. Yet somehow Trump has painted Biden somewhat successfully as this. It's literally the only reason he even has a chance to draw an inside straight right now.
And which Latino votes, exactly, are Dems fretting about right now in Florida? The ones from Cuba and Venezuela. It shouldn't be that hard to convince voters that could make your victory totally assured in Florida that you aren't a socialist hell bent on destroying free markets. Yet somehow Trump has painted Biden somewhat successfully as this. It's literally the only reason he even has a chance to draw an inside straight right now.

Trump has succeeded(?) in painting Biden as a radical leftist even though he is likely the furthest right a Democratic candidate has even been because we have learned that a large portion of this country are either idiots or have so little interest in politics that they only pay attention to ads run on TV or the internet. We don't need Biden to move any further right. We don't need him to lie about what his positions are just to get votes. If enough people legitimately vote for Trump to get him a second term, then we deserve whatever we get as a country. It sucks, but if Trump wins, it is time to admit that this country is terribly flawed and may not be salvageable.
And which Latino votes, exactly, are Dems fretting about right now in Florida? The ones from Cuba and Venezuela. It shouldn't be that hard to convince voters that could make your victory totally assured in Florida that you aren't a socialist hell bent on destroying free markets. Yet somehow Trump has painted Biden somewhat successfully as this. It's literally the only reason he even has a chance to draw an inside straight right now.

This is exactly the problem with electoralism. Not only does it make for not picking the best candidates, it turns every Tom, Dick, and DeacMan into Nate Silver or Larry Sabato. Just rattling off random counties in Florida and PA and spitting MSNBC talking points from 2017 David Frum.
Dude, saying you are going to transition away from fracking over a long period of time is not speaking out in favor of fracking. It is, in fact, Biden's stated position. And he fucking butchered his delivery of said position.

Fracking has only existed for like 20 years...these communities that are addicted to fracking jobs could very easily be transitioned to other industries, just like they were transitioned to fracking over the last 20 years. Also, Fuck fracking.
This is exactly the problem with electoralism. Not only does it make for not picking the best candidates, it turns every Tom, Dick, and DeacMan into Nate Silver or Larry Sabato. Just rattling off random counties in Florida and PA and spitting MSNBC talking points from 2017 David Frum.
Progressives use electoralism as a crutch to reconcile their belief that their ideas are super duper popular with the fact that their candidates cannot win except in very highly blue districts.
Fracking has only existed for like 20 years...these communities that are addicted to fracking jobs could very easily be transitioned to other industries, just like they were transitioned to fracking over the last 20 years. Also, Fuck fracking.

It's almost as if you don't actually read the words as written, almost. Again, Biden fucked up the delivery of his message. His actual position is consistent with a long term move away from fracking. I know that. The family whose livelihood depends on fracking and the local economy of his town as well, you better believe they're prone to be scared. So how the fuck you deliver the message matters. And yet somehow Biden couldn't make his actual position clear on debate night.

That's the point. Nothing else.
Progressives use electoralism as a crutch to reconcile their belief that their ideas are super duper popular with the fact that their candidates cannot win except in very highly blue districts.

Correct. Guys like Townie are the reason so many Americans are fucking shitting their pants about whether a clear cut centrist can actually beat Donald J. Trump.