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Official Election Month Thread: COUP falls short, nothing to see here

It's a little weird how we are all waiting for the networks to call this-it's not like it's official, it's just some guy on CNN making a call. I'm guilty of this as well.
Yep. It's shameful that media are so scared of Trump's feelings and threats of violence from the right. Call this thing.

They are all waiting precisely because it removes any narrative from Trump about bias. It also plays out in slow motion just how well the process of counting votes actually works. All these officials from the states coming out and speaking to exactly how they count votes, what votes remain to be counted, why they remain to be counted, how they report outcomes, how they address complaints, etc. It's actually a public service to our democracy IMO for them NOT to call this and to wait while they drive home all these examples of how good the process actually is. They're just slowing letting all the air leak from the Trump balloon.
Nobody wants to call it...what if trump!!!
They are all waiting precisely because it removes any narrative from Trump about bias. It also plays out in slow motion just how well the process of counting votes actually works. All these officials from the states coming out and speaking to exactly how they count votes, what votes remain to be counted, why they remain to be counted, how they report outcomes, how they address complaints, etc. It's actually a public service to our democracy IMO for them NOT to call this and to wait while they drive home all these examples of how good the process actually is. They're just slowing letting all the air leak from the Trump balloon.

That’s cute and all, but they aren’t calling it because it’s more lucrative not to call it. It’s close enough that certainly don’t want to torpedo their credibility by blowing the call, but they aren’t upset about the eyeballs.
They are all waiting precisely because it removes any narrative from Trump about bias. It also plays out in slow motion just how well the process of counting votes actually works. All these officials from the states coming out and speaking to exactly how they count votes, what votes remain to be counted, why they remain to be counted, how they report outcomes, how they address complaints, etc. It's actually a public service to our democracy IMO for them NOT to call this and to wait while they drive home all these examples of how good the process actually is. They're just slowing letting all the air leak from the Trump balloon.

Maybe. But if they think however long they wait to call it will change anything Trump says or does, or the fact that his followers will believe whatever he says or does, then they haven't been paying attention the last four years. Trump is going to put forth whatever narrative he himself believes, no matter what the truth or the facts are.

Trump may be the logical and ultimate result of decades of GOP fearmongering, racial codespeak, and all the rest, but Gingrich was one of the main harbingers of Trumpism, as well as a complete sleazeball and awful human being, even by Trump standards. A total shitstain of a human being. He has a massive ego and desperately wanted to be president himself, so it is nice to see him now as a faded has-been pol who has been reduced to defending Dear Leader on occasional appearances on Fox and an opinion piece or two. He's now nothing but an elderly right-wing hack and a joke, like Rudy. So fitting.
I wonder if it eats at Gingrich that his former district is 10pts blue now and represented by a black woman, I’m going to say yes.
This lawyers press conference is at Four Seasons. Not the hotel, but a landscaping company in Philadelphia, next to an adult book store called Fantasy Island and across the street from a cremation center. Amazing optics.
I wonder if it eats at Gingrich that his former district is 10pts blue now and represented by a black woman, I’m going to say yes.

if he knows that I'm sure it does. Also, pretty sure he doesn't really give a shit about anyone but himself so he may not have any idea. He's on the list of people that have done irreparable harm to this country.

mcconell, Gingrich, Murdoch, Ailes, trump
We won, get fucked you rube fucks. I can’t wait to see the Secret Service drag his sorry ass out of Biden’s White House.
Do we still get a press conference at the garden center between the crematorium and dildo shop?
So what do the numbers say Deacman? Also is it possible I can get an update on the betting market I need more sources from people that don’t understand probabilities and math.