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Official Election Month Thread: COUP falls short, nothing to see here

Hilarious article about betting markets making a ton of money off Trump bettors even after the election.


A few factors might explain the yearlong surge in pro-Trump bets. First, think about the median person who regularly engages in online betting. The stereotype that popped into your brain is probably correct.
“Trump supporters are loud,” Morrow says. “They love Trump in a way that most candidates are not beloved, but they also represent the demographic of a lot of sports bettors. These are people that are 18 to 45, generally white male.”
Also, consider that Trump maintained that he could not lose this election, at least not legally. If he lost, he signaled, he would lean on Republican underlings and judges to flip the result. (He then did the leaning, if not the flipping.) Only a quarter of Republicans, even by December, believed Biden’s win was legitimate. On Tuesday, a day after the Electoral College voted for Biden, people were still backing Trump on PredictIt, a predictions market, meaning anyone who wanted to could make free money betting on Biden.

“If you watched OANN [around or after the election], you’re watching something that you and I would never recognize,” Sherwin says. “It’s just a whole completely different world out there. And there is enough money amongst old, rich, white people that live in that bubble that take advantage of this betting opportunity for two reasons. One, what they feel and what they believe, but two, it’s also a way to kind of stick it to the ‘lamestream media.’ You know what I mean? I think they can be like, Oh, you guys don’t know what you’re talking about, and I think I can profit off of this because you don’t understand the Real America.”
Sherwin’s theory of older, moneyed bettors contradicts Morrow’s view of bettors as mostly young guys. But the two agree that MAGA rhetoric influenced betting market behavior.
Here’s another clue that Trump’s cult of personality inspired abundant irrational betting. For the first few months of the general election, Bovada bettors could toss their money into two different general election markets. One was “Biden against Trump,” the other “the Democratic Party against the Republican Party.”
While Trump got the overwhelming share of the money against Biden, those who bet on a partyput more money on the Democrats.

“People wanted to have a Trump [betting] ticket,” Morrow says. “They didn’t wanna have a ‘Republican Party to win the presidential election’ ticket.”
“People bet on their favorite team, right?” adds Mason. “If you’re a Yankees fan, you’re betting the dang Yankees every night. It helps that they’re great, but there’s a lot of favoritism there. And you see that in political betting, too. You really do. You see people that are betting with their heart.”


“We’ve got people living in two different realities politically, and we’ve got people betting in two different realities,” Sherwin says.

Are the bookmakers totally innocent? Were they baiting Trump supporters all along, milking gullible gamblers for all they were willing to bet?

Not in the beginning. The oddsmakers were living in the same simulation as the rest of us, unable to get Trump supporters to stop betting on their hero (and to stop adding to the sportsbooks’ liability). Both Bovada and BetOnline felt they were conservativewith Trump’s odds, trying to slow down his backers.

“If anything, we were baiting Biden bettors,” Mason says. “We were giving them the discount.”

Only after the election did bookmakers reach the “taking candy from a baby” portion of the proceedings. Mason tweeted the day after the election, when Trump’s odds at BetOnline were +525 and 80 percent of the bets were still coming in on Trump, “Our massive liability continues to grow.”


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Last night was the last night for Shields and Brooks on the news hour. Mark Shields is retiring. I've enjoyed their appearances for a long time and will miss Shields. Not quite as bad as losing Russert like we did but still a loss.
Not as big a loss as Shields and Yarnell was.
This is the same Sydney Powell Trump said wasn't one of his campaign lawyers, right?
Just laying the playbook down for their next authoritarian leader who isn’t a complete fucking toddler that everyone hates. They float this shit now to normalize it so someone competent can run the same plays.
Hey look John Lewis called Trump illegitimate and refused to attend his inauguration so I don't know what you're complaining about
Just laying the playbook down for their next authoritarian leader who isn’t a complete fucking toddler that everyone hates. They float this shit now to normalize it so someone competent can run the same plays.

Yep. I keep seeing people say “The military won’t go along with Trump” or “The military brass won’t participate in a coup.”

That’s not the issue. If 20% of veterans, 30% of police, and thousands of civilians with guns follow a Trump-ordered coup, would the military stop them?
Official Election Month Thread: Pubs foment insurrection

Yep. I keep seeing people say “The military won’t go along with Trump” or “The military brass won’t participate in a coup.”

That’s not the issue. If 20% of veterans, 30% of police, and thousands of civilians with guns follow a Trump-ordered coup, would the military stop them?

Yes, they would. Because if they don’t stop him, Trump will purge them next. They hate him just as much as every other functional American.

I kind of hope he tries something. We need to decapitate this snake and a failed coup would do just that. Would also allow us to round up, lock up and discredit his collaborators. It would also gut the Republican Party.
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Allow us? Sure but we won’t do it. Confederates went to Congress. Watergate conspirators are still hanging around DC. Oliver North is a conservative hero. There’s no will to punish wealthy politicians and their cronies.
That 1:00 mark is rapey AF.

How much of that footage is from before the election?

What’s with the rando dude with the bullhorn yelling at people with a bullhorn from atop a pile of jeans at Costco? That seems an odd inclusion.
What’s with the rando dude with the bullhorn yelling at people with a bullhorn from atop a pile of jeans at Costco? That seems an odd inclusion.

That’s just a passionate Trump supporter, not a nuisance annoying shoppers who are minding their own business.
Passed a dude wearing a trump 2020 face mask on the way out of the grocery store today. Was surprised he 1) had a face mask and 2) ducked his head and moved out of the way of me pushing my cart. The rare beta maga supporter.